MAPS COVID-19 Response: Turning Crisis Into Opportunity
As’salaam alaikum (peace be upon you):

Until the end of 2019, most of us had not even heard of the coronavirus. In just a couple months, it has gone from faraway news to a full-blown global pandemic affecting 157 countries, including the US. Since the first death reported in our country on February 29, there have been at least 3,680 cases and 68 deaths nationwide – 42 of which are here in Washington State. It is hard to believe that was only 2 weeks ago.

This is a fast-evolving, highly transmissible virus whose impact we are feeling in many areas of our lives. How – and when – we respond will make all the difference.

MAPS was founded to support the Muslims of Puget Sound, and serve the wider community. During these trying times, as we place our trust in Allah swt (God), we remain committed to serving you and the community, and are ready to respond to your emergency needs.

In the webcast earlier today, I shared how the MAPS Board, core staff and volunteers have been developing a comprehensive response to the COVID-19 pandemic, based on 4 cornerstones of service. Under these pillars, we have outlined planned actions and support for the community. This pandemic, with its many challenges, is presenting us with an extraordinary opportunity to strengthen our cohesiveness as well as demonstrate what our beautiful faith teaches. With your help, our Muslim community can serve as shining example of how we can come together to help one another and serve humanity in the midst of a public health crisis.

4 Cornerstones of Service

The 4 cornerstones that form the basis of our COVID-19 response are:

1.    Safety & Health
2.    Religious Services
3.    Educational Services
4.    Human & Financial Services

Safety & Health
In compliance with state, county and city health directives and guidance, we are taking recommended proactive steps to protect the health of our community. We are also taking additional steps to inform and educate. These steps include:

  • Cancellation of all in-person events;
  • Limiting the services of our on-site restaurant (catering, delivery, takeout);
  • Maintaining minimal staff for essential services only;
  • Completing a deep cleaning of our entire facility;
  • Daily cleaning of our facility, including sanitation of high touch surfaces (e.g., door handles);
  • Making hand sanitizer available and posting handwashing reminders;
  • Providing disposable mats for sujood (prostration) during prayer;
  • Posting “No handshaking” and maintaining physical distance notices, including during daily prayers; and
  • Publishing a COVID-19 FAQ page on the MAPS website.

Religious Services
We will continue to provide religious and spiritual services to inspire, uplift and keep the community engaged as follows:
  • While we are cancelling Jumuah (Friday congregational services), we are going to provide a Friday afternoon online lecture at 1:00pm for the remainder of March 2020 (please note: you are still required to pray four Rakahs/cycles for Dhuhr prayer at home);
  • Continuing our 5 daily prayers, but only with minimal attendance;
  • Offering Sheikh Joban’s Halaqa (study) and Tafseer classes online;
  • Offering a Muslim Experience Halaqa (study) online at 7:30pm on Fridays; and
  • Providing a new Daily 15-minute Lecture online at 8pm with local and national scholars starting on March 16 through the rest of March 2020. 

Educational Services
We will provide uninterrupted educational services by moving all of the following educational services online:
  • Evening Quran classes for children and adults (Tue, Thu)
  • Friday Quran Program
  • Part-time Hifz Program (Mon, Wed)
  • Sunday School
  • Saturday Quran Class
  • Precious Hearts
  • MAPS Young Professionals Quran Study
  • Quranic Arabic Class
  • MAPS Youth Islamic Studies

Human and Financial Services
To assist those who are adversely impacted by COVID-19, we will provide the following additional humanitarian and financial services through our MAPS Services Programs (MAPS-MCRC, MAPS Al Sadaqa):

  • Increased rental and utility assistance;
  • Increased food assistance, including delivery;
  • Check on senior citizens;
  • Provision of emergency medical needs and supplies to those in need; and
  • Online medical consultation (details to be announced soon).

In addition, we will provide rent relief for MAPS tenants impacted by low attendance at our facility, and wages for full-time and hourly MAPS staff despite reduced work hours until March 31, 2020. 
As you can see, plans are in place to ensure continued programs and services. We also have support structures to keep the community engaged and, more importantly, safe as we weather what will, by expert estimates, likely be more than a passing storm.
If you need assistance during this difficult time, or are wondering how you can help, please check out our website here or call our hotline at 1-888-404-6272 . In addition, to reach our COVID-19 Task Force, you can email .
We are thankful for our vibrant community. It is only by Allah’s grace and mercy – along with your support – that we are able to continue serving as a hub and resource for our community. Now, more than ever, we need you behind us. Now, more than ever, we need to look after and help each other, especially our vulnerable brothers and sisters.
“Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection.”
- Sahih Al-Bukhari
Community is not just a word in Islam. We humbly ask that you rally behind us: please donate generously. Every amount helps. Please answer our Call to Action by contributing your time and resources to assist us in these efforts.

Your donations will allow us to keep offering much-needed lifelines and help cover the costs of keeping the masjid’s many programs running in these extraordinary times. To be able to give is a blessing. Charity is an act of worship. Through the personal sacrifices we make, no matter how small, for the sake of those in need, for the sake of our community, Allah is giving us means to purify our souls. As Muslims, we are fortunate to have our faith guiding us. May Allah reward you abundantly for your kindness and generosity.
Together, we can turn the crisis we are facing into an opportunity – to serve and to shine the light of our faith. With Allah’s will, we will get through this incredible trial and come out stronger. May Allah continue to protect and guide us all. Ameen.
Thank you,
Hyder Ali
MAPS President

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