June 5 - June 11 2020 / Sivan 13-19 5780  
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Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue
"Justice, justice shall you pursue..." (Deuteronomy 16:20)

Our commandment to pursue justice repeats the word justice (tzedek). Perhaps it is to underscore its importance. And perhaps it is to remind us to pursue justice with justice.

Jews often like to talk. We talk about our families, our texts, our holiday plans, what gives us joy and what keeps us up at night. 

Sometimes it is more important to listen. And for some members of our community, this is one of those times. If we are white people, we must really listen to Black people. 

The articles and resources below were particularly recommended by and/or highlight the voices of Black people. Please listen to these voices and the voices of the Black members of our congregation, of Detroit, and of our country. And then, and only then, act for change. Then repeat.
Black Jews respond to the George Floyd protests, in their own words
Ways Your Congregation Can Act Now for Racial Justice

Pastor Aramis Hinds' video on Facebook

In the past week I have marched, I have donated, I have read, I have watched, I have prayed. I have written and I have spoken about the fundamental truth that Black Lives Matter. All of those actions are important. The most important thing I have done is listen. 

I am listening.
-Rabbi Ariana Silverman & Vadim Avshalumov, IADS President 
Update on Downtown Synagogue Zoom usage for services/programs:

For increased security, we will no longer be sharing Zoom links for services and programs in our newsletter. We will be using a different Zoom link each week, and that link will be used for all services/events happening that weekend (Friday night Shabbat, Saturday morning Shabbat, Tot Shabbat, Havdallah, etc.). The new Zoom link will be posted weekly on our website at 4:30 p.m. on Friday afternoons.

Additionally, if you are joining from a cell phone, please update your name so that we know to let you in.

Thank you for your flexibility and understanding. We look forward to maintaining our community connection in these challenging times.


Virtual Shabbat Services - *Updated Schedules* 
Friday nights
On Friday nights, we will begin at 5:30 p.m. with some check-in time, and then around 6:00 p.m., we will begin Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv. 
On the first Friday night of each month, we will hold a Tot Shabbat service led by Rabbi Silverman and Gavri Yares from 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. We invite you and your young children to join us in song!  
Saturday mornings
On all  first and second Saturday mornings of the month, we will have Torah Study at 9:00 a.m., followed by a worship service at 10:00 a.m.

On all third and fourth Saturday mornings of the month, we will have our Sleep-In Shabbats starting at 10:30 a.m. with Schmooze time, 11:00 a.m. Torah Study, and 12:00 p.m. Mincha service.

On the third Saturday morning of the month, we will hold a Tot Shabbat service  led by Rabbi Silverman and Gavri Yares from 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. We invite you and your young children to join us in song!

Please find the link to this weekend's Shabbat services on our website.

Torah Portion for June 5th and June 6th: Nasso Numbers 4:21-7:89
Community Coffee & Check-in with Rabbi Silverman
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 
Zoom (see below for details)
Rabbi Silverman will be holding open hours to connect, catch-up, and drink some  homemade coffee on  Tuesdays & Thursdays from 11:00 a.m-11:30 a.m.
Tot Shabbat - Evening Service 
Friday, June 5th, 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Zoom (see below for details)
Join us for our monthly Friday evening Tot Shabbat service! Friday night Tot Shabbats will be held on the first Friday of each month. Families and children are welcome to join in for community, prayer, and song led by Gavri Yares.
Please find the link to this weekend's Tot Shabbat service on our website. 
Eden Gardens Community Clean-up 
Sunday, June 7th, 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 
12273 Glenfield Ave, Detroit, MI 48213
Join us this Sunday for a socially distanced community clean-up at Eden Gardens. We ask that you maintain a 6-feet distance at all times, and wear a mask covering your nose and mouth at all times. All ages welcome! 
If you need help setting up Zoom technology, please email us and we will walk you through it. 
Hazon Relief Garden Initiative 
As the immediate repercussions of the Covid-19 crisis take hold in communities around the world, Hazon in Detroit is looking at its neighbors and partners for ways in which we can help those most in need in our community. The coronavirus crisis is presenting an onslaught of challenges too great for anyone to address fully in the short or long-term. However, as a community, we can come together in tangible ways in order to assist our neighbors.

Hazon would like to help you to start a Relief Vegetable Garden!
To help you in this effort Hazon will deliver to you, 2- five gallon buckets worth of compost and seed packets of peas, lettuce and kale that can be sown in cool weather. This is free to whomever is willing to grow a little extra in order to donate to local food pantries. We will also make sure to point participants in the direction of helpful online gardening resources so even the first-time gardener can feel confident getting started.   
If you are interested, please complete this form. 
Technology Buddy 101 
In this age of social distancing, isolation is a critical concern for folks living alone, especially seniors in the community without a working knowledge of the technology we use to stay connected. The Detroit Jewish Coalition, a coalition of Jewish organizations within Detroit City Limits, is looking to offer Technology Buddy 101 support for seniors. We are in need of tech buddies to help coach, mentor, and support.  
Interested in coaching and mentoring? Sign up here.
Lastly, if you or someone you know is technologically-challenged, be on the lookout for a separate sign-up.

Questions? Email Becca Steinman-Degroot.
Community Resources for COVID-19  
The staff and board of the Downtown Synagogue is thinking of ways to support our community's needs right now. If you or a loved one needs help, please let us know- we will endeavor to connect you to services or help you directly. Please reach out to Rabbi Silverman with resource inquiries.

In addition, we are aware of the following community resources:
Unemployment Insurance Agency: Please visit the UIA website to learn about how to file for unemployment.   
Jewish Federation: Please visit the Jewish Federation Coronavirus community resource page which includes support for meal delivery, emergency loans for small businesses, and mental health support. 
Jewish Family Service: Please view this PDF to learn about all local resources, compiled by JFS. Resources include financial assistance, employment services, housing, food assistance, transportation, and much more.  
Yad Ezra: Please visit Yad Ezra's website to learn more about their current food distribution services.  
Pantry Net: Please visit Pantry Net's website to view a local listing of pantries throughout Michigan.   
JHelp: Please visit JHelp's website 
to view resources that may support the local Jewish community.
JHelp Food Delivery Program: JHELP/Kosher Meals on Wheels program is for people over 60 years of age and those with disabilities in the tri-county area who need Kosher food and do not have other options for receiving support with their food needs. The food delivery service is free.

For those who do not qualify for government funding and may be unable to pay the full cost of the meal, costs will be subsidized by the Jewish Federation and our generous donors. Please call 1-833-445-4357 to register for this program. 
City of Detroit: Please visit the City of Detroit's website to learn more about the free meal program/food resources, unemployment benefits, water restart plan, and what actions and precautions are currently being taken to slow the spread of COVID-19. 
CDC: Please visit the Center for Disease Control & Prevention's website to stay up to date on the COVID-19 pandemic.  
2-1-1 United Way: Please visit United Way's website to learn about local support resources being provided to community members.   

Umbrella: Umbrella is coordinating free grocery delivery and medication pick up for Detroit seniors. People 60 and over can either fill out the form here or call them at 844-402-2480 (M-F 9am-6pm) to place an order.

As demand for deliveries increases, they are also seeking volunteers to do the shopping. Volunteers can sign up here. There is no minimum commitment to volunteer - even doing one grocery shop makes a big difference. All deliveries are contactless and hyperlocal.
Call for Mi Shebeirach
During our Shabbat morning worship, we read the names of people in our community who are in need of healing. As we invoke God's blessing, we also become more aware of the people who could use a little extra care. Please let us know if you would like us to read the name of a loved one.



Stay Connected
The Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue
1457 Griswold - Detroit, MI - 48226 - (313) 962-4047