Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"...When it comes to deciding whether a sperm donor should pay child support, a judge should follow the paternity laws of the state where the child is conceived, a North Carolina appeals court ruled this week..."
"...However, when men advocate for children’s mental health, Sobowale said it destigmatizes negative perceptions about mental health, as well as models that fathers have a role in their child’s development..."
"... Aside from the mental and emotional issues you may be facing, mixing divorce and children also means you need to come up with custody and visitation rights as well as a reasonable financial agreement..."
"...Adult children of divorcing parents report feeling fear, anger, worry, confusion, and grief after learning about their parents' split. They question the very foundation of their identity, and if their parents waited to separate just until they were out of the house, many wonder if their entire lives were based on a lie..."
"... Every scenario was on the table so it’d be as perfect as possible because I knew what they didn’t yet: my new love would be in their lives from here on out..."
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Family Reunion | 661-829-6847 | [email protected] |
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