The Part-Time MBA Association (PTMBAA) represents part-time students at the Smith School, including at Baltimore, D.C., Shady Grove, and online campuses.
You'll receive bi-weekly newsletters from us, with upcoming events, resources, and more. The PTMBAA board members are listed below; contact us with any questions, concerns, or ideas!
President: Christine Thinn
Chief Financial Officer: Jeet Parikh
Chief Marketing & Communications Officer: Mariah Pulver
Chief Special Events Officer: Diana Chaves
Chief Professional Development Officer: Ron Kasl
Chief Diversity Officer: Lexie Liu
Chief Community Development Officer: Jonathan Howar
Vice President, Baltimore Campus: Sean Doughty
Vice President, Shady Grove Campus: John Connelly
Vice President, DC Campus: Ryan Carter
Vice President, Online: Lynze Hagan
Chief of Staff: Hanna Jamei