The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day.
—"Old Man's Advice to Youth: 'Never Lose a Holy Curiosity." LIFE Magazine (2 May 1955)  
― Albert Einstein

Rev. Katie's Animas View
Dear Ones,

One of the things keeping me going these difficult days is my friend and colleague's social media postings anonymously reporting her childrens' questions to her. She never posts their faces or names, but takes photos of their family outings, usually walking through some woods, botantical gardens, or simply hanging out in their front yard.

The latest from the 7-year-old is a passion for caterpillars. Something like, "Could we be the caterpillar's family and visit every time we come here?" and a follow up question to the Magic 8 Ball the next day wondering if the caterpillar can come live with them.

We smile as caring adults, sigh as parents searching for the 17th answer to the hundredth question.

I have questions, too, in this time of uncertainty, but I notice my questions tend to bend toward those of fear rather than wonder. My world has become smaller these days, and I tend to worry about just the things infront of me.

Yet I am inspired by a more holy curiosity, a way to wonder about caterpillars, about how naming a horse made of a stick makes it more real and loved. In these days of healing and thanksgiving, my prayer of supplication is to find the amazement in small joys in what I see even in those ordinary miracles.

Transgender Day of Remembrance

UUFD is once again co-hosting this important event. Join members of the community to honor, witness and support trans and non-binary folx in the community and the world. register here in advance for the Friday evening service (6:30pm).

Come Sunday

Setting the Table is the title for Sunday's multigenerational Thanksgiving worship. Bring a special table item to your screen to show. Find the link to join Sunday at 10am via the UUFD website.

Always in the Love,

Rev. Katie
The Rev. Katie Kandarian-Morris