Central Matters Begins Sunday, September 8!!!
Central Matters is a 6-week class that meets during the Sunday school hour (9 a.m. to 10 a.m.) at Central Baptist Church. It is designed to introduce Central Baptist Church to our guests, new members, and old members alike. All are welcome to attend!

Please join us in the pastor's office which is located in the office suite off the back of the main foyer behind the "Ministry Booth" counter.

We hope you will come and be a part of Central Matters! Sign up here!
Central U Begins this Sunday, September 8!!! CLICK HERE to learn about classes being offered and to register!
Viri Dei - Wednesday Morning Men's Group
 Beginning October 2, we will start a new study of John Stott's best-selling book, The  Cross of Christ. This classic consideration of the work of Christ on the cross will inspire you as you seek to follow Jesus day by day!
Viri Dei meets at 6 a.m. on Wednesday mornings at Central Baptist Church.