June 3, 2020 | Issue 56
Check Your Email Inbox to Request Your 25 KN95 Masks Today
Yesterday, IDA announced that Iowa is one of the first 18 states to obtain a special allotment of KN95 masks from the FEMA stockpile. All actively practicing dentists in Iowa should have received an email from the ADA to request 25 KN95 masks last night. If you are an actively practicing dentist who did not receive this email, please check your junk or spam folders. If you still have not received the email, please contact IDA staff .
Iowa Legislature Back in Session Today
After nearly a three month hiatus due to the COVID-19 crisis, the Iowa legislature resumed the legislative session this morning at 9:00 AM. The focus of the legislature will be the state’s budget for FY21, including the HHS budget that includes Medicaid reimbursement rates for dental programs.

IDA continues to advocate on your behalf and promote our legislative priorities including:

  • COVID-19 liability relief
  • Ensuring proper patient safety and care, including advocating for HF2437
  • Increasing Medicaid reimbursement
  • Continuing hawki benefits
Steps to Take if a Patient Reports COVID-19 Exposure After Treatment
In the event you treat a patient who later reports they or a member of their household have tested positive for COVID-19, the ADA has created the Steps to Take if a Patient Reports COVID-19 Exposure After Treatment document detailing how to proceed to ensure the health and safety of any staff who may have come in contact with the patient. This document is in addition to the What to Do if Someone on Your Staff Tests Positive for COVID-19 resource that the ADA released in April. Both documents, as well as other office policy guidelines and resources, are available on the IDA website.
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"I Got a PPP Loan, Now What?" Part 2 Coming Friday
New Dentist Virtual Townhall
The IDA New Dentist Committee is hosting a members-only virtual townhall on Monday, June 8 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. This virtual townhall is an opportunity to ask questions of the IDA leadership and your peers regarding practice management, how to navigate COVID-19 related issues, etc. IDA Immediate Past President Dr. Ryan Stuntz will be moderating the townhall, and Drs. Sara Stuefen, Derek Peek, and Amy Geis have volunteered to act as panelists to assist in responding to questions.