Bryson Broadcasting International Newsletter

Raising Radio and TV Revenues Worldwide! 
15 June 2020

Special Edition
Customers Are Coming Back!
Are your clients ready?
Customers are coming back! Great news for our clients.

The last thirty days have seen a drastic shift in consumer mindset. On June 1, Nielsen released a second review of U.S. consumer feelings about COVID-19 and what they intend to purchase. Their first study was done April 30 to May 2. The second was done May 27 to May 29.

In the first study at the end of April, 34% of those studied said they were optimistic about a return to normalcy. In late May the segment deemed "ready to go" rose to 54% Even the most cautious segment, those who would wait to see what happens, dropped from 29% to 11%.

According to Pierre Bouvard, Cumulus Media, "ready to go" equates to"ready to spend". Those "ready to go" are more likely to make purchases within 30 days. And, those ready to go are heavy AM/FM listeners.

What does this information mean for our clients? NOW is the time to invite customers in.

I've talked to several salespeople who are meeting resistance from clients to restarting their marketing.

" We are only able to have 30% capacity due to social distancing. It's hard to make money not being able to fill my store."

"There are still too many restrictions on how we can operate."

"We've had to spend money to meet CDC requirements for operating. I don't have any money left."

Have you heard any of these? Chances are, yes. "You often need it most when you can afford it least."

I am aware that businesses have, and are, suffering. I am also a believer that the bold businesses survive and thrive. Consumers ARE coming back. They will go where they are invited.

Not only do potential consumers need to know THAT a store is open, they need to know HOW that store is serving customers, WHEN that store is serving customers. Most stores have changed something in the way they operate: less days, less hours per day, reservations required, safety protocols in place, curbside pickup still operational, delivery still operational. We've also noticed that some stores have not updated this information on their social media or search engines. Google search reaps the wrong information. A customer shows up to find the store closed because hours have changed.

What is our part in the reopening? We are the guides. We are the idea people. Don't let initial "No's" discourage you. Share the data with your clients as proof that an investment in marketing not only will return their investment but is vital to their recovery. Data provides the logic: our ideas and the messages we create for our clients provide the emotional connection. 90% of decisions to buy are made emotionally.

Talk with your clients. Find how their business has changed. What do customers need to know about that business as they return to the stores. There IS pent-up demand. It's up to us to direct that demand to our clients. They benefit, we benefit, the economy benefits.
The Client's Corner
According to ongoing research by Advertiser Perceptions, which tracks ad decision makers at agencies and brand marketers, 26% of advertisers expect to be spending more by June 30 and 52% say they will resume or ramp up this summer. 18% expect to turn up their ad volume in July, 15% in August and 19% in September. Good news for broadcast!
Words to Live By ......
" The key to success is to start before you are ready."
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What people are saying about this book:
“Pat Bryson nails it! As one of the top sales trainers in the world, her words are gold. If you sell for a living, you will benefit from her techniques!”
-Valerie Geller, Author – “Beyond Powerful Radio: A Communicator’s Guide to the Internet Age”; Broadcast Consultant/Training – Geller Media International
Business is re-opening!
We want to help your staff increase revenue!

We at Bryson Broadcasting International are available to help your sales staff achieve its next level of expertise. We customize our programs to meet your needs. As needed, we make use of interpreters and produce sales materials in your language.

If you would like to discuss your sales training needs, we may be reached at ,

or call us at 918.810.3068. 

For more information about BBI,  click here.

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