TRUSD school board met for a regular board meeting at the District Office in McClellan Park.
Read highlights from the meeting.
News, Notes & Votes
Twin Rivers Unified School District
June 18, 2019
Our mission: To inspire each student to extraordinary achievement every day.
SELPA Community Advisory Committee
1. Recognition - SELPA Community Advisory Committee
The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is a vital component of an effective Special Education Program. They are comprised of a combination of parents, educators, representatives of public and private agencies and individuals concerned with the needs of individuals with disabilities. Every Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) is required to establish a Community Advisory Committee. The CAC assists in advising local governing boards about the Local Plan, annual priorities, parent education and other specific Special Education related activities. The Twin Rivers Special Education Community Advisory Committee has played an important role in the development and review of our Local Plan and special education budget and service plans that will guide our SELPA.
2. Recognition - Twin Rivers Police Department
In recognition of National Safety Month, and for their role in keeping the students, staff, schools and Twin Rivers community safe, the Board recognized the outstanding contributions of the Twin Rivers Police Department.
3. Public Hearing and Review - Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
The TRUSD Board of Trustees was requested to hold a public hearing to solicit the recommendations and comments of members of the public regarding the specific actions and expenditures proposed to be included in the TRUSD LCAP pursuant to California Education Code 52062(b)1.
4. Public Hearing and Review - 2019-2020 Proposed Adopted Budget
The 2019/2020 Proposed Adopted Budget was presented for public hearing and review at the Board meeting, as recommended by the Superintendent. Prior to July 1 of each fiscal year, the Board must approve an operating budget. The 2019/2020 budget will be brought to the June 25 board meeting for approval.