Faithful in All Things
Jesus said, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much” (Luke 16:10). Jesus is saying that a faithful person will handle God’s gifts faithfully regardless of whether they have few or many gifts entrusted to them. What we do with what we have shows our faithfulness.
A faithful person will do the small things well. One day a young man went to a bank to apply for a job. After his interview, he was leaving the bank and happened to notice some small trash on the floor. He picked it up and put it in the waste paper basket. Seconds later, he helped an elderly lady with the door. Unknown to the young man, the man who had interviewed him for the job was observing him. The young man was promptly summoned back and given the job. The employer’s comment: “Anyone who pays attention to the small things as you just did needs to work here.”
Unfortunately, we Christians may incorrectly think that small things aren’t important to God. We may have the attitude that God won’t be concerned with the small amount of money or other gifts that we have been given. In the Bible, God spoke mightily through the little that people had. God used the widow and her two mites to teach us a lesson about sacrificial giving. he used the small amount of flour and oil that the Widow of Zarephath had to demonstrate obedience. Jesus used the loaves and fish of a young boy to reveal how God can magnify a small gift. God commended their faith with small things, and he didn’t overlook what faithful people did with small things.
Through God’s Word, we understand that small things do count. Because we understand our need to be faithful with all things, we should ask ourselves how we are handling the seemingly small things in our lives. Are we handling small things well in our homes, jobs, and churches? Can non-Christians see a difference in us? With God’s help, we can be faithful with ALL that we’ve been given. Through our faithfulness, God will be glorified.
God Bless.