Dear Friends of StoneBridge,

Crazy, eh??
That’s all I can think of to describe these days. Yet, while this is new to us, it’s not really is it? There have always been times when people felt things were spiraling away from them. World Wars, 9/11, and Y2K, to just name a couple. There are and will always be uncertain times. For those whose hope is in Jesus, He is our one Constant. Jesus says, “Never will I leave you”, “I will be with you always” (Hebrews 13:5; Matthew 28:20). Jesus also said, “I have told you these things so that in me you might have peace. Though in this world you may have trouble, take heart, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).
In 1 John 4:4 he says, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome, because the one in you is greater than the one in the world.” There is great power & encouragement in knowing God’s Word, for it reminds us of what our Father has said, and He will keep His word.

Our World is Different Today
I left for Tennessee a week ago and since that time - WOW! For those who don’t like change, these can be unsettling times. Let me remind you, it’s ok to admit being anxious. God tells us many times to “Fear Not”, recognizing how easy it is to be afraid when things seem unsure. He wants to assure our hearts that He is trustworthy! Jesus is faithful! Plus, if we’re honest, some change can be for the better. It’s possible these changes, while we didn’t ask for them, can help us if we look.
For instance, some of us will be able to get a better grip on our finances. We’ll eat out a less, tighten our financial belts, or maybe look at ways to reduce costs. It’s possible your family will benefit from being together more instead of going in different directions. Some of you will have real and honest conversations. You need to talk about what’s happening. I recently asked my daughter what her concerns were and I learned some things I hadn’t considered.
Make time to connect with others. Be intentional about checking on those you care about. Ask how they are doing. Don’t take each other for granted. The Lord has made us relational people, now is the time to let each other know we’re there for one another. Find ways to connect!

Church Will Be Different
As for StoneBridge, you need to know we’re not cancelling or shutting down. After all, how do you cancel the Body of Christ? How do you close a people? The way God uses us to encourage and reach out to one another is going to look different. Beginning this Sunday (3/22), we’ll be live streaming our service at 10:03am. So grab your family and plan on singing along with the Praise team. Jesus will be able to hear you just fine!
This week Ian Andersen and I will open the Bible and take a look at the practice of prayer, as we continue our series Holy Habits. We hope to have a time to take your questions and interact with you live.
  1. Go to our webpage- and click the WATCH NOW button. This will take you to the StoneBridge YouTube Channel.
  2. Sign up and subscribe to our channel.
  3. Click the “set reminder button" and you’ll be notified just prior to our service starting.
Please continue to give online or mail your giving check. Now would be a great time to set up your giving on a recurring basis. Even if it’s only $5.00, it will help. Make it your purpose to give during these days. Give because you’re still a part of seeing ministry happen in this community. Give because we are still planning VBS and a High School Mission trip in June. Give because we’ve committed to paying our staff and supporting our missionary, Tina Eck on college campuses in Springfield MO.

What else you can expect
Our ministry leaders are fantastic! Throughout the day yesterday and last night we had some great discussions and are taking the following 10 steps to help us stay connected to Christ and to one another. While some previously scheduled meetings like teacher training and women’s game night have been postponed, here’s what we can do:
⦁ Sunday Services will continue at 10:03am, just live streamed for the next 3 weeks. We will continue to monitor National and county directives as we move along.
⦁ Sheri will be sending videos and Bible Study materials for families with children.
⦁ Small Groups will be using technology to get together. Some groups are already leaning into doing Bible Study online and connecting through various apps.
⦁ Every family & student will receive a personal phone call from a ministry leader each week. Please look for these. It’s one way we can catch up, communicate prayer requests and love on each other.
⦁ We are exploring ways to add other Bible Studies or community groups on-line.
⦁ Our staff is here and available if you need to talk with someone. Just give us a call or send us an email .
⦁ Some of our youth and adults may be willing to watch children.
⦁ We are looking for 3-5 adults willing to do shopping for those concerned about getting out, or who should not be getting out. (Please email the office if you are willing to do this)
⦁ Zac is planning to stream youth ministry so students can be connected.
⦁ If you would like someone to visit you and serve Communion with you, please contact the church office.

Pray, pray, pray
Pray for our national, state and local leaders as they continue to make decisions. Pray they would listen to wisdom. Pray that those who know Jesus would be led by His Holy Spirit. Pray that God may have mercy on us and halt the spread of this virus.
I’m praying God would use you to be a shining light in dark times. I pray our Lord may use you to be a calming influence when people are panicked. I pray your influence would grow because God is at work in you and through you as you serve Him, our Only King!

Pastor Mike