Thank you for joining us this week as we at the Baptist World Alliance pray for our worldwide Baptist family and for God's work around the globe. If you pray along with us weekly, you will pray for every country in the world each year!

Do you have a personal prayer request today? Your global Baptist family stands ready to intercede for you as well. Click the button below to share a prayer need.

3 BWA Member Bodies
African Baptist Assembly, Malawi, Inc.
  • 800 Churches
  • 72,000 Members
Baptist Convention of Malawi
  • 2,000 Churches
  • 300,000 Members
Evangelical Baptist Church of Malawi
  • 300 Churches
  • 19,000 Members

Pictured is a Marriage Seminary hosted at DAPP College in June 2019.
Join us in thanking God for the efforts of Baptist leaders in Malawi as they promote unity within the All Africa Baptist Fellowship and the worldwide Baptist family.

Join us in prayer for lives to be positively impacted by the BWAid emergency grant sent in response to COVID-19 to provide sanitary washing kits to more than 6,000 people in 124 Baptist churches in districts bordering Mozambique, Tanzania, and Zambia.

3 BWA Member Bodies
Baptist Convention of Zambia
  • 1,038 Churches
  • 143,840 Members
Baptist Fellowship of Zambia
  • 2,000 Churches
  • 180,000 Members
Baptist Union of Zambia
  • 1,000 Churches
  • 220,000 Members

Pictured is General Secretary Elijah Brown speaking at the All Africa Baptist Fellowship Executive Committee and General Council Meeting in Zambia in February 2020.
Praise God that BWAid was able to provide emergency grants to support all three member bodies as they seek to be sources of help and hope during this global pandemic.
Hunger is a significant issue in Zambia and the need has grown even greater in recent months. Join us in prayer for lives to be positively impacted by the BWAid emergency grant, sent in response to COVID-19, that provided basic food for 400 people in the areas of Ndola, Nkwazi, and Chipulukusu.
In our continuing response to racial injustice, the Baptist World Alliance is issuing an invitation to Baptists worldwide to join in a unified hour of prayer at 12:00 p.m. EDT on Thursday, June 18, 2020. Please click the button below to sign up and make plans to stand together in prayer with Baptist sisters and brothers around the world.
Join General Scretary Elijah Brown in praying for Baptist Universities and Seminaries. With the impact of the coronavirus and uncertainty about a return to classrooms, many universities and seminaries are facing a smaller enrollment and an uncertain future. Pray for the leadership of these institutions as they make difficult decisions. Pray for faculty, staff, and students and that meaningful education and training will continue.

Click the button below to hear a portion of our BWA 24-Hour Prayer Marathon Kickoff in March 2020. It features an interview with Dr. Anna Robbins, President of Acadia Divinity College, and a prayer voiced by Dr. Tomás Mackey, BWA President-Elect.
A Prayer from Malawi

God of love, God of compassion,
in the midst of death and evil,
you mercifully look after us:
protecting, providing and smiling,
constantly reassuring us of your care.
Grant to us the joy of this occasion,
especially as we celebrate our birthdays,
knowing that your love is life.
Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may acquire a heart of wisdom,
through him whose life has become our light, even Jesus Christ.

( © Rev. Dr Augustine Musopole, Malawi. In:  Africa Praying: A Handbook on HIV/AIDS Sensitive Sermon Guidelines and Liturgy , ed. Musa W. Dube, WCC, 2003, pp.164, 11-12, 89 )