Sun Sep 8 2019 Summer #12
September issue of
On the Journey:
Covenant -- Click
This Week's Post from the Minister:
While hopefulness is preferable to despair or apathy, there's a downside to hope. Hope turns easily to discouragement when the anticipated results don't seem to arrive. In this sense, hope is limiting and unhelpful. It really is impossible to say for certain whether or not we have improved, so it is better... READ MORE |
Everything we do in our faith community teaches. The congregation is the curriculum, so everyone is participating in the RE ministry. On your way home from worship, RE classes, journey groups, etc., I encourage you to share thoughts around "What did I learn about Unitarian Universalism?" "What did I learn about the way UUs think and see the world?"... READ MORE. |
For the Centering Music at this Sunday's annual Water Celebration, Franz Liszt recreates in vivid pianistic terms the legend of St. Francis of Paola, who spread his cloak upon the waters and rode the waves across to Sicily. The CUUC Choir will also be on hand with songs of the river as a source of connectedness and spiritual renewal... READ MORE. |
Upcoming Worship Services
Sun Sep 8, 10:00am, Sanctuary
"Water Celebration: Ingathering"
Rev. Meredith Garmon
We return to the sanctuary for our annual ingathering and water celebration service. Bring a sample of water from your summer. Whole Congregation Worship.
Sun Sep 15, 10:00am, Sanctuary
"Climate Strike!"
Rev. Meredith Garmon
Earlier this year, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg and other youth issued a call for everyone to join them in a massive climate strike on Fri Sep 20. We UUs know that all that exists is part of an interdependent web. What we do matters. We must show up for each other now.
Our CUUC YouTube Channel has videos of many past services. Check it out HERE! |
Gather Water
Ingathering Worship & Water Ceremony, Sun Sep 8
Remember to stop and collect a sample of water to bring in for our Ingathering Worship and Water Celebration next Sunday. Let the water you collect represent how your summer has been for you.
Bag Blessing
Blessing of the Bags, Sun Sep 8, during Worship
Bring in your backpack, briefcase, baby bag, or whatever else you may use for school, work, or hobby. We will bless the many types of bags you carry into your day with a reminder to carry your UU values, too.
Starting Together
To enhance multigenerational community and promote safety, we will all enter through the main doors near the sanctuary; the doors to the Religious Education wing will stay locked. Also, for this month, all ages will start together in the sanctuary each Sunday. On weeks when we have RE classes, children, youth, and teaching team volunteers will leave during the first hymn.
Notice of Congregational Meeting
Congregational Meeting, Sun Sep 8, 11:15am, Sanctuary
The Board of Trustees will call a congregational meeting immediately after service this Sunday to authorize the ordination by this congregation of our former intern, Cindy Davidson.
Read Cindy's message
Community Meal: Ingathering
Community Ingathering Meal, Sun Sep 8, after Worship, Fellowship Hall
Our annual "gathering in" meal will be an enhanced coffee hour, with tasty salads and sides. Come join or rejoin our community after the long summer! To help in the kitchen, contact Steve Miller (
During our ingathering meal this Sun Sep 8, we will have some special treats on hand to recognize Tracy Breneman, our new Director of Lifespan Religious Education and Faith Development. Be sure to say "Hi" and extend a warm CUUC welcome!
The Fall Communitarian Magazine is Here!
Read all about it! The Fall Communitarian is full of articles from your ministry, teams, and committees. Learn what's going on in your congregation. Find it online HERE. Printed copies will also be available in the CUUC lobby. Articles for the Winter Communitarian are due Wed Nov 13.
Rev. Dr. LoraKim Joyner, our community minister, is co-author of a new book,
Nurturing Discussions and Practices
, a workbook with discussion guides designed to support the health of individuals, relationships, and communities of all species. Learn more HERE. Order HERE, or purchase copies after worship.
The CUUC Journey Groups are a way to deepen our understanding of life and strengthen our connections to one another by exploring monthly themes together. Journey Groups are how we help each other become the people we most want to be. Click
HERE to select the date and time that works best for you.
Adult/Youth Religious Education Survey
Rev. Kimberley Debus, our sabbatical minister, is offering to lead an RE class for adults and youth. Let her know which topics interest you by visiting a short survey HERE to read and rank your choices. Or you can post your preference on a board available after worship. (Please participate only once, online or on the board.)
Science & Spirituality Group, Thu Sep 12, 11:30am, Fireside
We meet the second and fourth Thursday and discuss books and articles on the intersection of spirituality and science. We are reading
The Blind Watchmaker
by Richard Dawkins. Join us!
Auction 2019, Sat Nov 16, Doors open 5:30pm
Let's all
Come Together
to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Woodstock - and to support CUUC! Our annual auction will be a groovy night of flower power, friendship, food, and fun. Peace and love will be our themes, so join us! Click HERE to see our flyer, and watch for more details each week.
News From Environmental Practices
Try something different with the leaves on your lawn - love 'em and leave 'em. Shred leaves with a mulching lawn mower and leave them to provide healthy mulch for your lawn. Or shred and use them as mulch in flower beds, borders, and tree rings. The mulch returns much-needed nutrients to the earth in a slow-release organic form. For more info, including lists of landscapers offering LELE mulch mowing, click HERE.
Social Justice Team Fair, Sun Sep 15, after worship, Fellowship Hall
Enjoy coffee hour in Fellowship Hall as you meet our social justice team members, then choose where you would like to share your talent and energy. Help us live our congregation's mission to engage in service to transform ourselves and our world.
Parent-Teacher/Advisor Meetings, Sun Sep 15, 11:30-11:50am, Classrooms
Parents, come meet your children's teaching and youth group teams; discover our vision of Religious Exploration and the specifics of each class; and receive a fall schedule. Older children and youth will participate in "Social Justice Bingo" during coffee hour.
Faith Development Friday, Fri Sep 20, CUUC
Our evening of learning, spiritual growth, and community. 6:15pm Pizza & Salad Community Dinner; 7:00pm Programs; 8:30pm Coffee. Programs include Family Journey Group. All are welcome to stay after for coffee and a chat. RSVP to
by Fri 12 noon so we know how much pizza to order.
Wild Walk at Green-Wood Cemetery, Sat, Sep 28, 10:00am - 12:00pm, 500 25th St, Brooklyn
Embrace your wild side at our walk at Green-Wood Cemetery, where we can see the wild parrots who live there. Part of the Nurture Nature program of Community Minister, Rev. LoraKim Joyner (amoloros@gmail.com). Register HERE.
The Flaming Chalice AV Club NEEDS YOU! Please
sign up for occasional slots to get the weekly news, hymn lyrics, and spoken word projections set up and running for each service. Interested in helping? It's easy and we will provide simple training and instructions. Contact: Kim & Christian Force (
Minister's Discretionary Fund
Rev. Garmon maintains a special fund to assist people in financial distress, and that account is running low. We ask Members and Friends to please consider making a donation to help replenish the fund. Make checks out to CUUC with the memo "Discretionary Fund." We look forward to again giving Rev. Meredith the ability to help those in need.
Sing With the CUUC Choir
We welcome all voice parts - you don't have to read music! We rehearse Tuesdays from 7:30 - 9:15pm and we sing in two services a month. We work hard while having fun. Come to a rehearsal to sing along or observe, or join our Choir Open House on Sun Oct 13 after service. Contact Lisa Meyer (lisa.meyer@liu.edu).
Three days before the UN Climate Summit in NYC, young people and adults across the globe will strike to demand action be taken to address the climate crisis. Find other Climate Strike action locations HERE. Local UUs can learn more HERE.
Share the Plate for
September: PrideWorks
PrideWorks® was first organized to produce an annual conference for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) youth, their allies, and the adults in their lives. PrideWorks' mission is to inform communities about the realities of growing up gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender, and to inspire them to respect and support LGBTQ people, and to advocate for positive change.
Process for a Share-the-Plate Request
There is no shortage of worthy causes and only twelve months in the year, so our Social Justice Coordinating Committee reviews and approves all Share-the-Plate requests. To better represent all our members, we ask that individual congregants wishing to recommend an organization first connect with a Social Justice Team or other committee that has a connection to the organization's mission and would be willing to sponsor the request... READ MORE.
Caring & Sharing Circle
This Week at CUUC
The full calendar can be found
Room numbers subject to change; please check the board on Sunday morning. To reserve a room or Zoom online meeting, contact the CUUC office (914-946-1660 x2,
Sat Sep 7 - 8:00am Social Justice Team Leaders (Fellowship Hall); 9:00am Rental: Exercise (Fireside); 10:00am Food Prep for Community Meal (Kitchen); 10:00am RE Teaching Team Meeting (41); 10:00am Zen (24); 12:30pm Journey Group Facilitators (Parsonage); 3:00pm Rental: WCHJ (Fellowship Hall)
Sun Sep 8 - 8:15am RE Council (41); 8:45am Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary); 9:30am Nursery (32); 10:00am Worship (Sanctuary); 11:15am Community Meal (Fellowship Hall); 4:00pm Rental: WCSPP (Fellowship Hall)
Mon Sep 9 - 5:00pm Rental: Exercise (Fireside); 6:30pm T'ai-ch'i (Fireside); 7:00pm Rental: Straight Spouse Network (14); 7:00pm RE Teaching Team Meeting (41)
Tue Sep 10 - 10:00am Rental: Exercise (Fireside); 7:00pm Rental: WCSPP (Classrooms); 7:00pm RE Teaching Team Meeting (Fellowship Hall); 7:30pm
Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
Wed Sep 11 - 8:30am CUUC Dance Movement Group (Fellowship Hall); 10:30am Rental: WCHJ (Tentative)(41); 7:30pm Board of Trustees (41)
Thu Sep 12 - 9:30am Rental: League of Women Voters (41); 11:30am Science & Spirituality (Fireside)
Fri Sep 13 - 9:30am Rental: Complimentary Exercise Class (Fireside)
Sat Sep 14 - 9:00am Rental: Exercise (Fireside); 10:00am Zen (24); 1:00pm Rental: WCBNY (41)
Sun Sep 15 - 8:45am Choir (Sanctuary); 9:30am Nursery (32); 10:00am Worship (Sanctuary); 11:20 Religious Education (Classrooms); 11:15am Social Justice Fair (Fellowship Hall); 11:30am Auction Committee (43)
Congregation & Communications Administrator: Pamela Parker,
admin@cucwp.org, 914-946-1660 x2
Board of Trustees
Social Justice Coordinators
Dear Ones,
How has your summer been, so far? What sort of "waters" represented your experiences of July and August? Were they:
- still waters of rest and renewal?
- shining waters of joy and happiness?
- storm waters of grief and loss?
- rushing waters of transition and change?
Like the sun needing a place to shine, and the world needing to be so warmed, we need one another. Like the wind needing a place to blow, and the earth needing to feel the air's breath, we need one another. Like the rain needing a place to fall, and the land needing to be quenched by moisture, we need one another. Like the ocean needing a shoreline, and the coast needing to be touched by the rhythm of the water, we need one another.
We gather each week for this reason: to give and receive what we have and what we need.
We gather each week for this reason: to say to each other that like all that is living, we need one another. We give thanks for the blessings of this community of faith; we give thanks that once again we have come together.
Yours in faith,
Black Bear appeared one evening and said, "Tell me about Mara. I understand that he is the Great Destroyer." Raven said, "The Great Founder." Black Bear said, "That's what the Buddha Macaw is called." Raven said, "Yes, but she never learned to blow smoke from her ears."...READ MORE Zen Practice at CUUC |
newsletter is e-mailed each week.