February 2020
Sign Up for February Wellness Activities
Please click on this link to sign up and take advantage of this month’s wellness activities. More details about this month’s events are provided below. 
EKG Screenings
In honor of National Heart Month, Northwestern Medicine will be facilitating EKG screenings for $20 at D300 locations. Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is the number one cause of natural death in the USA. If caught early with a quick and non-invasive EKG screening, the cause of SCD can be treated. To participate,  please register by January 31 . Location dates and times will be announced after registration is closed.  Please click on this link to learn more about the screening.
Wellness Rewards Update
To date, employees participating in the CHC wellness portal have earned 212,747 wellness rewards points with 15 of you attaining PLATINUM LEVEL and 1,702 of you achieving GOLD LEVEL, WAY TO GO! Our top ten point winners are as follows:
Reward Level
Mandi Joplin
Platinum Level
Jefrey Leary
Platinum Level
Elizabeth Adame
Platinum Level
Cathy Kurilla
Platinum Level
Therese Court
Platinum Level
Somphol Chau
Platinum Level
Heidi Wagner
Platinum Level
Sherry Douglas
Platinum Level
Rosa White
Platinum Level
Susan Bultman
Platinum Level
Our next quarterly awards will be given at the end of February. You can  click here for more information about earning points to learn about the District’s Yearlong Wellness Program, Point Tracking, & Reward System, or see below for additional information about this month’s activities.
Fitness Membership Offer
Beginning February 1, D300 employees enrolled in the District health insurance plan can join a Fitness Program and pay no enrollment fee. Sign up by February 29 to get this great deal! The Fitness Program offers flexibility, convenience, and ease for just one low monthly price. Members have access to more than 10,000 participating facilities so they can work out whether traveling, at home or at work.  Click here for more information.
February Wellness Activities
Listed below are the February Wellness Activities and associated points:

Physical Health
EKG Screenings - In honor of National Heart Month, Northwestern Medicine will be facilitating EKG screenings for $20 at D300 locations. Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is the number one cause of natural death in the USA. If caught early with a quick and non-invasive EKG screening , the cause of SCD can be treated. To participate and earn  15 points , please register by January 31. Location dates and times will be announced after registration is closed.  Please click on this link to sign up for the screening. 

CHC e-Learning - Earn  5 points by viewing an e-learning module in the CHC portal.  Click here for instructions on how to complete an e-learning module.

Yearlong Walking Program - Click here for more information on how to earn  2 points per month by partaking in our yearlong walking program.

Insurance Benefits
Medical Insurance Overview - Earn  5 points signing up to participate in the Blue Cross Blue Shield presentation on “Maximizing your Medical Benefits.” Blue Cross Blue Shield will be present to provide an overview of how to best utilize your medical benefits and coverage.  Please click on this link to sign up to attend one of the presentations. Dates and locations are as follows:
  • 2/6 at 4:15 p.m. at Central Office
  • 2/13 at 4:15 p.m. at CMS
  • 2/20 at 4:30 p.m. at HHS

Mental Health
Appreciate Personal Differences - Earn  2 points by viewing the Perspectives Skillbuilders Appreciate Personal Differences" webinar.  Click here for the instructions to access the Perspective webinar and earn your points.

Perspectives’ Scavenger Hunt - From 2/1-2/29, you can earn  5 points by learning about the District Employee Assistance Program by participating in a scavenger hunt on their website.  Click here for more information about the scavenger hunt. 

Financial Health
Estate/Retirement Planning - Earn  5 points by participating in the Estate/Retirement Planning presentation put on by KCT Credit Union. This session will provide an overview of basic wills, trusts, estate taxes, probate, capital gains, retirement planning, and the time value of money. It will review retirement products such as 403b, IRA, life insurance, and qualified funds vs. non-qualified funds. Prizes will be given to attendees.  Click here to view the flyer and sign up by clicking “Register for Event” at the bottom of the page for this class. Dates and locations are as follows:
  • 2/6 at 4:15 p.m. at HHS
  • 2/13 at 4:15 p.m. at Central Office
  • 2/20 at 4:30 p.m. at CMS

Get Ready to Retire - Earn  2 points by  clicking here to register and participate in the Transamerica “Get Ready to Retire” webinar, which will provide guidance to help you make informed financial decisions today to help you prepare for retirement in the future.
For more information about upcoming events, visit the Operations Portal-Wellness Program Haiku page or access our Wellness Calendar . Questions, please email us at .
District 300
2550 Harnish Drive, Algonquin, IL 60102
P: 847-551-8300 | F: 847-551-8413