Dear AL Community,
We have completed with success our first week of distance teaching and learning. I am very proud of the amazing work done by our teachers and students. In a very short time our teachers were able to completely change schedules and to embrace online teaching and learning. As we adjust to this difficult situation, I would like to thank our faculty and staff for helping solve some of the challenges we have faced.
Big thank you to:
Teachers that helped students get their things from the lockers: Alix, Liz, Marilyn, Armand, Ousseynou, Ousmane, Nebil, Muriel, Arthur, Ashley, Travis, Laurent, Sekou.
The teachers that handed out work for our Kindergarten and 1st grade classes.
Liz and staff for helping distribute lunch and breakfast to our students.
Roger for handing out chromebooks and hotspots so students can learn and for assisting the parents with technology support.
Custodian crew for keeping our building clean for when we return.
I would also like to thank the parents who joined our very first online meeting via zoom to discuss the distance learning guidelines for students. Besides, I would like to invite all parents to closely partner with the teachers to successfully support our students.
We are sending a huge farewell to Jazz Lane as he moves on to a new position. Thank you to Jazz for his continued support at the Armour Campus and all of Académie Lafayette. We will miss him dearly but we wish him the best!
Have a great weekend!
Elimane Mbengue
Head of School