the daily Breeze
Friday, April 3, 2020 | Issue 10
Sensory Chalk Walk with Your Mascot
We're all feeling s little cooped up, but the weather has been nice, so as long as you are able to play safely, consider a sensory walk! Gabby and Rickessa share their walk which you can follow along in this video.
How is your mascot friend coming along? We hope you'll join in & share your fun with us via photo or video! We'll introduce more friends next week. Let's make it a great day!
AutismUp's 30 Day Fitness Fun Challenge
Core | Flexibility | Strength | Cardio | Fun
It's Friday Fun Day!

Complete our Fitness Fun Challenge work out video #3 by creating your own exercise dice and rolling with it!

Nancy explains in the video below.
Find Your Fitness Comfort Level

Visit Fitness Blender and access free workout videos for all levels, plus information on staying healthy.

Need to really get some energy out and physical exertion, check out this 25 minute high energy workout session and model other kids.
...and, coming up...
Final Day | Art Contest
Submit Your Virtual City!
Build your own city using any materials you wish. Submit to Craig at , by 5PM Friday.
Music on Monday
4/6, 1-1:45 PM
Join Victoria on Facebook Live next Monday for another jam session! Musicians will need a water bottle or a small plastic container with a lid filled with beans, rice, lentils, or popcorn kernels to make a shaker. If you missed last week, click on the link above for the video!
Do You Need Help?
Together, We'll #FlyStrong
The AU Online Store is Open For Business!
Get your spirit wear and awareness month gear shipped directly to you. Enjoy 10% off in April!
Can't wait to get out and go for a hike? Neither can we! Let's help our friends get the word out about the Autism Nature Trail at Letchworth State Park with a vote to have a Cellino Plumbing truck wrapped with trail information.
Music Mondays | Arts & Crafts Tuesdays | Social Skills & Readiness Skills Wednesdays
Problem Solving & Experimental Activity Thursdays | Fitness Fridays

We want to help you keep up on sensory, social, readiness and fitness skills while you can't be in programs at AutismUp, so we'll be sharing a daily activity, link, app, or video for you to try while you're home! Daily activities will vary and will be applicable to a broad range of age groups. We hope you will all find something you'd like to try! Let us know what's working and how things are going!