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For Immediate Release
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Contact: Tayleranne Gillespie, 541-554-6631

Today I stand in solidarity with my colleagues to stop bad legislation.

SALEM, Ore. – Representative Greg Barreto (R-Cove) has released the following statement:

“Solidarity is for the good of the order. Today we stand together with the Senate Republicans to stop bad laws from happening to good people. My colleagues and I stand for Oregonians around the state who work hard every day to provide goods and services to each and every one of us. For the poor, the elderly, and all who can't afford another tax and cost of living increase for the sake of a political agenda that does nothing to help the environment.

One of the few tools we have left to fend off this bad legislation is to deny a quorum. The Republicans have asked to allow the good people of this state to have a right to vote on this life changing bill. The majority party has denied you that option with the emergency clauses which prevent a referral to the ballot.

I am skeptical of having a new agency of non-elected bureaucrats, appointed by the Governor, overseeing this program. This, along with the exemption of Oregon’s public records laws that are designed to allow fairness and transparency of critical elements of the bill, makes me ask if this is what most people would call good government. Too many tax dollars have already been spent on programs similar to the BETC boondoggle. Let's not make this same mistake again, Oregonians cannot afford it.

The short session was never intended to undertake massive legislation like SB 1530 and HB 4167.”
