September 2019
Welcome to the 100th Jewel!

Upcoming Events and Classes 
at The Ommani Center unless otherwise specified

A Special event held at The Ommani Center on September 21st and 22nd

Reiki I, II, and III offered beginning October 26, 2019. Click the title for more info.

Beg.- Int. Yoga with Shelly Carpenter
every Tuesday at 9am or Wednesday at 6pm

The Monthly Jewel
 Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.  ~ John Muir
The Root of ALL Illness
Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.
Western medicine is based on the premise that fixing symptoms is good enough. A compartmentalized and pharmaceutical approach to health highjacks us from conscious living and authentic seeking. For both vibrant physical and mental health our bodies and our thinking/feeling need to be well-nourished and not entrapped by the collective/normalized way of life.  It's suggested the root of illness is based in the confusion of our own truth with the collective mindset.  Dr. Kumar shows us a path that allows us to choose complete health by living consciously. Read more...

by Dr. Rose Kumar

The Edge Where Change Happens
Boris Matthews, PhD, LCSW

A good therapist will unsettle us enough to move us out of our stuck places. It's up to us to stay in that uncomfortable emotional zone so better ways for dealing with our problems can emerge.  "I'd like to be different" doesn't mean much if we cannot face the short-term discomfort that's necessary to transform.  Read more to learn about working at that edge. 

Massage and Cupping

If you haven't received the benefit of a good, therapeutic massage recently, you're really missing out.  Now is the time to schedule yourself for a massage and consider adding "cupping" to the treatment.  Remember 2016 and Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps? People were asking what were those red spots on his back?...evidence of massage cupping therapy used to help him recover from the strain of his athletic event. The attached link includes some of the best descriptions of the cupping technique and its amazing benefits when part of the massage therapy session. Read more and watch the video.
We All are Broken, We All are Whole

Each of us carries burdens from our childhood.  This is true even for those of us who feel our childhood was happy and uneventful.  As children, we are not able to process events and situations with the understanding and knowledge of an adult.  This led us to adopt behaviors and beliefs that helped us survive in the moment or that we simply felt were a good idea at the time.  Some of us have had significant traumas, either emotional and/or physical, and some of us have suffered from abuse. May this poem help you not feel alone and know that healing can occur.  My desire for each of you is that you come to a place of freedom from past hurts. The hurts can remain to a greater or lesser degree, but their power to affect how we choose not to love parts of ourselves can be released.  I encourage you to reach out to your doctor or one of our practitioners and explore your possibilities for release. If you can just ask, you will be surprised at what will come to you.  Read more...

What Acupuncture Can Treat
 Aimee Brown, LAc, MSOM

Are you wondering whether to try acupuncture for a chronic or lingering health issue?  This handy reference list is worth a look. You'll be amazed at what acupuncture can treat and fact that the World Health Organization agrees. The sky is the limit.   Read more ...

Meditate for Relaxation or Self-Realization (Part 1)
Eric Ehrke, LCSW, LMFT

This article describes two basic approaches to meditation in the West.  Read on to develop a basic understanding of those techniques and, with consideration, you should be on the path to decide what approach might be best for you. Neuroimaging studies reveal that beneficial brainwave patterns prevail during mediation; depression/anxiety decrease and happiness/relaxation increase. Eric shares his personal struggles with meditation techniques and assures us it is well worth the effort.  Read more...

TICKETS ARE REQUIRED, please  Ticket, Volunteer and Donations to purchase.

During October and November
Enjoy Reduced Pricing 
on 60 & 90 Minute Massage Appointments
 with Tammy Winkelman, LMT, RN 

60 min massage - $50
90 min massage - $80

Make your appointment NOW at the front desk or call 262.695.5311

Share the Ommani Vision

Do you have family and friends you would love to share the Ommani mission with or perhaps there is someone who is new to the idea of integrative health? Forward our newsletter to them and encourage them to sign up to receive it monthly. Thank you in advance for your referral! 

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