
You are cordially invited to the
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Login at 5:30 for a half hour of socializing.
Meeting will begin promptly at 6:00pm.
Follow the instructions below.

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Meeting ID: 849 5187 5310
Password: 963037

Guest speaker: Ellen Moorhouse

As Deputy Communications Director at RepresentUs, Ellen works collaboratively across departments to design and execute strategic communications for selected state and national campaigns. She manages internal staff communications as well as external PR outreach efforts, and collaborates with digital and organizing teams on multi-channel communications strategies for traditional and social media. Before joining RepresentUs, Ellen directed the Leadership Institute for Political and Public Impact (LIPPI), a women’s leadership course designed to encourage women to run for office. She graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a BA in Political Science, a Five College Honors International Relations Certificate, and just received her Masters of Business Administration (MBA) in May of 2020. Born and raised in Springfield, MA, she’s thrilled to support the nation’s largest right-left anti-corruption organization leading the charge to bring power back to the people.


MIT Professor Charles Stewart will be the keynote speaker for LWVMA's Council 2020 virtual meeting tomorrow, Saturday, June 13 . He will bring us an update on elections during a pandemic, highlighting what we need to do in the next five months and what we should do in the next five years. Click here for more info and/or to register—it's free!

The towns of Franklin County, typically busy with local elections and town meetings this time of year, are doing what they can to preserve democracy and maintain the safety of their residents. Please check our list here for information regarding your town.

The Massachusetts Senate will vote in a few days on the bill for changes in the fall elections in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. That bill passed the House June 4 and is now numbered  H.4778 , An Act relative to voting options in response to COVID-19. This is a strong bill and we hope the Senate passes it so it can go quickly to the Governor. The sooner this bill is signed into law, the sooner our election officials can take the steps needed to assure our fall elections are safer and more accessible.

Please call or email your State Senator today and ask for their support of H.4778. Click here for more info.
In League,

Marie Gauthier, President
Nicole Moore, Vice President
Marge Michalski, Treasurer
Laura Luker, Secretary
Jean Cherdack, Director
Christine Turner, Director
Joannah Whitney, Director