Letter from the President
Hi Team,
What a great first of the year, and I am sure the second half is going to be even better. We are now over 150 members in our full membership, which is the largest yet! We are back to racing and seeing everyone smiling and cheering has been awesome.

Believe it or not, it is almost election time again. The board will need a couple of spots filled, one being the membership director. If you are interested in being on the board, please reach out to me by August 1st ( to express interest or ask any questions.

See more info below on upcoming events and races. We hope to meet, greet and see everyone soon!

Stay healthy and happy!
Melissa Roberts
Please welcome:
Eddy Schneider, Sammie Jo McClusky, David Bowen, Amy DeClue, Laura Cheek, and Kimberly Smith.

Athlete of the Month
Lionel Ava
Say "hi" to Lionel! Lionel is an exceptional athlete with a great attitude every time you see him. He has been at triathlon for two years now, starting with Smiley Sprint as his first triathlon. You better look quickly, because he is super fast and as a goal to qualify for Boston. His best racing tip is, " Start slow and pace smart, go for negative splits if you can. Don’t skip on nutrition and hydration." Great advice! Click on the link to read more on his bucket list items (cool ones for sure)!

If you see Lionel, be sure to congratulate him on being our AOM!

Team News/Events
11- @2pm, Run Clinic with Brandon Hudgins, High Point Athletic Complex
25th- Smiley Sprint Tri
31st- Buckner Mission Man Tri

  • Date TBD:
  • Transition Clinic
  • Tri For Hospice course preview (swim and bike)
14th- High Point Sprint Tri

  • Date TBD:
  • Team meet up
5th- Tri For Hospice
18th- Tour De Chef

  • Open House at Healing Hands with Deandra

  • Open House at Greensboro Sports Performance- Damien

From Chef Keith Gardiner
Southwest Scampi
½ pound peeled & de-veined shrimp
¼ cup diced peppers
¼ cup diced onion
¼ cup diced tomato
1/8 cup chopped cilantro
2 oz olive oil    (1 garlic clove chopped
2 oz white balsamic vinegar
Juice & zest of 1 lime
Angel hair pasta
Softened butter
Sautee shrimp till done & remove from pan, add onions & garlic & cook till translucent.
Add remaining vegetables, cook till tender, add pasta to heat, add remaining ingredients except butter cook 1 minute, stir in butter for richness, season with salt and pepper and serve.
Link to the team store:
Hagan Stone Duathlon- 3/20/21- #tttrocks
Belews Lake Triathlon- 4/24/21-#tttrocks
TriTown Triathlon- 5/08/21- #tttrocks
Smiley Sprint Triathlon- 7/25/21
Buckner Mission Man-7/31/21
High Point Triathlon- 8/14/21
Ridgewood Tri For Hospice- 9/05/21
Nat Greens Revenge- 10/09/21

**Earn points for prizes for participating by racing or volunteering!
TTT Board 2021
President-Melissa Roberts
Vice President-Louisa Raisbeck
Director of Membership-Betsy Miles
Treasurer-Arlene Barbosa
IT Chair-Ricky Currier
Team Events Coordinator, South-Keith Gardiner
Team Events Coordinator, North-Alan Warren
Director of Social Media- Kara Davis
Board Members at Large- Walt Maxwell & Royce Scrivano
Thank you to our wonderful sponsors below.
Please support them like they support us!
Triad Tri Team
Greensboro, North Carolina