April 1, 2020
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Waving Palms in an Uncertain Season: Notes in Transition

Dear friends, 

Sometimes we who preach like to help members of our congregations imagine themselves as characters in one biblical story or another. In the changed circumstances of our time, in this season of coronavirus, this Sunday is Palm Sunday. If we were reenacting the story, we would have to see that we practiced social distancing, everyone at least six feet apart as we wait for Jesus.

The psalmist asks, "How can we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?" (137:4). We wonder how we can celebrate Palm Sunday, how we can follow Jesus on the path to the cross, in this time when we are in exile, in exile from our safe and comfortable churches, in exile from one another too.

I have been impressed and stirred by ways you have responded to unprecedented circumstances, setting up YouTube channels for your churches, becoming stars on Facebook Live, going online in multiple ways. I have had the opportunity to sample what some of you are doing; I look forward to experiencing still more.

We remain connected through Salem Presbytery, supporting one another, praying for one another, pointing one another to resources that will sustain us during this time. Even as I was writing this, I received a call from Tricia Dykers Koenig, Associate for Mid-Council Relations in the Office of the General Assembly (OGA), asking how we are doing and assuring us of the prayers our national leaders are offering for us. At the moment she called, I was reviewing a page of resources she has prepared for presbytery leaders. 

I'll mention two particular points:

OGA has revised its counsel regarding the possibility of offering virtual communion as part of an online worship service. You can find the opinion HERE.

The CARES Act ("Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act") passed by Congress and signed by the President last week does make low interest loans available to small business, including churches, to support maintaining payrolls, offering up to two and a half months in loans, at low interest, and eligible for forgiveness. We'll make more information available. The link is HERE.

A webinar is being offered on the topic on Thursday, April 2, at 12:00 EDT. The link to the webinar is HERE.

We follow Jesus to the cross and beyond, even during this season of COVID-19. Let us continue to support one another in prayer and reach out in love as God equips us, through the power of the Holy Spirit and the example Jesus sets. As Paul counsels us in Sunday's epistle, " Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2:5). Even at our computer monitors we can still say, "Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord" (Matt. 26:9). 

Grace and peace!
Steve Scott
Transitional General Presbyter

I want to share again links to keep an eye on. They are being updated, sometimes more than once a week. Let me point out in particular the PCUSA link to resources, to which more is being added, including for online worship:

Online Opportunities for Worship in Salem Presbytery

Rumple Memorial Presbyterian Church, Blowing Rock
Facebook Live, 11:00

First Presbyterian, Burlington
Livestream, 10:00

Springwood Presbyterian, Burlington
Livestream, 11:00

Chapel in the Pines, Chapel Hill
Virtual Worship

Clemmons Presbyterian
YouTube, 10:00

First Presbyterian, Greensboro
Livestream, 10:30

Guilford Park, Greensboro
Facebook Live, 11:00

Sedgefield, Greensboro

Westminster, Greensboro
Livestream, 9:30, 11:00

Bethany Presbyterian, Graham
Zoom Worship, 11:00

First Presbyterian, High Point
Livestream, 11:00

Shallowford Presbyterian, Lewisville
Online Worship

New Hope Church, Lexington

First Presbyterian, Salisbury
Livestream, 10:30

Taylorsville Presbyterian, with neighbors
Facebook Live, 10:00

Mt. Jefferson Presbyterian, with neighbors
Livestream, 9:00

Highland, Winston-Salem
Online Worship, 8:00

Trinity Presbyterian, Winston-Salem
Facebook Live, 11:00
Frontporch Facebook Fellowship
Jill Crainshaw and Sheila Hunter
Thursday, 6:30 pm
The Board of Pensions Is Ready to help in Time of Need

Corona Virus Testing to be covered.

News about COVID-19, the new coronavirus, is everywhere. This is a rapidly evolving situation, so it's important to be prepared for questions from employees about how you are preparing for a potential outbreak and how their medical benefits through the Board of Pensions can support them.

We are continuing to monitor the situation and will provide any additional information as it becomes available.

What the Board is doing:

Effective immediately, all three medical plan options (PPO, EPO, and HDHP) will cover 100 percent of the cost for coronavirus testing - with no deductible, copay, or copayment - when done by a network provider.

In addition, for those enrolled in the PPO or EPO options, all copays when using  Teladoc * will be waived through June 30, 2020. For employees enrolled in the HDHP, the cost for a Teladoc visit is $45. The plan pays 80 percent of the cost after the annual deductible is met. Funds in the employee's health savings account can be used to help pay for these expenses.

If employees have concerns about medication stockpiling, OptumRx is closely monitoring drug supplies and does not expect any delays in filling prescriptions
through mail order or through OptumRx Specialty Pharmacy.

In addition, employees with medical coverage can also contact the  Employee Assistance Program (EAP) * 24/7 for emotional support by calling 866-640-2772 or logging into Cigna's  website . Anyone who lives in the employee's household can also use this free, confidential service.

Actions employers can take:

In addition to  everyday preventive measures , all workplaces should have plans that focus on preparation for an outbreak in their community. Here are things you can do as an employer to help protect the health of your employees and those you serve.

Use materials developed by credible sources, such as your local state and public health departments or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to promote everyday preventive actions. 

Have supplies, including soap, hand sanitizer, tissues, and waste baskets, on hand for your employees, volunteers, and those you serve.

Be prepared for employee absences by identifying critical job functions and positions, and plan for alternative coverage by cross-training employees if needed.

Identify services that might be limited or suspended during an outbreak and find alternatives that will ensure continuity for your community, especially for vulnerable populations you serve.

Establish relationships with community partners and stakeholders, such as the local health department, other community and faith leaders, local businesses, and educational institutions, and collaborate with them on broader efforts.

Postponed CREDO and Board seminars

Out of an abundance of caution, the Board of Pensions has suspended upcoming CREDO conferences through April 15. CREDO faculty and participants have been notified and will receive information as the conferences are rescheduled. All other group seminars through April 15 have been canceled as well. The Board will continue to monitor the situation, evaluate the status of future gatherings after April 1, and continue to provide updates.

We continue to pray for good health and for healing for those who have been impacted.
Thinking About Stewardship in a Season of Pandemic

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I know many of us have read the leadership book Canoeing the Mountains , by Tod Bolsinger.  We feel as if today we are trying to pontoon the glaciers. We are all navigating uncharted waters for church and ministry leadership.  One of the concerns as we preach via Facebook or trying to video our sermons is the receiving of the Offering of Tithes and Gifts. The offering is a vital part of worship and "are gathered as an act of thanksgiving to God." ( Book of Common Worship)
Your Stewardship Committee wants to be a resource for the weeks and months ahead.  
Here are some ideas and resources:
  1. Continue to communicate stewardship and giving with your church. 
  2. Share stories of how you continue to be the church during this time.
  3. Explore your church database features for the ability of online giving.
  4. Encourage congregation members to have their bank send a monthly check.
  5. Set up a benevolence fund to assist those in need. 
Our denomination is also putting out great information.  I found an article "Stewardship in a Pandemic," by Robert Hay, on our Presbyterian Foundation website to be very encouraging and creative.  Check out their page for ways to continue to be the church in a quickly changing landscape. (https://www.presbyterianfoundation.org)
If you have ideas and resources that you would like to share with others on the theme of giving during Pandemic times, please send them to Rev. Kim Priddy (pastorkimspc@gmail.com) or Rev. Kyle Goodman (kyle@alamancechurch.org).  We are all on this journey together.
Peace and blessings, 
Rev. Kim Priddy and Rev. Kyle Goodman
Salem Presbytery Stewardship Committee 
PS- Put on your calendar Generosity Training in September 2020

The Creating a Culture of Generosity workshop will hold its initial meeting in September rather than the May 2nd date originally announced. Please follow the link below to register.

Provided by Church Campaign Services (CCS), this 18-month training process will improve the level, generosity, and financial stewardship among Salem Presbytery congregations and their members. Salem Presbytery's Church Growth and Transformation Committee will subsidize this training so that congregations can participate with a financial commitment of only $500 over two years!! Information and registration for this exciting training process is available at the link below.

Presbyterian Foundation Shares Resources

Olanda Carr, our ministry representative for the Presbyterian Foundation, offers the Foundation's assistance during this challenging season: 

Presbyterian Foundation Resources
Where Two or Three Gather

Sam Marshall, retired general presbyter, has suggested this to the Mississippi church he served years ago and is now serving as occasional pulpit supply: if there's a ban on public gatherings church members might take turns  sitting (no more than 2 members per Sunday - plus one pastor - 14 days without symptoms) each Sunday sitting in sanctuary for half an hour of prayer for the rest of us who can't come - that signup could be handled via email and would fulfill the scripture "wherever two or three are gathered in my name..." so we might be comforted by the real and symbolic presence of members in sacred spaces while at same time maintain social distancing and health guidelines.  Three people scattered around in a big sanctuary should be safe enough. When I went to Cuba with a church mission team years ago, I heard of a couple who, during days when churches were closed, made a point of going to open their church on Sunday mornings, even when it meant they were sitting inside reading the newspaper. 

- Steve Scott
Adapting Worship? Consider Inlighten Films

Scott Galloway, Founder & Executive Producer of Inlighten Films has a new offer:

As we all struggle to adjust to a new world that keeps us apart , InLighten Films can help church leaders bring us together with original, high-quality, Bible-based short films. 
  1. Special 60% Discount for PCUSA Churches: We are offering PCUSA churches the entire Season 1 Catalog - all 38 films for $200. This includes original short films, scripture, discussion questions and bonus extras. You may preview every film in its entirety by clicking on a film and then clicking WATCH TRAILER below the film. 
  2. SHARE ONLINE: Show the InLighten film series as part of your digital worship and Christian education offerings. Share the films through Facebook Live, Zoom, WebX, Go-to-Meeting, Google Drive and any other online group sharing platforms. Films can be downloaded to ensure there are no streaming issues.
Click this link  https://inlightenstream.com/premiere and use the Special Code: PCUSA200

We pray for safety, understanding and peace for all of you in these trying times.
Your Help is Needed! Support Rev. Jeff Smith's D.Min Mini-Project

Dear friends,

I am doing a mini-project as a part of my D. Min. course focused on "non-traditional" ministry.   "Non-Traditional" ministry is defined as any ministry that seeks to reach people where they are within our communities.  "Non-Traditional" ministry is an alternative to the "traditional" programs that the church provides for its members and is meant to be an extension of the church, not seeking to create a new or alternative church.  Your responses will help  provide clarification on how we understand sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in Salem Presbytery.  All responses will remain confidential and if you choose to share your name for any follow up conversation, it will not be shared within the research project or with anyone else.  The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete.  Thank you for your help! Click the link below to access the survey.


Rev. Jeff Smith
First Presbyterian Boone

Click Here to Access Survey
PCUSA Clergy Identification Cards

PCUSA Clergy identification cards have been mailed to the Stated Clerk.  We have generally distributed these cards at a Presbytery meeting or during committee meetings held at the Presbytery office.  In the absence of this means of distributing the cards, please email the Stated Clerk if you need your ID card before we are able to meet again as a group.
Need IT Help?

The IT consultant for Salem Presbytery, Omar Khouri of Tekhne, LLC, is available to help churches set up broadcasting services.  It could be as simple as a laptop, webcam, and free software to broadcast on YouTube.  Cost to the church would be for Omar's time.  If you're interested, you may contact him at the link below.

Help Us Keep Salem's Online Directory Updated

We have been encouraging members of Salem Presbytery, volunteers, and members of our congregations to take advantage of this handy resource, to which you have access through the Salem Presbytery website. As our staff grows smaller, and as fewer are available to answer the phone, you will find this directory easier to use (password = clemmons3950) than calling the presbytery to get phone numbers and email addresses of committee members or others you want to be in touch with. If using a list you received an email that bounces back, check the directory. Please check your own entry to make sure we have accurate information, especially in a time when we have to rely more and more on the telephone and digital communication and have less face-to-face contact. 
Click HERE for the 
2020 Prayer Calendar
April Prayers for:

Ecumenical & Interfaith Task Group
EQUIP Support Team
St. James - Greensboro
Third Creek - Cleveland
Wentworth - Reidsville
Staff of Salem Presbytery
Mission Leaders In Salem Presbytery

Salem Presbytery is compiling a list of "Mission Leaders" in each of our congregations. We seek contact information for mission committee chairs, mission coordinators (staff or volunteer), or those excited about the mission of the church. Click the link below to add your info. 
Add Your Information Here
Become a Peace and Justice Church!

Become and Peace and Justice church! Let your Salem Presbytery Peace and Justice Task Force help, inspire, equip, and send you on a journey. Contact Frank Dew at the link below.
Email Frank Dew
2020 Prayer Calendar

Click the link below for the 2019 Prayer Calendar for Congregations and Ministries of Salem Presbytery.

Other Special Events

Are you hosting a special event *(concert, speaker, training, etc.) at a time OTHER than on Sunday morning worship? Submit your event through the link below to be included on our SPECIAL EVENTS Calendar.

Meeting Calendar Available

Don't forget to use our Calendar of Meetings for planning your 2020 monthly agenda. 

Hunger Action

Become a Hunger Action Congregation! Check the links below for more info.
Church Anniversaries

If your congregation is celebrating a significant anniversary (25, 50, 75, 100, etc.), please let the presbytery office know.
Board of Pensions

Click below for Board Bulletin - Spring 2020

Board Bulletin
Board of Pensions Call to Health

Click the link below to join the Board of Pensions Call to Health.

Board of Pensions Call to Health
PCUSA News and Announcements

Click below for the latest news and announcements from the PCUSA.

Salem Presbytery | PO Box 1753, 3950 Clemmons Rd., Clemmons NC 27012
336.766.3393 | Email | Website