Election Results, PUC Update, What We Are Reading, and More!
Election Recap
We were disappointed to hear that Boulder ballot measure 2C to reenter a franchise agreement with Xcel passed, 53% to 47%. 2D, the repurposing of the Utility Occupation Tax, also passed. But we are also undeterred, despite this setback, and our focus continues to be solving the climate crisis, with or without Xcel. Thank you to everyone who displayed signs, wrote to council and news outlets, and supported the campaign!
Colorado Gives Day is Coming!
Colorado Gives Day is on December 8 this year and already accepting scheduled donations. Along with your action and engagement, your financial support helps keep our foot on the (100% renewable electric) pedal. Let's keep driving toward a clean energy future!
Engagement Opportunity:
Regenerative Recovery Coalition Report and Kickoff
The Alliance Center has released the Regenerative Recovery Coalition Report. The culmination of six sessions involving over 200 stakeholders including the Colorado governor's office, the report outlines eight fundamental aspects to a regenerative recovery from the Covid-19 crisis in order to best combat the climate crisis in Colorado going forward. They are:
- Transition Rapidly to Renewable, Distributive, Reliable Energy
- Strengthen and Increase Colorado’s Regenerative Food System
- Provide Equitable Access and Opportunities for All
- Build the Industries and Workforce of the Future
- Invest in Natural and Built Infrastructure
- Build Colorado’s Circular Economy
- Preserve and Strengthen Democratic Institutions
- Leverage Diverse Partnerships to Demonstrate Regeneration in Action
Besides identifying the activities that need to happen in each of these areas, the report addresses possible state agencies to work with, funding considerations, metrics needed, and next steps. If you are interested in finding out more and possibly joining a working group, the coalition's inaugaral meeting is on November 18 from 1-3 pm. You can register HERE.
You can find more information and join their mailing list HERE, and the report can be found HERE.
PUC Updates
The Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has opened an investigation into why the Pueblo Unit 3 coal plant has been shut down since June.
Xcel has filed its Phase II rate case, which requests a 6.65% rate increase for residential customers, which will affect low-income ratepayers the most while reducing rates for large commercial and industrial users.
Colorado Needs an RTO
to Reach its Climate Goals
The next five years will bring a lot of discussion, and hopefully action, about developing a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO). RTOs and their cousins, Independent System Operators (ISOs), are non-profit entities that manage participation and transmission of electricity generation for a region. An RTO requires a lot of investment to develop the markets that electricity generators bid into as well as the infrastructure to efficiently share electricity over the entire region, but besides the ability to share renewable electricity over a much larger area, they can save a lot of money because of that efficiency. Click HERE to see what an RTO could do in Colorado.
Utilities, however, are loath to give up control of access to their transmission lines, which introduces additional challenges to what would already be a complicated process. What they are willing to do, though, and in the process of doing, is join an Energy Imbalance Market (EIM). EIMs are only 10-20% of the cost to start as an RTO, easier to exit, and leave utilities with more control, but the savings and efficiency potential is likewise reduced. Still, it's a step in the right direction.
Related to this is a push by the Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance, a collection of 300 businesses who are trying to decarbonize their operations, to create a more effective wholesale energy market. Part of what they would like to see is an open and level playing field, independent grid governance, and large geographic market footprint, all things an RTO would help provide.
What We Are Reading
Native American Energy Developer to Build Tribal Microgrid with $1.2M California Grant
Indigenous communities continue their long history of stewardship of the Earth by decarbonizing their energy while also increasing their autonomy and standard of living. Click HERE to read more.
Hillsboro In-Pipe Hydroelectric Project completed in Oregon
Innovation comes in many forms, this time from harnessing excess pressure in water pipes to generate electricity. To read more about this innovative solution, click HERE.
Solar Breakthrough Could Be A Game Changer For Energy Efficiency
The breakthrough is thermochromic solar windows, which automatically tint your windows and generate electricity when the sun shines on them. More conventional energy efficient methods, like lighting, can still also have enormous impact, with India saving 40 TWh of electricity yearly by switching to LEDs! More info HERE.
North American oil and gas bankruptcy debt likely to top $100 billion this year
US oil and gas bankruptcies have already reached all time highs this year, and that number is going to increase in the last two months of 2020. Read more HERE.
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