Monthly Roundtable
Items for the Roundtable are to be emailed to [email protected] by the 20th of each month. 

June 2021

Coalition Spotlight on:

The Van Buren County Community School District and SAFE Coalition received the Partnership for Success Grant (PFS) from Federal sources this spring! The funds will be used to address the following substance issues in Lee & Van Buren Counties: Underage Drinking, Binge Drinking (adult and youth), Underage Access to Alcohol, Tobacco/Nicotine/Vape Use (adult and youth), and Marijuana/THC Abuse (adult and youth). These funds will also be used to increase the capacity of the Lee County The Best You coalition to address substance misuse in Lee County and hopefully lead to the coalition being able to fund prevention work in Lee County outside of the PFS Grant. These funds will be utilized to work with the youth in both counties as well families.
The Van Buren County SAFE Coalition came together originally in 1993, after the floods, as a way to get community members together to work on a specific issue. There were 11 members at the first organized meeting, and the group has now grown to 61 members. The SAFE Coalition became certified as an Iowa SAFE County on February 16th, 2004. The coalition's efforts have been primarily focused on Substance Misuse Prevention, Child Abuse Prevention, and Rape & Domestic Violence Support and Prevention, and that remains the focus today.
The SAFE Coalition received a Drug Free Communities Support Grant from 2005-2015 to help support the work of the coalition in addressing underage drinking, youth tobacco use and marijuana use. From 2009-2012 a STOP Act Grant was awarded to the coalition to enhance the work around underage drinking. In 2011 the SAFE Coalition was awarded the Coalition of the Year Award for achievements in implementing environmental strategies and reducing underage drinking and youth tobacco use rates in Van Buren County. From 2015-2020 an Iowa Partnership for Success Grant was awarded to the coalition to fund work around underage drinking and underage binge drinking. In 2020 the Coalition was again awarded a STOP Act Grant to enhance the work around underage drinking. The coalition continues to focus on tobacco/nicotine/vaping through the Iowa Community Partnership Grant. Finally the coalition also receives funds from county grants to support the work on other drug prevention.
Over the years with these numerous grants the coalition has accomplished the following: Youth Leadership Council, Van Buren School Conduct Policy, Rx Take Back Events, Tobacco Free Parks, 5th Grade VBCSD OTC Literacy Curriculum, Senior Week Presentations at Van Buren Community High School, Emily Jester won the "Be It" Above the Influence Slogan Contest, Lydia Heald became a CADCA National Youth Leadership Initiative Trainer, Got Outcomes Coalition of the Year Award 2011, Celebrate with Care Messages, Merchant Alcohol Training, Manager Binders for Alcohol Merchants, Town Hall Meetings, Prom/Graduation Campaigns, Newsletters, Community Surveys (IYS, CRS, PSA), CMCA Training, SAFE Booths, Keg Registration (local and state), Merchant Incentive Program, Development of Website, SAFE Home Pledges, Compliance Checks, Compliance Check Policy, Youth Newsletters, Got a Minute Ad Campaign, and more!

(Thanks, Kris Rankin, for telling us about the great work of the Van Buren Co. Safe Coalition! We look forward to hearing more about the new work of the PFS grant in Van Buren Co. and with the Lee County The Best You Coalition.)


AC4C Marijuana Prevention Virtual Listening Post Featuring Eastern Iowa Border Counties
Tuesday, July 27, 1 p.m.
Be looking for the link coming out soon to join this virtual event.  All the eastern border counties are currently working on environmental scans related to marijuana and will be sharing the results of these scans and discussing ways to address the issues.  Listen in to learn what is happening in these counties with legalization just over the river.  Several AC4C members will be panelists and Peter Komendowski from Partnership of a Healthy Iowa will emcee the event.  The target audience for this event is prevention coalitions and their members. We can all learn from each other! 

AC4C Quarterly Work Retreat June 29 and 30
We are excited to be able to meet back in person at Camp Dodge in Johnston and have over 20 members signed up already!  The Midwest Counterdrug Training Center will be hosting us again and they are offering FREE lodging.  When you register, just indicate if you need lodging on campus.  

It will be so good to see all of you who can join us!  We will be sending out a virtual option for those who cannot attend in person.  Also, please wear your mask when possible. We will set up our chairs so we are social distanced.  If we can get outside for a bit of the meeting, we will do that too.  

One of the main focuses of the work retreat will be creating a strategic plan.  We'll have state partner sharing where we always learn so much.  Please see the agenda HERE.  And Register HERE today!  


Would you like to attend CADCA Mid-Year Training Institute or the NPN Conference and cannot afford it?

The Executive Board approved several scholarships for registration fees for AC4C members. Please let Jennifer know at [email protected] by June 25 if you are interested in attending either conference.  Here are the conference websites so you can check out the training agendas:  CADCA Mid-Year and National Prevention Network


Mark Your Calendars!

Upcoming Events:
  • Retreat dates for the upcoming FY:                
  • June 29 & 30, 2021  (See registration information below if you are not already registered.)
  • Sept. 15 & 16, 2021

Marijuana Prevention Virtual Listening Post- July 27, 1 p.m. (See more information below.) 

AC4C Prevention Conference- Nov. 3, 2021 at Camp Dodge/MCTC!

   (More details coming soon!)

AC4C Day on the Hill 2022-February 24!

Resources to Share and Links to check out... 
Members keep up with the latest in the news

Looking for a training



Iowa State Patrol


Iowa Department of Public Health & Your Life Iowa


Partnership for A Healthy Iowa

(formerly PDFI) 


Connected Communities.
Effective Coalitions. 
Healthy Iowans. 

Unifying Iowans to reduce youth substance misuse
a state
and community level.

Join an Action Team or Work Group session every month!
Access the action team meetings (usually) on Mondays. Login information here
Other Substances Action Team
Next meeting - Aug. 2 @ 9:30am            (no July meeting)
Marijuana Action Team
Next meeting- Wednesday, July 21 @ 9:30am  (changed date due to CADCA Midyear being the second week)

Nicotine Action Team 
Next meetings- June 21 and July 19 @ 9:30am 
Alcohol Action Team
Next meetings- June 28 and July 26 @ 9:30am )

Policy Work Group
4th Wednesday at 2:00 pm usually 
Meeting information can be found here
Click here for meeting minutes

To collaborate with the community and statewide entities to advocate and educate on substance abuse legislation, policies, and related issues.
Marketing and Communications Work Group (currently meeting with Capacity Work group)
Chair: Sue Greene
normally 3rd Monday at 2:00 pm (The workgroup will not meet in June due to the Tall Cop training on June 21.)
To build skills and provide resources to members of AC4C 

Capacity Work Group (currently meeting with Marketing & Communications Group)

normally 3rd Monday at 2:00 pm (not meeting in June)
Click here for meeting minutes

Create a network of professionals that have a diverse knowledge, experience and interest.

2021 AC4C
 Executive Board 

Top row - L to R: Lorelle Mueting- President, Kristin Frank- VP, Dana Allen- Secretary, Kris Rankin- Treasurer, and  Sue Greene- At Large member; Bottom row- L to R: (all At Large members) Julie Furne, Jackie Preston, Stacie Schroeder, and David Condry. 

Medication Disposal Resources

DEA Drug Take Back  - October 23

Do you know about RALI Iowa?
Check out this organization and information about their virtual trailer HERE

More resources...

Mid-America Prevention Training Transfer Center (PTTC) recently featured AC4C on their Podcast.  Check it out and their website for training opportunities and other resources to support prevention here in Iowa. 
AC4C | [email protected] |
Alliance of Coalitions for Change
Katya Boltanova, Chair
Jennifer Husmann, Project Director, 319-462-4327 x 202