In Prov 2 - June 2020
From Province II
Watch for Synod information
The COVID-19 pandemic is making many changes necessary. One of these is the re-planning of the 2021 Synod. It will be necessary to make changes to ordinances prior to that time. Watch for the notices regarding these issues.
Around the Province:
Diocese of Albany
Diocese of Central New York
Creative Youth Resource!
Members of the Cortland community and Grace & Holy Spirit Episcopal/Lutheran Church will gather in support of Black Lives Matter outside the church on Tuesdays at noon throughout the summer. "We have to show we care," says the Rev. Peter Williams.
Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe
Episcopal Church in Cuba
Refugee Day: All Saints Waterloo, June 17- The church as a refuge for all: A prayer service ahead of World Refugee Day 
All Saints Waterloo is hosting a European-wide virtual prayer service on Wednesday 17 June during the week of World Refugee Day. Find out more >
Cuba is planning to welcome tourists with COVID-19 tests and limit their contact with locals as part of a raft of measures designed to get its vital tourism industry back up and running.
Diocese of Haiti
Diocese of Long Island
Coronavirus Update
La Gonâve Haiti Partners is working with other organizations on the island to secure masks and gloves for the staff at Bill Rice Community Health Center. Dr. Saintange Lapointe sends “a thousand thanks” to the many who have donated towards the purchase of PPE. Find out more >
Inspired by the work done by the Garden of St. Francis in Bellmore, our Common Ground garden is a cooperative effort among our two North Fork Churches and Treiber Farms, Episcopal Ministries of Long Island and a host of volunteers from the wider community. We have 32 raised beds in full production - raising vegetables and giving them away. Happy Planting!
Diocese of Newark
Diocese of New Jersey
Christ Church, Teaneck’s food pantry faces an explosion of need - When the food pantry that's now at Christ Church, Teaneck began, even one of its founders admits it got off to a slow start.
“It didn't take off like gangbusters but it did take off to some degree, and we developed a clientele,” said Mary Sue Kaplow of the food pantry she helped launch in the late 1990s at the former St. Mary’s, Ridgefield Park.  Read more >
"Embracing Evangelism" Group Continues Tuesday
Tuesdays @ 7:00 p.m.
Until July 14
Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ? Find out more >
Diocese of New York
Diocese of Rochester
Youth-Led Summer Service Project ~ A physically distant way to serve nursing home residents ~
Beginning the week of Sunday, June 7 and continuing through the summer! The Youth of the Episcopal Diocese of New York invite you to send a card to a resident of a nursing home every week this summer.
 On Monday, June 8th at 1pm, the clergy and leaders from the Monroe and Rochester Districts of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester gathered on the steps of The Episcopal Church of St. Luke and St. Simon Cyrene. The gathering in downtown Rochester was a public witness, reflection, and prayer, in response to the death of George Floyd. Read the statement >
Diocese of the Virgin Islands
The Episcopal Dioceses of Western New York & Northwestern Pennsylvania
Pastoral Message
The Second Sunday after Pentecost; Proper 6 - Sunday 14th June 2020
St. Andrew’s, Buffalo is offering blessing bags (masks, hand sanitizer) to anyone who needs them.
Complete information is on the website
ECW now has e-news! You can sign up to receive the news here:

Provincial Council
President:   T he Rev. Dahn Dean Gandell (Rochester)
Vice-President:  The Rt. Rev. Dr. DeDe Duncan-Probe   (Central New York )
Secretary:  Canon Paul Ambos, Esq.   (NJ)
Treasurer:   Canon Phyllis Jones (NJ)
Provincial Coordinator: Ms. Neva Rae Fox (NJ)
Lay Representative to Executive Council:  Canon Noreen Duncan  (NJ)
Clerical Representative to Provincial Council: The Rev. Johnnie E. Ross (Rochester)
Clerical Representative to Executive Council:  The Rev. Lillian Davis-Wilson (Western New York) 
Lay Representative to Provincial Council:  Yvonne O’Neal   (New York)
Episcopal Representative to Provincial Council:  The Rt. Rev. William H. (“Chip”) Stokes  (New Jersey)
Webmaster, Editor, InProv2  Ms. Jan Paxton  (NJ)
Chair, Synod Planning Committee Dorothy-Jane Connolly  (Albany)