During this Coronavirus Pandemic, we wish to protect our members and their families from the spread of COVID-19.
Please consider limiting your visits to the Local Union Office. Experts agree that staying apart is critical if we want to reduce the strain on our health care system and slow the spread of this virus to save lives.
As you are aware, your quarterly dues payments can be paid on-line at the Local43 website (www.ibew43.org) through the Referral Portal. I would suggest you use this preferred method at this time. We will still be accepting checks via the mail.
For those members who are unemployed, your re-signs may also be submitted through the Referral Portal. You can also mail or fax the re-signs to the Union office (Fax# 315-671-3145).
Please remember that we all should take these simple steps to prevent the spread of the virus:
  • Wash your hands regularly - for at least 20 seconds
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or your sleeve
  • Avoid handshaking
  • Don't touch your face with unwashed hands
  • Keep 6 feet of distance from others in public


Thank you for your cooperation.  Together we can and will get through this!
Alan Marzullo
Business Manager
IBEW Local Union 43

IBEW Local 43
4568 Waterhouse Road
Clay, New York 13041