Trinity Trumpet March  2020
In this issue: Holy Week, a message from the Church Council on giving, a message from Roger on Mission, and more...

Palm Sunday April 5 - Picturing Ourselves in the Story of The Betrayer

10:00 AM - Join us with scarf or jacket or colored paper Palm Branch in hand to be part of the virtual procession. Zoom Link below.

Maundy Thursday April 9 - Picturing Ourselves in the Story of The Served

7 PM - Please have a candle or small flashlight with you to participate in the Service of Tenebrae. Zoom Link below.

Good Friday April 10 - Picturing Ourselves in the Story of the Abandoned

12-3:00 PM Time for Individual Meditation. Visit Trinity's Facebook Page or Website for readings and meditational music during these hours.

Easter April 12 - Picturing Ourselves in the Story of The Astounded

10:00 A.M. We will gather at the "Empty Tomb" for our discovery this Easter Sunday. Holy Communion. Please have a roll, loaf of bread you have baked, or a piece of bread and a cup of a beverage you would drink at a dinner meal. 
Zoom link below.

Zoom Link for all three services:

To Dial In by Phone Only: 1 (312) 626-6799    ID 534-284-7861


Our Holy Week will be "different" this year. Imagine the events of the early church. People were off balance. Something wasn't right. There was talk, gossip, disruption, disturbance, then finally celebration, but the word did not get to everyone at the same time.

Do you remember the children's game "telephone"? The first person whispers something to the person next to them, then the next, and by the time the last person says it out loud, it's something very different! Our experience of Holy Week may be something like that. We thought we heard, maybe we got it right... I'll try to pass the message on, but I'm not sure. Some of us have had that experience already trying to use our new virtual worship platform, Zoom!

Being the church in these days has us off balance, not sure if we understood or got all the information, if we dialed the number correctly, if we passed on the link accurately...

In the end, however long it takes, there WILL BE a message of Promise and Hope for all of us.
God's Peace,
Pastor Dale

Continuing to support Trinity in this time of social distancing

Though we are not able to gather as a congregation, the impor tant work of Trinity continues. Since we are not gathering for worship in-person (for the time being), we are missing the opportunity to share our gifts to support our church. Yet the costs of operating the church and supporting our mission continue. We hope that members will continue their planned giving as they are able.

Gifts in the form of paper checks can be mailed directly to the church. As a reminder, our address is:  Trinity United Church of Christ
                                         760 North Avenue
              Deerfield, IL 60015

Alternatively, members who use electronic banking services from their banks may want to consider using those services for gifts to Trinity. The same information shown above can be used to set up Trinity as a "Payee" in those banking services. Some banks require that an "Account ID" be provided when establishing a Payee. If that's the case, either an envelope number or member's last name will generally serve that purpose. Regardless of whether a payment comes with an Account ID or not, we will credit the contribution based on the name of the account holder.

The features of electronic banking vary somewhat across institution. Some services allow customers to schedule regular payments, avoiding the need to make an entry into the system for each contribution. Scheduled payments can generally be changed or halted at any time.

Gifts are gratefully appreciated for both regular contributions and special offerings like the current One Great Hour of Sharing campaign. A gift can be directed to that offering by returning it with the OGHS envelope mailed with the bulletin last week or by simply noting "OGHS" on the memo line of your check or the memo section of your electronic payment.

Thanks in advance for your continued financial support of Trinity. Your gifts will help us carry on.
Scott Peterson

Mission Core
These are most unusual days. Not since the years 1941-1945 have we witnessed the sort of complete shutdown of our national life.
When everything comes to a stop, some of the normally invisible forces in our society surge into visibility. The people who experience homelessness and hunger, who have been "below our radar" suddenly appear at our doors.
From the Divinity School of the University of Chicago internet column "Sightings" of March 30, 2020 comes this powerful insight into our current situation:
" Roxanne Gay , who refused to wish new graduates "good luck" when she gave a commencement speech last year, would certainly say no. She did this because she believes that luck, like hope, "allows us to leave what is possible in the hands of others," when "[w]hat we must really wish for one another is the power of all that might be possible if we do anything more than hope."
The hands Roxanne speaks about are not just hers, they are ours. During these days when our ability to 'go out and do" are so restricted, we must find or create new structures that expand or extend our ability to serve those in need.
Today I am in search of one of those new mechan isms that will deliver unsold, usable produce from a major food chain to the Northern Illinois Food Bank in Waukegan, or to a church kitchen that is providing meals to the PADS sites in Lake County.
Let us give thanks for those who recognize the unmet needs that are right around us, and for the freedom and ability that enables us to respond.
Roger Dart, chair
Mission Core

On Saturday, March 21, 2020 (3-21-2020) Jean and Deb were wed in Holy Matrimony in a private service at Trinity United Church of Christ led by Pastor Dale with Rev. Pam Keckler as the pianist.

This was a long sojourn in their relationship to this point, and certainly not the grand celebration that they had planned. But because of concern for protecting the health of all invited guests including Trinity Members, the large event has been postponed. (This intimate service took place about 2 hours before the Governor declared Illinois under a shelter in place order.)
We offer them our prayers and best wishes, and look forward to celebrating with them at a date in the not too distance future...


At home in Riverside, 16 years...

In transition from Feb 21...  

New Home in Northbrook! March 20, 2020


This event, originally scheduled for May 9th, will be postponed until sometime in the Fall 2020.

Please note that the church office is closed, but Lisa is working from home, and regularly checking Trinity's email: [email protected]

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay home

Trinity UCC | 847-945-5050 | [email protected]  |