Can you explain what happens with the Select product line?
The LokSound Select is getting discontinued. It will still be supported but the reason of the change is partly because of an end of life component issue. It is getting harder and harder to find the components needed to produce the Selects and V4.0s. They are 10 years old in 2019... The V5 DCC has some of the best parts of the Selects combined with the programmability of the V4.0s plus some new and exciting features. We've priced this at the Select price though so it really is the best the both worlds.
Can I load a Select sound file on 5 hardware?
Only V4.0 files can be loaded onto 5s.
Will the Select file library be converted to 5 files or reprocessed as new 5's?
Almost all of the Select files have V4.0 equivalents. These will convert automatically to load into a 5 with the LokProgrammer 5.0.0 Software.
New files will come made specifically for the 5s. Any new files that there was not a Select or V4.0 file for will be made also a Select and V4.0 so those users can still have that sound.
Will the current arrangement with v4.0 and Select remains exactly the same? e.g. Select files for Select decoder firmware only. V4.0 files for V4.0 firmware only, M4 files for M4 only...
Yes Nothing changes on the selects, V4.0 or V4.0 M4
Will there be Standard, Micro, L and XL sound file versions/numbers with the LokSound 5?
There will be just one number for each sound.
The LokSound 5 release is basically new hardware and a consolidation of firmware to either DCC or Multi-Protocol to greatly simplify the sound decoder product line.
Mostly, with some new features, better sound quality, better motor control, and more outputs.
Will there be any need for a LokPilot 5 to provide compatibility with sound features like the full throttle release?
There will be a LokPilot 5 in the fall.
As a sidebar of less interest... I also surmise the 64xxx series M4 line goes away with this product release?
Yes, The LokSound 5 is multiprotocol. The LokSound 5 DCC is Only DCC
When will the new LokProgrammer software be available?
As a reminder all V4.0 files will load directly onto a V5/V5 DCC decoder automatically with the V5.0.0 LokProgrammer Software.
With the LokSound 5 be offered to OEM partners?
A few LokSound equipped locomotives from our partner manufacturers have been delivered with V5 decoders installed.
More are on the way now! Please be sure to use the newest LokProgrammer software to make any changes to these locos.
When will the LokSound 5 start shipping?
The Retail LokSound V5s should begin shipping towards the end of Feb 2019 as more product and packaging arrives. We will be sure to send out another update just before we begin to ship to keep everyone informed.