April 3, 2020
Strafford Regional Planning Commission Newsletter
SRPC staffers on a Zoom call meeting. (
SRPC photo
Happy April,
With this week’s rain it seems like the popular rhyme, “April showers bring May flowers” is half fulfilled. Now we just need to wait until May for the flowers, something I’m sure we could all use to brighten our days in this weird "new normal” that we are currently living in. We are thinking about all of you, our partners and friends, during this time and wishing everyone is staying healthy and safe during this difficult period.
Here at SRPC (or really, our respective home offices) we are diving into writing both our regional economic development and transportation plans. Our contract town planners are continuing to provide remote assistance to their communities. And while doing our work remotely, we are continuing to keep you all updated by sharing critical and relevant news via our
, and
In this issue you will find: a link to SRPC’s latest blog, funding available in our ‘Grant Corner’ section, important updates and cancellations, award nomination information for upcoming yearly award ceremonies, staff updates, a way to participate in Placework’s Wildly Improbable Goal campaign, important news you may have missed about Census 2020, holding virtual public meetings, and community happenings.
Until Next Month,
Shayna Sylvia
SRPC's Latest Blog Post: COVID-19 Business Resources
Grant Corner
Important Updates and Cancellations
Award Nominations Now Open
Staff Updates
Placework's Wildly Improbable Goals
In Case You Missed It
Community Happenings
SRPC staffers met with partners from Greater Seacoast Community Health in early March to discuss a grant proposal. (
SRPC photo)
Senior Transportation Planner Colin Lentz practices Tai Chi as part of SRPC's March Madness Wellness Challenge. (
SRPC photo)
Shayna Sylvia, communication's and outreach planner's new work from home "office" (
SRPC Photo)
SRPC's most recent blog post, "
Resources For NH' Businesses During the COVID-19 Pandemic
", is now live. This blog is directed towards local businesses and highlights important resources for them to use and access during the COVID-19 pandemic including operating tips, weekly virtual business to business discussion sessions, and more information on assistance.
The post also provides information on available Small Business Administration loan information, eligibility, and application instructions.
NH Innovation Research Center (NHRIC) -
LOI Due Apr. 6 at 5 p.m.
NH Innovation Research Center (NHRIC)
is now accepting proposals for partnership projects between NH-based companies and colleges or universities in the state. The goal of the NHIRC is to foster innovation within New Hampshire by helping businesses develop new products and processes, which help increase competitiveness, create jobs in the state, and strengthen the economy.
Letters of intent
for this grant program are due Monday, Apr. 6 at 5 p.m., and entail a simple one-page letter on official letterhead. The letter must address the r
esearch concept, the field of technology, the commercial outcome of the project, and anticipated impact on ability to create new jobs.
If you need assistance identifying a partner, note that in the letter of intent and NHRIC will assist the business with this, if chosen. LOIs should be emailed to
This program has the capacity to provide up to $125,000 in matched funds for collaborative research and development projects. It is important to note that
financing is contingent upon funding by the New Hampshire state government and is subject to change at any time without prior notice.
Contracts are to be finalized mid-August with work beginning thereafter.
NH Recreational Trails Program - Due Jun. 19 at 4 p.m.
The NH Recreational Trails Program (RTP) application for the 2021 fiscal year funding round is now available.
The RTP is a competitive grant program that offers funding for quality public trail projects throughout New Hampshire. Limited grants are available for motorized, non-motorized and diversified trails.
Eligible projects include:
- maintenance and restoration of existing trails
- development and rehabilitation of trailside and trailhead facilities and trail linkages.
- purchase and lease of trail construction and maintenance equipment
- construction of new trails
- educational projects for trail safety and/or environmental education
Applicants may be non-profit organizations, private groups or government entities.
Applications are due on Jun. 19 at 4 p.m. Two copies must be submitted, the
original hardcopy plus one electronic or hard copy.
NH Charitable Foundation's Community Crisis Action Fund
In response to COVID-19, the NH Charitable Foundation (NHCF) is creating a Community Crisis Action Fund. When fully implemented, this funding source will support a strategic response to the COVID-19 pandemic through:
- Immediate unrestricted grants – These grants will be offered to nonprofits working on the front lines to reduce the pain and hardship from COVID-19 for our most vulnerable neighbors, Examples provided by the NHCF include food for hungry kids and seniors, shelter for homeless people and families, transportation, and other types of assistance needed.
- Strategic grants- These grants will help reduce the longer-term impact of COVID-19 on critical systems such as health care, emergency response, child care and food security. The focus for these grant will be on marginalized children and families. These grants will be able to complement and amplify other funding sources, including public appropriations.
- Support for local emergency funds - NHCF Community Crisis Action Fund monies will be support funding being set up by United Ways and other grassroots funders to get assistance directly to individuals and families who need it most.
NHCF anticipates making a first round of grants available in the coming weeks. Visit the
NHCF web page
to donate, learn more, or read program FAQs.
Important Updates & Cancellations
New Hampshire Employment Security Scam Alert Related to COVID-19
Attorney General Gordon J. MacDonald and New Hampshire Employment Security Commissioner George Copadis issued a news release on Friday, Apr. 3 urging New Hampshire citizens to practice increased vigilance when asked to provide personal information over the telephone or via email by entities claiming to provide unemployment benefits as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.
The release explained that, "While we have not yet seen a specific case in New Hampshire, we know that government benefits are an attractive target for scammers and want people to be prepared to prevent themselves from falling victim to this type of scam."
Helpful tips for what to look for were noted in the release, and can be viewed online
COAST Bus Cancels Service Until May 4
On Tuesday, Mar. 31 Coast Bus announced its difficult decision to suspend all fixed route service, and Route 7 On Demand. The suspension of service will remain in place until May 4 and may be extended if the pandemic conditions warrant.
Fixed route services include: Route 1, Route 2, Route 6, Route 33, Route 40, Route 41, Route 41cc, Route 100, Route 101 and Route 103. Additionally, this suspension includes Route 7 On Demand.
Executive Director of COAST, Rad Nichols shared, "Our organization is extremely saddened with the decision that had to be made, but it is the best for the safety and health of our employees and passengers."
COAST will continue to operate paratransit services for those individuals who qualify under the various programs of this type that COAST operates (ADA, Portsmouth Senior Transportation, Community Rides, and accessible rides for Ready Rides).
Future updates on COAST operations will be communicated through
social media
, DoubleMap app, on the
COAST website
, and through the media.
CANCELLED: Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association Annual Conference
The Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association (NNECAPA) made the difficult decision to cancel its 2020 annual conference scheduled for October, due to uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The conference has been rescheduled at the same location, the Hilton in Burlington, VT for Oct 13-15, 2021.
On the its website, NNECAPA officers thanked the more than 60 individuals and groups that submitted a session proposal, and their early sponsors for their commitments to the conference! The 2020 Planning Conference Host Committee will continue to work to provide continuing education and professional development in place of the conference, and will be
contacting those who submitted a session description and the sponsors who have already signed up about plans to either incorporate their contributions into the fall online offerings, or to defer them to the 2020/2021 Northern New England Planning Conference.
And the award goes to....
Multiple entities have opened nominations for their annual awards. Below are several relevant to the planning field.
NH Planner's Association
The NH Planner's Association (NHPA) has extended their original nomination deadline for their annual awards by a month. Awards are given in the following categories, citizen planner, professional planner, project and plan.
Criteria for the nominations can be found
, along with the nomination form.
NHPA hopes to present these awards in late summer or early fall.
Stay Work Play Rising Star Awards
Stay Work Play is partnering with New Hampshire Public Radio for the rising stars awards. These awards "c
elebrate and recognize New Hampshire’s remarkable young people and the businesses that go the extra mile to recruit and retain them."
The seven awards include: "Civic Leader of the Year", "The College Student of the Year Award", "The Coolest Company for Young Professionals Award", "The High School Student of the Year Award", "The Intern of the Year Award", "The Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award" and "The Young Professional of the Year Award".
Nominations must be submitted by May 29. The Rising Star Awards event is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 15 at the Currier Museum of Art.
You can find the online nominations submission form on
Stay Work Play's website
, where you can also view a list of past winners.
Working From Home Update
SRPC staffers have been adjusting to the new normal of working from home. Every Monday SRPC staff have a zoom meeting to discuss work tasks and check in with each other. Zoom and Microsoft Teams have been integral tools in allowing staff to easily meet, chat, and stay connected. As a reminder, we are all available by email and are still working at full capacity.
March Madness Fitness Challenge
Over the course of the first two weeks in March many staffers participated in a March Madness fitness challenge. The challenge included a bracket with different workout options to pick from, and then narrowed over the course of the week, while also increasing in intensity.
It was a great wellness challenge mixing physical and mental exercises, like mindful breathing, and wall sits (demonstrated by principal planner Kyle Pimental and Buffett, pictured to the right)!
To view other photos and videos from the challenge (like senior transportation planner Colin Lentz doing Tai Chi, or a video from communications and outreach planner, Shayna Sylvia planking) visit
our Instagram
Placework's Wildly Improbable Goals Campaign
Placework is an architecture firm where they consider architectural as a social act. On their Facebook page Placework shares that "Design empowers us with the opportunity and responsibility to actively support more equitable, resilient, and beautiful places."
Placework has been working on a campaign over the past year, entitled Wildly Improbable Goals.
“Wildly Improbable Goals” is a tool created by sociologist Martha Beck to encourage people to achieve extraordinary things by being open to goals that seem nearly impossible. Improbable, you might say.
Placeworks has been compiling these WIGs through outreach at conferences around New England and via social media.
They are looking for more and are encouraging people to
exercise their collective imagination for the region, to answer the questions, what are your wildly improbable goals for New England?
Especially during this time of social distancing they are looking for ideas - asking for people to s
hare with them, in the present tense, what they are working towards for 2035 or beyond.
Learn more about Placework
April 1 was Census Day!
In case you missed it (and not this wasn't an April Fool's joke) April 1 was Census Day.
The 2020 Census has been live since Mar. 12, and citizens are required by law to enumerate themselves.
You can take the survey
, wait for a paper questionnaire to come in the mail or by call 1-844-330-2020 if you need assistance.
Taking the census is so important as it informs where over $675 billion is distributed each year to communities nationwide for clinics, schools, roads, and more.
For those curious on completed census statistics, New Hampshire has a 39% self-response rate as of Apr. 1. The national response rate is at 41.3%. To view all response rates visit:
Guidance on Virtual Meetings
In last week's "
Just the Pieces
" weekly update from SRPC we shared information on emergency orders impacting public meetings in the state.
On Mar. 23, Governor Chris Sununu enacted
Emergency Order #12
Pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04, allowing public meetings to occur digitally without the requirement of a physical meeting location.
Emergency Order #16
, issued the same day, formally enacts a prohibition of all scheduled gatherings of 10 or more people.
The State Department of Justice issued a
memorandum on Mar. 31
, which provides guidance on how to “hold emergency meetings in light of Executive Order 2020-04 (declaring a State of Emergency) and Emergency Order #12 (temporarily modifying public access under RSA Chapter 91-A). It sets forth specific procedures that must be followed during the State of Emergency.”
This document in useful in ensuring the correct language is used in the meeting and in the minutes to document the reasoning begin holding virtual public meetings.
In place of the normal community happenings section, check out some virtual activities you can take part in during the State's Stay at Home order.
Explore Moose Mountains Coloring Contest
Entries due Apr. 5
Moose, NH
is hosting a coloring contest open to all ages. Coloring pages must be scanned or photographed and emailed to
exploremoosemountains@gmail.com by Apr. 5 at midnight.
Free Virtual Yoga Classes
Bending Bodhi
Bending Bodhi, a yoga studio in Downtown Dover, is now offering free periodic online classes via
live and recorded and posted on its
Youtube channel
BANFF Outdoor Film Festival Selections Online
Selections from the outdoor-themed BANFF Film Festival are now available to stream for free
. The BANFF Centre For Arts and Creativity decided to do this as the COVID 19 pandemic has created extraordinary circumstances around the world and many of our World Tour screenings have been postponed or canceled.
These films available were all finalists in the 2019 and 2018 festival in Banff, Alberta.