Get EngAGEd with newly launched Check-In Campaign!

Today the Governor announced the launch of the new Stay Home, Save Lives, Check In campaign! CDA and the Health and Human Services Agency are proud to be leading this campaign which encourages YOU and all Californians to check-in with older neighbors to combat social isolation. It's a simple way we can all do our part to ensure that those over 65 have the food, medicines, and other supplies they need.

"The most important way for older Californians to stay safe is to stay at home," said Governor Newsom. "No older Californian should be forced to go outside to get groceries or their medication. It's on all of us across the state to check in on the older adults in our lives - our friends, family and neighbors - to help them during this outbreak. Each and every one of us must reach out in a safe way to make sure our older neighbors have someone to talk to and have enough food to eat during these difficult times."

We encourage you to visit to take the pledge to stay home, save lives, and check in. Please help us spread the work by sharing the pledge with your family and social networks. Send a text, safely knock on the door, make a phone call. Even the smallest gesture can mean so much to others right now.

Master Plan for Aging Updates

CDA remains committed to ensuring the development of California's Master Plan for Aging with the Cabinet, our stakeholders, and the public. However, given the urgency and scale of the COVID-19 outbreak and statewide response, the MPA activities remain postponed and timelines  will be adjusted accordingly.
For more information about COVID-19, including where to find assistance and resources, please visit the following webpages:
We at the California Department of Aging (CDA) sincerely hope this email finds you and your loved ones safe. Please send questions about the Master Plan for Aging to  [email protected].
The Master Plan for Aging Team
MPA contact:
Amanda Lawrence, MPH
MPA Project Director
CA Department of Aging

The  San Francisco Interfaith Council is a Cooperation Circle