June 28, 2021
Community Updates
COVID-19 Update

We are making incredible progress as a community to combat COVID-19 in our community, though it is still not completely eradicated. To date in Howard County, we’ve had 19,457 cases of COVID-19 and, sadly, 251 deaths. As of 9:00am today, our 7-day average positivity rate is 0.4% and our 7-day average case rate per 100,000 of our population is at 0.8. Our positivity rate continues to trend downwards and is the lowest since we began tracking it. There are currently five COVID-19 patients in both ICU and Acute Care unit.

According to the Maryland Department of Health, 82.5% of Howard County residents 12+ have received at least one dose and 76.9% are fully vaccinated. Howard County continues to lead the state with our incredible vaccination records, but we must not let the work stop there.

Let’s StayCOVIDSafe by getting vaccinated today and encourage family and friends to get their shots too.
Upcoming Vaccine Clinics

The FDA and the CDC approved the Pfizer vaccine for our youth ages 12 to 15. We are pleased to provide our Pfizer vaccine clinics for our youth. Appointments are available on first-come, first-serve basis. All youth under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who should bring a form of identification as a consenting adult.

While appointments are recommended, walk-up is also available while supply lasts. Please note, appointments will confirm that you (or your child) receives a vaccine. Walk-up vaccine is also available for those who previously missed their second dose appointment.

Howard County Living Farm Heritage Museum
12985 MD-144, West Friendship, MD 21794
All Vaccine Types Available 

North Laurel Community Center
9411 Whiskey Bottom Rd., Laurel, MD 20723
All Vaccine Types Available

Howard Community College
4950 Campus Dr., Columbia, MD 21044
All Vaccine Types Available

Heil Plumbing
8177 Mission Rd., Jessup, MD 20794
All Vaccine Types Available

Howard High School
8700 Old Annapolis Rd., Ellicott City, MD 21043
All Vaccine Types Available
**Additional Childhood Immunizations also available**

Ellicott City Farmer's Market, Miller Branch Library
9421 Frederick Rd., Ellicott City, MD 21042
J&J Single Dose (18+) | Moderna (18+)

Howard County Health Department
8930 Stanford Blvd., Columbia, MD 21045
All Vaccine Types Available

2101 MD-97, Cooksville, MD 21723
All Vaccine Types Available

Oakland Mills High School
9410 Kilimanjaro Rd., Columbia, MD 21045
**Additional Childhood Immunizations also available**

Iglesia de Dios de Pentecostal MI
6798 Oak Hall Ln., Columbia, MD 21045
Pfizer (12+)  

For more information, and to register for an appointment, please click here.
A Hometown Hidden Gem

WMAR recently designated Clarksville Commons as one of Howard County's incredible hidden gems where neighbors can gather, shop, entertain and come together. Holly and George Stone had a vision that passionate and committed people can work together to develop inspirational ideas to create new opportunities for growth and environment sustainability, and Clarksville Commons provides just that.

I encourage us all to visit this incredible center and support our local businesses! Read more about their highlight here.
Happy Birthday Roberta!

Last week, we had the chance to help Roberta Manns celebrate her 100th Birthday! Roberta is a descendant of the Native American Cherokee Indians and grew up as one of eight children. She now resides at Lutheran Village at Millers Grant and has three grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. 

We can only imagine how many families, friends, and neighbors Roberta has impacted throughout her many years of life. She said it best herself, she's been "100 years blessed." 

Please join me in wishing Roberta a Happy Birthday, here's to many more!
Honoring our Eagle Scouts

It was an honor to celebrate our Scouts during our Scout Recognition Ceremony for those who have received an Eagle or Summit Award, or the Gold Award.

These emerging leaders exemplify the important tenets of helping others, being prepared and staying self-reliant. They remind us of so much including the importance of seeking challenges, learning from setbacks, and working together to solve problems in our community. As a former Scout, I couldn’t be more proud of our young people.

Thank you all for your dedication to our community, and my sincere congratulations on your impressive accomplishments!
Advancing Early Learning Opportunities

Recently, leaders from around our community gathered to celebrate the grand opening of the Bauder Education Center, an early education program of the Community Action Council of Howard County at the Long Reach Village Center.

The early education program Head Start provides free preschool to eligible 3- to 5-year-olds, and this new location allows for our partners at CAC to double their enrollment from 38 to 79 children. 

For our kids to be ready and successful students, we need to give them a strong foundation. Read more on how early childhood education is an investment in our future.
Preventing Catalytic Converter Theft

Thefts of catalytic converters are on the rise. This part of a vehicle’s exhaust system contains valuable metals and can be removed in less than two minutes. Once stolen, it can cost thousands of dollars to replace and it affects commercial and personal vehicles. 

It's important that we take steps to prevent this crime from taking place. If your catalytic converter has been stolen, please report it to the Howard County Police Department. If the theft is in progress, please call 911.

Read more here.
Addressing the Achievement Gap

As our students and educators closed out the school year, we've renewed our efforts to ensure that every student in Howard County can reap the benefits of our amazing public school system. I was proud to announce $750,000 for HoCo STRIVES in Fiscal Year 2022, an 88% increase over the Fiscal Year 2021 budget, to tackle the achievement gap for Howard County students.

Read more here.
Thanking our Resilient Students

We are so proud of our Howard County classes of 2020 and 2021 who have excelled through incredibly challenging times. To celebrate our graduates, trees were planted at all 12 high schools and small dedication signs were added in front of each tree. 

Trees are a lasting symbol of resilience, which is exactly what our students demonstrated over the year. We wish them all the best on their ongoing accomplishments. 

Thank you to Howard County Recreation and Parks, LiveGreenHoward, Howard County Public School System, and The Community Ecology Institute for their collaboration on this project and bringing it to life.
Getting the Vaccine to our Youth

As we’ve known since the start of this pandemic, it’s going to take all of us working together to get to the other side of this and we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. According to the Maryland Department of Health, 70.1% of residents between the ages of 12 and 17 have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 60.9% are fully vaccinated.

There are many vaccine clinics happening around the County. Find one near you by visiting Let's StayCOVIDSafe and get vaccinated!
Vaccinating Residents 18+

Howard County is currently leading the State with 84% of residents 18+ who have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 78.8% are fully vaccinated, according to the Maryland Department of Health. Howard County is the only jurisdiction in the State to have more than 80% of residents 18+ vaccinated with at least one dose.

We remain committed to ensuring all eligible residents receive the COVID-19 vaccine as quickly, safely, and efficiently as possible and will continue to StayCOVIDSafe by working together.
Government Updates
Department of Community Resources and Services
2021 Parent’s Guide to Howard County Now Available Online
The 2021 edition of DCRS’s Office of Children and Families’ (OCF) Parent's Guide to Howard County is now available online. The Parent's Guide provides easy access to key resources, including quality child care, early learning and behavioral supports for children, and supports for parents to help children pivot from virtual to hybrid learning environments.
To discuss individual needs, parents/guardians are encouraged to contact OCF’s early childhood experts through its CARE line at 410-313-CARE today.
Parent Applicants Sought for Commission for Transitioning Students with Disabilities
Parents, together we can create a community that provides opportunities for self-determination and independence, whether in college or in one’s career, for residents of all abilities. That is why I encourage parents looking to play an integral role in ensuring all our students are ready and successful, to apply to for our Department of Community Resources and Services’ (DCRS) Commission for Transitioning Students with Disabilities. Comprised of 28 members, the Commission is responsible for: advocating for policy on behalf of students with developmental, intellectual and/or physical disabilities; examining current practices and making recommendations on ways to improve postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities; making recommendations that would facilitate successful customized employment and postsecondary education for students exiting the Howard County Public School System; and fostering greater collaboration between the business, academic, non-profit and public sectors to engage in successful initiatives designed to immerse students with disabilities in a work environment and provide important job skills.
To learn more about the Commission, including eligibility requirements and details on how to apply, please click HERE. The DEADLINE to apply is this Wednesday, June 30th.
Office of Emergency Management
Hot Weather Safety Tips
As we continue to enjoy the warm summer months, be sure keep these hot weather safety tips in mind from our Office of Emergency Management. It’s especially important to remember these tips when forecasters are calling for extreme heat or a heat wave.
Extreme heat is a period of high heat and humidity with temperatures above 90 degrees for at least two to three days. Extreme heat can occur quickly, and humidity increases the feeling of heat as measure by a heat index. Whereas a heat wave is a period of abnormally hot weather generally lasting more than two days, occurring with or without high humidity.
During an extreme heat or heat wave event, try to stay inside, stay hydrated and be sure to check in on your surrounding family, friends, and neighbors. If you must head outdoors, be sure to wear loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing, sunscreen and drink plenty of fluids. By properly planning ahead, you can make sure you and your family are able to safely beat the heat!
Department of Fire and Rescue Services
Cast Your Vote Daily to Help Sowell Win the 2021 American Hero Dog Award!
Have you voted yet for Sowell? Sowell is our four-legged co-worker and he’s competing for highest honor in all the canine world, the American Humane's 2021 American Hero Dog award! Our Department of Fire and Rescue Services' (DFRS) accelerant detection canine, Sowell has made it through to the next round of this year’s awards. By casting your vote daily, now through July 15th, you can help us show everyone how great Sowell is and how much he means to DFRS, our community and Maryland.
And in case you need a little convincing on why Sowell deserves this awesome honor, here's a little background information on our furry friend. In 2019, K-9 Sowell met HCDFRS Captain Craig Matthews and they bonded instantly. Since then, Sowell has been hard at work, responding to more than 70 fire scenes (including fatal fires, homicides involving fire and building and vehicle fires) a year across Maryland. With his keen sense of smell (one might say he has the nose for the job), Sowell is able to sniff out a wide variety of ignitable liquids often used to accelerate a fire. Thanks to his scent discrimination abilities, Sowell is able to quickly identify evidence within a few minutes compared to the countless hours his human fire investigator friends would spend digging through fire debris to locate evidence at a fire scene. When not working a scene, you can find Sowell training, making public appearances to raise awareness on fire safety to deter the crime of arson, playing ball or enjoying a good old belly rub.
Howard County Health Department

Request COVID-19 Vaccination Records

Misplaced your COVID-19 Vaccination Card? Never fear! You can easily request your vaccination records the Maryland Department of Health’s “Maryland MyIR” website. Maryland MyIR is a free website service that allows residents to view and print copies of their official vaccination records directly from ImmuNet, Maryland's immunization information system. ImmuNet is used by healthcare providers to securely maintain vaccination records for Maryland residents of all ages.
Department of Planning and Zoning
HoCo By Design New Town Design Session Open House this Thursday
Join our Department of Planning and Zoning's (DPZ) HoCo By Design team this Thursday, July 1st at 2:30 p.m. for its New Town Design Session Open House. Based on feedback the team heard at its May meetings, emerging concepts will be displayed showing how broad concepts discussed in May could be applied to Village Centers, commercial corridors and employment centers. Attendees will also have the opportunity to speak directly with the design team to provide additional feedback about the design concepts for transformative opportunities in Columbia before the concepts are advanced for August. For more information about about HoCo By Design and/or to sign-up for one of six shifts available for Thursday's open house event or for details on how to attend the event virtually, visit
The County's next General Plan, HoCo By Design is a comprehensive long-range plan that establishes the policies on how and where the County will develop and grow in response to evolving economic, environmental and social conditions.
Police Department
Protect Your Property from Burglars by Leaving the Garage Door Down
In response to an increase in reports of people walking into open garages and stealing property, HCPD is reminding residents to NEVER leave your garage door open, even if you are spending time outside and no matter how nice the weather. Thieves are quick and can steal valuable equipment, bicycles and other property in just a matter of minutes. Also, keep in mind, an open garage door can allow thieves access to the inside of your home, particularly if the door leading from your garage to the interior of your house isn’t locked.
In an effort to keep homes and neighborhoods secure, HCPD is offering these five tips to residents.
Keep Your Packages Safe from “Porch Pirates” All Year Long
Reports of “porch pirates,” or thieves who steal packages right off your front doorstep, are all too common not only during the holidays, but all year long. To protect your deliveries from these thieves, HCPD is offering these five tips:
  1. Consider installing a doorbell camera to be notified whenever someone comes to your door.
  2. Track your shipments and try to be home when they are scheduled to arrive. If you won’t be home, ask a trusted neighbor or friend to take the package inside until you get home.
  3. Request that the delivery service leave the package in a less-obvious location, like a side or back door, that can’t be seen from the sidewalk.
  4. Ask your employer if you can have the shipment delivered to your workplace.
  5. As always, report suspicious activity in your neighborhood to HCPD by calling 911 or the non-emergency number at 410-313-2200. One call could help your neighbors from being victimized.
Department of Public Works Construction Report

Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance project(s) that have been announced.
Ellicott City

  • Ilchester Road Sidewalk Extension (Capital Project K-5035) – Project to extend a sidewalk along southbound Ilchester Road between Ilchester Point Court and Wharff Lane. An existing pipe crossing inlet will also be extended to accommodate the new sidewalk and drainage puddling at the intersection of Wharff Lane and Ilchester Road will be corrected. Temporary lane shifts can be expected along southbound Ilchester Road during construction hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The sidewalk in the vicinity of the site will also be closed for the duration of the project. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed within one week.

  • Warwick Way and Birmingham Way Resurfacing – Project to resurface Warwick Way and Birmingham Way. Signs have been posted in the area to alert residents and motorists of the work and flagging operations will be in place as needed. Two-way traffic will be maintained at all times; however, delays can be expected during working hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and on-street parking will be restricted. Additionally, while no driveways or lot entrances will be closed or blocked for an extended period of time, minor disruptions can expected. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by the end of June.
Past Project Updates – Completed
Ellicott City

  • Ellicott City Mile Marker Enhancement (Capital Project J-4245) – Project to protect and enhance the scenic site at historic Mile Marker 14, located at 10329 Baltimore National Pike. The project included landscape enhancement of the existing grassy area surrounding historic Mile Marker 14 with the addition of a circular terrace with a seat wall and a small pavilion.
  • Warfield’s Range Pond Improvements (Capital Project D-119) – Project to improve a stormwater management detention pond near 10544 Hunters Way in the Warfield’s Ridge neighborhood. The pond was graded to increase capacity and to achieve optimal water quality and a failing pipe barrel was lined and the corrugated metal riser replaced with a concrete structure.
Past Project Updates - Completion Date Change

  • Anderson Avenue Water Main (Capital Project W-8303) – Project to replace approximately 1,000 feet of eight-inch water main with a new 12-inch main along Anderson Avenue between Mound Street and Hanover Road. Originally expected to be completed by late June, weather permitting, the project is now expected to be completed by early August.
To learn about DPW projects currently underway, visit Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) “Project Portal” website.
Department of Public Works Bureau of Environmental Services

Holiday Slide Schedule in Effect Week of Independence Day
Don’t forget Howard County, the Independence Day holiday is one of the six holidays that affects County provided curbside trash, recycling, food scraps and yard trim collection. As a result, there will be no Monday collection on July 5th due to the holiday being observed that day. The County's holiday "slide schedule" will therefore be in effect the week of Memorial Day, with Monday's pickup sliding to Tuesday, Tuesday to Wednesday and so forth.
Maryland State Highway Administration
State Begins Roadway Surface Improvement Project on US 1
Last Sunday, June 20th, the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) began a roadway surface improvement work on US 1 between the Little Patuxent River just past Gorman Road, to the Howard/Prince George’s County line just past Columbia Street in Laurel. During overnight work hours, Sunday through Friday, 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. and daytime work hours, Wednesday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., motorists can expect single lane closures on US 1 in the area of the project. Electronic signs, barrels and cones are in place to alert motorists of the work zone and lane closure. Weather permitting, will continue for the next two weeks.
SHA works hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones for our crews as well as our customers. Motorists are reminded to stay alert, focus on driving and, look for reduced speed limits, as well as other driving pattern changes. Drive like you work here and slow down in construction zones.
For more information about this project, click HERE and/or contact SHA at 410-545-0303.
Department of Recreation and Parks
This Year’s July 4th Fireworks Celebration
We are popping with excitement over the return of our Department of Recreation & Parks’ annual July 4th Fireworks celebration at the Columbia Lakefront! As I announced earlier this month, this year’s celebration now also include live entertainment, music and food trucks. With more than 75 percent of our 12 and older population fully vaccinated, we’re getting closer to normal every day and we’re grateful to every resident who has taken the important step of getting vaccinated to protect themselves and their loved ones. Achieving these important vaccine milestones allow us to host summer celebrations and events safely, such as our July 4th Fireworks celebration and I cannot wait to see our community together once again.
To learn more about and for details regarding this year's July 4th event, click HERE. Free public parking for this event will be located at the Mall in Columbia and by the Columbia Lakefront, adjacent to Whole Foods. To protect the grass lawn by the lakefront, we are asking spectators to hold off until 3:00 p.m. on the 4th to lay down any blankets.
July is Park and Recreation Month!

July is the National Recreation and Park Association’s (NRPA) “Park and Recreation Month. All month long, our Department of Recreation & Parks will be celebrating with a variety of fun activities, from Park and Recreation Month Bingo game to Once Upon a Park Story Scavenger Hunt! To learn more about what Recreation & Parks has going on this July, check out its Facebook page this Thursday, July 1st.
You can also find out more information about Park and Recreation Month on NRPA’s website at
Cedar Lane Park East Bridge Closure
Starting next Tuesday, July 6th, the Cedar Lane Park East bridge will be CLOSED as crews begin demolition of the existing structure to make way for a new bridge. Weather permitting, the new bridge is expected to be completed by early August.
“Hooray for Field Hockey” Tournament Champions
CONGRATS SOMD Eliminators (U12), Next Level Blue (U14), Alpha Lime (U16) and Alpha Lime (U19) on taking home the championship wins on June 19th at Recreation and Parks’ Hooray for Hockey Field Hockey tournament at Cedar Lane and Rockburn Branch parks!
Parking Reminder for Blandair Regional Park
Planning an upcoming trip to our Blandair Regional Park? Recreation & Parks is reminding park visitors to ONLY park in designated parking spaces when arriving at the park, playground and other amenities. Additionally, to ensure the safety of all park visitors, Recreation & Parks is also asking park goers to use the pedestrian pathways to travel throughout the park and to stay out of roadways. 
Office of Transportation
RTA to Host Virtual Public Meeting to Discuss Proposed Service Changes
The Regional Transportation Agency of Central Maryland (RTA) is holding a virtual public meeting on Thursday, July 15th, starting at 6:00 p.m., to discuss proposed service changes this fall. The RTA is proposing adjustments and modifications to certain routes in order to improve reliability, expand travel options and service connectivity, and decrease transfer times between core routes. The September 2021 Service Update largely focuses on better utilizing current resources to make more residential and commercial areas accessible to our services, including Catonsville, Beltsville and Muirkirk. Considerable attention has been paid to maintain hourly frequencies in the network where they exist, but to also better time route arrivals and departures from major locations so that connections and transfers are shorter and more dependable. If approved, the proposed changes would take effect on Sunday, September 5, 2021. For more information, including how to attend and/or to submit written testimony, visit