2019 Brazilian Film Series
The Center for Latin American Studies is excited to announce our 2019 Brazilian Film Series! Over the course of 5 weeks, we will be showing a Brazilian film every  Monday at 2:30 PM in 180 Hagerty Hall

April 15: The Empty Classroom
Travel to seven different countries and explore the underlying reasons why nearly one out of every two students never makes it to graduation day.

April 22: Eternal Amazon
At a time when the world is discussing the impact of human actions on the environment, Amazônia Eterna presents a critical analysis of how the world's largest tropical rain forest is understood and appreciated.
2019 Quechua Alliance Annual Meeting
When: Saturday, November 16, 2019 (8:30am-6:30pm)
Where: The Ohio State University

This event aims to promote an exchange of ideas between Quechua speakers, community leaders, college students and professors who share an interest and passion for Quechua language and Andean culture. This is a space for young people to become dynamic leaders in the academic context where there is an increasing interest in Indigenous languages and cultures of the Americas.  The Quechua Alliance Meeting has the format of a one-day gathering with cultural activities, lectures, games, debates and dialogues.  The 2019 edition of this gathering is organized by the Center for Latin American Studies and Quechua Language Community at The Ohio State University.

All attendants must register by November 7, 2019.

More information & registration details:
2018-2019 FLAS Fellows
CLAS would like to congratulate its 2018-2019 Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship cohort on a successful year. Congratulations to our graduate fellows, Lisa Dieckman (Latin American Studies), Julianne Stamer (Latin American Studies), Taylor Tremont (Moritz College of Law), and Justin Pinta (Dept. Spanish & Portuguese) and to our undergraduate fellow, Riley Sayers (International Studies major)!

With funds granted by the U.S. Department of Education's Title VI Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship program, these students have spent their fellowship pursuing intensive advanced foreign language and area studies training.

For more information about FLAS Fellowships, please visit:
The 17th Annual Ohio Latin Americanist Conference
OIA Area Studies Center Conference Grants Award Recipient 
The Center for Latin American Studies, Center for Slavic and East European Studies, and the East Asian Studies Center are pleased to announce the recipient of the inaugural OIA Area Studies Center Conference Grant. Prof. Nena Couch, area studies interim head at University Libraries, was awarded $6,700 for her proposal, "Area Studies Global Comics Lecture Series." Collaborating team members include Prof. Ann Marie Davis (Japanese studies librarian), Prof. Magda El-Sherbini (Middle East studies librarian), Prof. Pamela Espinosa de los Monteros (Latin American studies librarian), Prof. Joseph Galron (Jewish studies librarian) and Miroljub Ruzic (East European/Slavic studies librarian).

To learn more, please click here
2019 CLAS K12 Needs Assessment Survey
The Center for Latin American Studies at The Ohio State University invites K12 educators to participate in a K12 Needs Assessment survey. The mission of CLAS is to serve, facilitate, and stimulate the teaching, research, and intellectual interests of faculty, students, and the public in all matters dealing with Latin America. One way that the Center accomplishes this mission is by carrying out meaningful outreach programs with K12 educators. Survey results will be utilized to inform and enhance our K12 Outreach Strategy and program offerings over the next three years. 
Thank you in advance for completing this survey, we appreciate your time and value your feedback.
Summer 2019 Global Teacher Seminar 
When:  June 3-7, 2019 (9am-5pm)
Where: OSU campus

Global Environmental Issues: The Problems, Solutions and Potential Outcomes. This week-long institute aims to inform K-12 teachers on environmental issues related to the natural resources of various countries, including Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. The seminar will deepen teachers' understanding of the different environmental issues and challenges facing society now and in the future, and through pedagogical training enable the incorporation of this new content into their curricula. Teachers will receive a certificate of completion with contact hours, and a $100 stipend for attending the seminar and completing a lesson plan by August 1. The registration deadline is May 1, 2019.

Registration and event details can be found on the CLAS website.

Questions? Please contact

The seminar is organized by the East Asian Studies Center (EASC) in partnership with the Center for African Studies (CAS), Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS), Center for Slavic and East European Studies (CSEES), and Middle East Studies Center (MESC) with support from the U.S. Department of Education Title VI Grants.
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