Marty Reflects on COVID-19
Last Call for BEMA Israel 2020
Despite everything closing down and postponing right now, we are still highly optimistic about our full contact trip to Israel for August 2–15. There are only a couple more weeks of registration before we close. If you are interested in coming with us, now is the time!

Be sure to watch the  orientation video  before registering. If you have any questions, please email Marty .
What’s Happening Around the Globe?
BEMA Henderson
This is Ryan.

In August 2019, his sister told him about a new podcast — a podcast right up his alley. He really likes a fresh perspective on the scriptures and his sister recommended the BEMA Podcast.

Ryan started listening and he was drawn into the concepts he was hearing. His views on the creation story were shifting to better understand the poetry of the story. His interest was piqued as he engaged the literary forms of the Text used to paint a picture of the nature of the God of Israel. As soon as he heard the mantra, he decided he was going to own it: “Trust the Story.” He now returns to the idea of trusting the story every time he engages the Word.

Sharing the podcast with friends and family, he has been able to encourage many of them with what he has learned. Seeing the difference it was making in his community, the Groups Director at Ryan’s church encouraged him to start a BEMA discussion group. But his schedule was full — there was no room for this on top of family and other commitments and trying to be everything God called him to be.

Ryan decided to experiment. He didn’t have time to meet with a group in person, but maybe he could do a virtual group. So it started with some talk about what a virtual BEMA discussion group might look like. The more they worked through the idea, the more they liked it. The time commitment is perfect for families (after kids go to bed) and it doesn’t have to go too late. The content was perfect for them to discuss in an online format.

As he is part of a multi-site church, this has been a perfect addition to his life and brings together a diverse group of podrisioners, online rather than in person. He and his group can take what they are learning into their community, trusting the story together as they follow God.
BEMA Henderson Video Call
Brent had a chance to join BEMA Henderson for one of their virtual groups in early February. They were doing this long before it was the cool thing to do!
Marty or Brent may be coming to your neck of the woods. Reach out via the contact button at the bottom of this email and see if there is some time you can meet up with them or attend the event. If more information is available, we will include it below.

But who knows these days, right? Stay home for now and keep this world as safe as we can!

APRIL: Be praying for the Solomons as they seek to buy a home and that Marty can travel

MAY 17–30: BEMA Israel 2020 (low contact) — postponed until later this year!

JUNE: Solomon family moves to Cincinnati, OH

JULY: Solomon family settling into their new home

AUGUST 2–15: BEMA Israel 2020 (full contact)
Published by BEMA Discipleship, in partnership with Impact Campus Ministries.