GreenMatter News
September 6, 2019
Regional Reports
Quebec Report
Quebec has had a mix bag of conditions this year. There was a band of ice cover that went from Ottawa across the province. If you were in the band it meant ice damage, if you were north or south of it you were good to go. The golf courses that had damage had one of the worst springs to try and bring back dead or damaged turf.
Alberta Report
Fall is near as summer seems to be in the rear-view mirror! It has been a very wet year for most every corner of the province, not ideal for our short golf season.  Here is hoping fall is warm and dry as we look toward preparing for our Alberta winter. Just recently the AGSA held their annual Championship, this year at the Lacombe Golf & Country Club. Host Superintendent Conner Winslow, despite all the rain, had the course in great shape for the event. 
Membership News
Less than 10 Spaces Left for the Fall Field Day
CGSA is heading east to Cabot Links and Cabot Cliffs for its Fall Field Day
During your time at the 2019 CGSA Fall Field Day you’ll have the option of golfing two golf gems in the Canadian Golf Landscape! The Fall Field Day will be played on Cabot Links Course, #4 ranked course in Canada and #42 ranked course in the World and Friday’s round will be at the Cabot Cliffs Course, #1 ranked in Canada and #9 in the World. This is an event you simply don’t want to miss! 
Thank you to our Event Sponsors
Thank you to our current sponsors for the Fall Field Day event including The Toro welcome reception, the awards dinner sponsored by Syngenta and the education seminar presented by Bayer. To see all the supporters please see the link below.
Fall Field Day Educational Seminar
The educational seminar for the Fall Field Day has been confirmed with two leading presenters in the turf industry. CGSA is excited to bring Paul MacCormack, to share his Mindful Superintendent seminar; and Brandon Horvath, Ph.D., to present Big Data and History of Mowing and Fungicides.
Congratulations to James Beebe, low gross winner at the AGSA Championship. Pictured with Cameron Kusiek, AGSA President.
John McLinden, CGSA Ontario Director presents Wayne Rath, AGS with his National Tournament Plaque during the CP Women's Open at Magna Golf Club.
The Magna Golf Club Team celebrates a successful tournament.
T-Jay Creamer, AAGS, presents Donald Singlehurst with his National Tournament Plaque during the Astor Trophy at Royal Colwood Golf Club.
Celebration of Life Ceremony for CGSA Life Time member Edwin Ortlieb. Edwin passed away peacefully surrounded by his family on Friday, August 16. For details on the celebration of life ceremony September 22 click here.
TRADE SHOW March 3, 2020, Westin Ottawa
CGSA is pleased to announce a NEW FORMAT for 2020. Exhibitors will be given the opportunity to meet with delegates during the exclusive one-day trade show time with no competing events. The opening SociALL will be the night before the show allowing exhibitors to network with all delegates prior to the show. For details and to book your booth visit the links below:

SAVE THE DATE - March 2 - 5, 2020
The Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA) in partnership with the Ottawa Valley Turfgrass Association (OVTA) will host the 2020 Canadian Golf Course Management Conference in Ottawa, ON, from March 2 – 5, 2020 at the Westin Ottawa Hotel. Watch for registration details coming soon.
New Members
Please join the CGSA in welcoming the following new members and/or members who re-joined recently.
It's a Cinch to Win with CGSA's Recruit-A-Member Campaign
The Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA) introduces the Fall recruitment campaign. This a great opportunity for you to help us build a stronger voice for CGSA within the superintendent community.

Recruit a new or returning member that fits within the criteria by December 21, 2019 and as a thank you CGSA will provide you with an upgrade to the Premium member benefit package.
More member perks for CGSA in September
For our members who have upgraded their benefit options to either Premium or the Ultimate level, here are more savings for you in September through  memberperks   . There are some great savings for you and your family!
For testimonial click here .
NAPA Can Help You Save $$$
NAPA Canada has over 600 locations across Canada and carries over 500,000 products that will meet your golf course needs. Products include spark plugs, bearings, seals, lubricants, filters, batteries, belts and much more.
CGSA members automatically receive National Account status which qualifies you for National Account pricing, representing an average savings of 20%. To register for this program, please download the registration form here .
For more information or to take advantage of this savings opportunity, contact Lori Micucci , Manager, Member Services at CGSA at 800.387.1056 ext. 27.
Reminder - Take Advantage of a 2% Cash Rebate with our NEW Toro Opportunity Buy

The Toro Company is excited to announce the second Opportunity Buy for CGSA members. Receive a 2% cash rebate on the purchase or lease of:
  • GreensMaster 1000 series walk greens mowers
  • GreensPro 1260 greens roller

This offer runs from August 1 - October 31, 2019

Processing Your Rebate Claim
Toro makes the claims process easy with their online rebate claim form. Click on the button below to submit your Opportunity Buy claim to receive your rebate.

For additional information on this Toro Opportunity Buy or to learn more about the Toro Golfmax Rebate Program, please contact   Lori Micucci Manager, Member Services at 800-387-1056 extension 27.
Upcoming Events
National Tournament Program : As part of the ongoing effort to recognize the role of the superintendent at the golf facility, the CGSA sponsors the National Tournament Program for members that host these prestigious events. Our members are an essential part of the team that ensures that the golf course provides fair and consistent conditions for competition. Please click here to see the upcoming 2019 National Tournament Schedule which includes links to the events, host locations, course details and links to Golf Canada, PGA of Canada, Mackenzie Tour PGA TOUR Canada and PGA TOUR Champions. Or click here to see tournament photos.

CGSA members are eligible for admission privileges to selected golf championships subject to conditions imposed by the sponsoring body.
Industry News
Western Turf Farms Ltd is harvesting the first-ever certified drought tolerant sod in BC. They are excited to announce they will be the first to grow and harvest 50 acres of the first-ever certified drought-tolerant sold in British Columbia.
Consider Placing Your Ad here
Advertising in GreenMatter will allow your company to reach industry professionals directly. It is issued monthly to over 900 CGSA members.
Jeff Calderwood, Executive Director ex. 24
Lori Micucci, Manager, Member Services ex. 27
Kathryn Wood, Chief Operating Officer ex. 23
Barb Manifold, Business Development and Trade Show ex. 25
PH: 1-800-387-1056, Fax: 416-626-1958