! ! March Madness At BodyFit ! !

The time is here! March means stepping up your workout game and challenging YOURSELF new levels of fitness. This can mean anything...trying new classes, adding another class into your workout regime, bringing a friend etc. The options are endless!

Here’s how it works: sign your name up on the board and for every class attended (both studios included) give yourself a star ⭐️

At the end of the month we count them, it’s that simple!

This year we are switching up our prizes...

Attend 15+ classes and win a duet with your friend, partner, fav workout buddy. Yes, this means ALL of you can win!

1st: $150 Carbon 38 GC

2nd: $100 Carbon 38 GC

3rd: $75 Carbon 38 GC

Let’s Keep BodyFit Clean...Together

Let’s be real, germs are flying left and right and none of us want any part of it. Let’s remember to wipe off ALL our props, maybe stay at home if we are feeling under the weather, put a towel between our body and the mat...

Just a basic reminder. We have a lot of traffic coming through the studio so we want to be sure we are all doing our part.

We SO appreciate it!!!

See you at the studio!

T & A
