Newman Notes

To receive the 2019 Lenten Reflections,  please sign-up here.

Each year the CSC student leadership board, Catholic Student Union, compiles daily reflections from students, staff and members of the CSC, and they generously share these in booklets and in the form of daily emails. We would be happy to share these with you.


Students  + Community


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LGBTQ + Soul
Day of Service
Confession Marathon
Day of Service
Easter Flowers
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Need a BabySitter?
Kids Activities During Mass
CSC Friends
 website, facebook, and Instagram:

Adoration at the Medical Campus
Wednesdays, 12 PM
Nowhere near the CSC?  Have no fear!  Adoration occurs every Wednesday in the Danforth Chapel on Wash U's Medical Campus.  Please contact Troy for more info, or stop by his office.

Office Hours: Monday 11:30 - 2:00, Wednesday 12:30 - 1:30
Room 114 in McDonnell Sciences Building

Adoration at the CSC
Have you ever been to adoration?
Join us in the CSC Chapel every Wednesday at 8PM.  Be patient, bring scripture, pray the rosary, listen to praise and worship music, and be o.k. with silence.  Please contact Lucas  for more information!

Netflix and Ethics
Monday, March 18th,7:00 - 8:00pm
Every other week we like to kick-back to Netflix and see how the shows of our daily lives spiritually connect.  Maybe for the better, maybe for the worst, or maybe you just want to chill because it's been a long week; it's up to you to decide and hear what others are thinking!  Join us in the CSC Commons and for more information, please contact Cody .


Drexel Dialogues: The Role of Government in Foreign Affairs
Monday, March 25th.  7:30 - 9:30PM

Come join us for this next installment of the CSC's monthly reflection and conversation on Catholic Social Teaching as we explore what the Church says about the role of government in international affairs. Contact Sean ( or (618) 975-3937) for more information.


Ignatian Celebration: Graduate Day of Reflection
When: Saturday, March 30, 10AM - 7PM
Where: the CSC

This event is for Grad Students and Young Professionals (ages 21-39)

During this 9 hour Day of reflection led by Jesuit father Anthony Wieck, we enter into Lent at the halfway point on a journey through the wisdom of Saint Ignatius and how to prepare for the dying and rising of life. Lunch and Dinner are provided. Registration is $10, and for registration or more information, please contact Troy (


Immersion: Spring Undergrad Retreat
When: Friday, April 5 - Saturday April 6
Where: La Salle Retreat Center in Wildwood, MO

Immersed in the theme: Models of Faith, we are exploring what it means to witness God's Love and be present within the identities of Priest, Prophet, and King.
Sign-up here!

We will leave CSC by 5pm, and return to the CSC Sat. night by Midnight
Student Cost: $25
Contact Bryan for participation opportunities:

Contact Liam or Tomek for general questions:


CSC Internship Applications
Spring Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until July 01, 2019

The Intern-in-Service program at the Catholic Student Center at Washington University is a volunteer campus ministry initiative geared towards recent college graduates who seek not only to grow personally, professionally and spiritually, but also to form students intellectually, morally, socially, and spiritually. Click here to learn more.

Please visit the link above to access the application.

Join the 2019 Legacy Class!

Co-chairs of the 2019 Graduate Legacy program, Jess  Kovach and Evan  Nagel, are passionate about giving back and sharing the love they have experienced with the next generation of students.  

If you are graduating this year, please consider joining the Legacy community by committing to one final act of gratitude and service during your undergraduate (or graduate school) experience. For details and questions, please reach out to Jess ( jkovach@ wustl. edu) or Evan ( evan. nagel@ wustl. edu).  If you do choose to make this pledge, the form can be downloaded here:  Graduate Legacy Commitment Form. If nothing else, please pray for the  CSC and appreciate the memories you've made.


Coffee and Lunch with a CSC Intern!
Cody, Patrick, Lucas, and Sarah invite you to coffee or lunch any time during the semester.  Each intern brings their own background and story to their year of service and they are happy to work through any questions on faith and college with you.  If you have not had the opportunity yet to meet in person, feel free to fill out the form! 

Service and Social Justice
T he Catholic Student Center is looking for your help to serve the community and promote social justice. Students, please fill out the following Google Form to get notifications on signing up for volunteering this semester! 



Mass and Soup
Tuesday 3/19 and 3/26.  5:15 - 6:45PM
Friday 3/22 and 3/29.  12:05 - 1:35PM

Celebrate Mass with us, and hang out afterwards for a home-made meal!   Mass starts at 5:15 on Tuesday, and 12:05 on Friday.   Contact Rebecka  (   if you'd like to volunteer  to make soup or dessert, and if you have any questions about Mass, please contact Jim  (

Calling All Soup Makers!
This is a wonderful ministry to the students. If you would like to join our team and make soup once a semester, then p lease contact Rebecka Wyrde at  or (314) 935-9191 ext 270


The RCIA program takes place on Tuesday evenings at 7:00PM at the Catholic Student Center. Please email Jim Dryden for information:

RCIA is a process of study, exploration, faith-sharing, and faith formation with specific liturgical rites for seekers and inquirers. The language used in the RCIA process is that of the early Church formation programs. Catechumens are those people who are seeking full initiation into the Catholic Church through all of the Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Candidates are people who have been baptized in a Christian tradition but are seeking initiation into the Catholic Church through Eucharist and Confirmation.

LGBTQ + Soul
Monday, March 18. 6:30 PM

This ongoing conversation focuses on our personal and spiritual lives from a Catholic perspective. Join us every other Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the living room at the CSC; we welcome new participants!

If you are a member of the LGBTQ community, or if you have a son, daughter, sibling, niece, nephew, friend, etc., who is a member of the LGBTQ community, and you are looking for ways to give and receive support, we invite you to join us.

Please contact Larry G'Sell at, Dianne G'Sell at, or Patrick Mooney at

Day of Service: St. Peter and Paul Men's Shelter
Monday, March 18. 6:00 PM

Join the CSC in serving a meal and having conversations with the men at St. Peter and Paul Men's Shelter. Contact Sean ( or (618) 975-3937) to RSVP or for more information.


Confession Marathon
Tuesday March 26. 2:00PM - 12:00AM

Come thru the CSC for confession all throughout the day! Experience the healing power of reconciliation, and if it's been a while, this is the perfect opportunity to find peace. There will be 3 - 4 priests Priests from all around the Diocese with a screen option at all hours of the day as well as face-to-face options. The priests who come are super confessors and will be willing to have longer conversations than usual during the sacrament.

Day of Service:  Parkway United Church of Christ
Saturday March 30. 8:30AM
Interested in incorporating service into your Lenten resolution?

Partnering with Parkway United Church of Christ, the CSC is encouraging students and community members to get involved Parkway's day of service, Jesus has Left the Building. Contact Sean ( or (618) 975-3937) to RSVP or for more information.


Anyone interested in purchasing an Easter flower ($10) for our altar during the Easter season (in memory of a loved one) please pick up a tag and envelope on the table outside the chapel door and drop it off in the collection basket, slide it under the office door or mail it. All names must be submitted by April 12th to make the Easter program. 

For more info email

Give Your Old Shoes New Life
Feb 1 - March 1
 A member of the CSC community, Rachel Ulbrich, has launched a shoe drive to collect 700 pairs of new or gently used shoes.

Soles4Souls is 
a non-profit social enterprise that creates sustainable jobs and provides relief through the distribution of shoes and clothing around the world. Founded in 2006, the organization has distributed more than 30 million pairs of new and used shoes in 127 countries.

*    Bring your new or used shoes of any kind to the bottom of the staircase leading to the Social Hall and Library at the  Catholic Student Center, 6352 Forsyth Blvd., Clayton, MO 63105
*    For more information, please contact Rachel Ulbrich at

Your Amazon purchase can be a CSC bonus. 

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the Catholic Student Center every time you shop, at no cost and limited hassle.  When you shop at , you'll find the exact same low prices, selection and shopping experience as But, Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to the CSC!  That's basically free money for the CSC by doing what you already do. PLEASE, set us up once and voila!

Need a babysitter for a Weekend Get-Away?babysitter
Contact  Sean ( ) if you're on the search for a reliable baby-sitter!

Kids Activities During Mass?
Kids books, small puzzles, coloring books, and crayons to keep little ones occupied during Mass are in the commons on the bottom shelf of the black credenza.


Building a Strong Community with CSC Friends
The CSC encourages its member to be involved with the community through CSC Friends: a volunteer led engagement opportunity for registered members of the CSC. The objective of this effort is to engage CSC supporters in a variety of experiences which will strengthen both commitment to the mission of the CSC and the sense of community.   If you would like to sign up to receive notifications about CSC Friends or to sign up to volunteer, please fill out this form: