TO: Towns East OML Member Municipalities
(Mayor, City Manager, Town Administrator, Council-Members & Clerk)
FROM: The Honorable Kim Peterson, OML President
SUBJECT: Call for Nominations for the Towns East OML Board Seat
The Board seat representing Towns East on the OML Board of Directors has become vacant as of June 23, 2021 and is up for election due to Mayor Ray Poland becoming the new OML Vice President. Nominations will be received until Monday, August 2, 2021 and will be presented to the OML Board of Directors at their next meeting.
Any municipal official of any of the OML member municipalities listed in this letter that is interested in this position should submit a letter of interest, resume and a resolution (sample resolution included) from your municipality supporting your nomination to the OML offices, 201 NE 23rd Street, Oklahoma City, OK, 73105 Attention: Nancee Morris or by email Deadline is Monday, August 2, 2021. Contact Nancee Morris at 405-528-7515 with any questions.
Thank you for your interest.