Eric Adams
Greetings MAPsters and MAP families! I wanted to reach out to you guys and see how everyone is doing and let you know that I am thinking of you guys each and every day during this difficult time. Your positive emails to myself and fellow teachers are very much appreciated and it’s nice to know you are missing us as much as we are missing you! 

I hope that you are all making the most of this time and staying busy and healthy. I know it isn’t easy but before you know it we will all be together again. 

What have I been up to during this quarantine? Well I’ve actually been quite busy believe it or not. In exactly one month from today (May 1st) my wife and I will be welcoming our new baby boy into the world. We are very excited and busy preparing for his arrival. Baby and Mom are both very healthy, he’s tracking to be about 9lbs! We have not settled definitely on a name but have a few in mind. We are going to wait until we see him to decide. So we are still open to suggestions so feel free to email with any recommendations! Covid Adams??

Also at this time we are in the process of moving from Norton to Mansfield. We should be completely moved out of our current home by next week but unfortunately won’t be able to put our house up for sale for a month or so. So that’s been a nice distraction as I’ve been kept busy with all the things associated with moving and setting up a new house for the baby. 
Any free time other than that has been spent riding my motorcycle, playing basketball (alone), taking long walks with my dog, and crashing my wife’s Zoom meetings while wearing goofy masks. 

Please know that all of you are in my thoughts and I very much miss seeing you all each day. Keep your head up and keep smiling. 

Eric J. Adams

Leah Gilbode
During my Corona-cation I have been enjoying all-day nature walks and hikes with my ever expanding dog family! Brady, a sled dog/boxer mix from Alaska has been fun to watch as he explores our much less snowy terrain! My Yorkie, Lou, was in desperate need of some grooming so, with a little help from my mom, brother and best friend I tackled the difficult task of cleaning him up! If you ever find yourself in the South East, I really recommend the trails of the Freetown/Fall River state forest or even Profile Rock, they are pretty magical! Just wear your waterproof boots!
I have also begun learning to crochet because I achieved my major knitting goals and am experimenting with embroidery because, well, why not? 

It has been challenging not to be able to visit my best friends (who live within walking distance) because they have had to deal with exposure to the virus due to the nature of their work. We have found ways around it and are still continuing our weekly movie nights via WebEx and Netflix Party! I hope everyone else is also finding ways to stay connected and spread some kindness! 

Nicole Kniffen
Hi Everyone!
I have been finding ways to be active and creative in New Orleans. The weather has been nice so I've been running a lot to get out of the house. I like to stay positive by drawing quotes on my front walkway, it's nice to see people smile when they walk by. I'm also working on lots of drawings and paintings, including a whole collection of my friends silly selfies. I'm also spending lots of time with my guinea pigs, video calling family and friends, and learning how to cook some new recipes (like "Loquat Upside Down Cake" and handcut french fries!)

Tom Carlisle
Hi MAPsters!
I have been reading a lot. I luckily picked up a big book on Beethoven just before we were all stuck inside. Like so many other people I have a newfound love for walking. There is so much more time to enjoy the scenery when compared to driving. I have been learning to use a computer program to make music and hope to compose a large work when I can figure it out! Other than that I have been playing with my dog and watching a lot of tv and movies. I miss MAP and the kids and can't wait to get back and play with them, they really help me keep in shape!


Desiree Ladd
Hello MAPsters!
First let me say that I miss you all SOOO much! I hope you are doing your best to adjust to this new normal, I know it’s not easy. Please just know that each and every one of you (and your families) are in my thoughts and I am sending lots of good vibes your way!!!  
That first week at our house was a free-for-all MESS. Since then we have come up with a not-too-rigid daily schedule to manage school work, chores, special home improvement projects, meal & snack times, family time and free time. Most recently I started to sort and organize all my arts and crafts supplies. Then the whole family started to empty our storage unit so I can sort through all of that stuff. Yikes! Our house now looks like the kind you see on those hoarding shows on TV. [insert sad face here] The fun part of this process is all the memories we’ve been uncovering.
Miss You,

Hello MAP families,
I’m sure everyone is doing a great job at social distancing and washing hands at this point. While being at home, I have done quite a bit of baking and challenged myself to make macaroons. They came out delicious and would definitely recommend giving them a try! I have also taken this time to do some pre-spring cleaning and organizing, which if you know me, this is something I love to do. While doing so, I decided to revamp ordinary items in my house (like the crate shown) and will hopefully continue to DIY and upcycle more. I’m still in school so I’m continuing to take classes online and have used the mornings to get back into shape. In short, I am taking this time to do more of what I enjoy, trying new things, and spending time with family. I hope everyone is taking these times to focus on what is most important. You are GREATLY missed and we hope to see you soon!

Maddie Hollis
Hey MAPsters!
It feels like it's been forever since I've seen you guys. I miss you all so much. Hopefully you all are being safe and enjoying some quality quarantine time with your families
Before the shutdown, I was able to drive down to Florida with Gizmo, my sister, and my sister's two dogs, to be with my own family. It was a long trip, but I made it safe and sound! Now that I'm in Florida, I'm surrounded by a total of six dogs. Yes, SIX dogs! I don't have many photos of myself, but I do have plenty of photos of the dogs. 
Did I mention one of the six dogs is a puppy?
There is Roo and she has a sister named Olive. Roo has been spending the majority of her time playing with Olive or sunbathing. It must feel like a little puppy vacation for her. Gizmo was a Florida dog before I rescued him, and now he's more than happy being back in his natural habitat! 
My parent's dog, Goldie, loves having the company around! She has a huge smile on her face all the time!
Sophie, also known as our "Old Lady" since she's the oldest of the pack, isn't too appreciative of the ruckus the puppy brings, but is still happy to have us around!
And finally Bella, or as we like to call the "Fun Police" because she always barks at whoever is playing nearby, enjoys having her human family around more than her dog family. Either way, she's very happy, and has been joining me on many afternoon naps. 
Even though this dog haven is everything I could have hoped for, I still don't have anyone to play Magic the Gathering with. I tried teaching the puppy how to play, but she kept on trying to eat the cards. 
I hope all of you are happy and healthy up north! Hopefully when this is all over, I can show more puppy pictures and videos I have piling up. See you guys soon!

Kurt Jackson
Hi Folks!
I hope you are all doing okay with all of the many changes life has brought us in the past few weeks.My family and I have been taking lots of walks in our neighborhood, playing board games, completing puzzles and cooking for one another. This has been a great opportunity to enjoy spending quality time together. Jordan also had her 11th birthday on March 24th. Some friends stopped in our driveway to say hello.
In addition, I have been teaching virtual art classes and making some silly videos to post on MAP's Facebook page. I have also recorded "My Hero" story at Medfield Tv so keep an eye out for that.
The teachers have been doing a lot of texting and emailing to keep in touch. We have decided to meet each Friday afternoon using Zoom. We have a theme each time we meet and we look forward to having them. The one thing that we all agree on is how much we miss being at MAP with our awesome MAPsters and their families. I hope you are taking advantage of this time to do something creative and positive with your family. Our community can sure use it right now.
Miss you all sooooo much and hope to see you soon.
Stay positive and healthy!

Links to Projects and Activities This is a link to a very cool music app that you can have fun mixing beats and sounds to make music from Tom
Enjoy! This is a Youtube post by Nicole of a cool selfie project from Nicole.

A cool finger knitting project suggested by Leah.

Go to our Facebook page for more MAP Teacher approved activities.