Congregation Etz Chaim
1 Lafayette Drive
Livingston, NJ 07039
(973) 597-1655

E. Samuel Klibanoff, Rabbi

March 30, 2019 | 23 Adar II 5779
Parshat Shemini
Parshat Parah - Shabbat Mevarchim
7:01 pm | Candle Lighting
7:05 pm | Mincha

Shabbat Day
8:30 am | Shiur
9:00 am | Shacharit
9:45 am | Teen Minyan
9:53 am | Z'man Kriat Shema
10:15 am | Kid's Services
6:50 pm | Mincha
8:01 pm | Shabbat Ends
Weekday Services
March 31 - April 5

8:30 am | Sunday
6:45 am | Mon - Fri

7:05 pm | Sun - Thurs

Dr. Erica Brown
The Community Scholar is generously sponsored by Deborah and Wayne Zuckerman in observance of the fifth Yahrtzeit of Abe Zuckerman - Avraham Yaakov ben Yoseif Ze'ev Z"L

8:30 am | Parsha Shiur
Following morning services | "Pour Out Your Wrath: Understanding Today's Antisemitism"
5:45 pm Oneg and Lecture Specifically for Teens |   "Decision Making: A Jewish Approach"
( Parents are encouraged to send their teenage children to hear this most important talk)
Dr. Brown will also speak briefly during Kabbalat Shabbat and Seudah Shlishit

 Dr. Erica Brown is an associate professor at George Washington University and the director of its Mayberg Center for Jewish Education and Leadership. She is the author of eleven books on leadership, the Hebrew Bible and spirituality; her forthcoming book is a commentary on the Book of Esther. She has been published in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Tablet and The Jewish Review of Books and writes a monthly column for the New York Jewish Week. She has blogged for Psychology Today, Newsweek/Washington Post's "On Faith" and JTA and tweets on one page of Talmud study a day at .
Rabbi's Message
Sefer Vayikra does not contain too much narrative. There are plenty of laws, procedures and words to live by, but very few stories. Parshat Shemini contains one of the stories. It is opening day of the brand new Mishkan (apropos for this time of year) and we learn of a terrible tragedy with the deaths of Nadav and Avihu, the sons of Aharon Hakohein. Moshe guides his older brother through this unfathomable tragedy in the best way that he humanly can. All we see from Aharon is stunned silence. He was in shock and could only be silent.

Sometimes in life, the most we can muster as a response is stunned silence. There are sometimes simply no words. Aharon continued to serve as a leader of Bnai Yisrael, but one must surmise that he could not have been the same from that point onward.

Interestingly enough, he did have where to go for counseling. His sister Miriam had also lost a son during the episode of the Golden Calf. We are told that her son Chur tried to stop the rebellion, but was murdered by a mob of people who were in a frenzy.

When we think of the tragedy in this family, along with what seems like the failure of Moshe's two sons (who did not amount to much in the Chumash), it is amazing that they got anything done! Yet, here they were, three siblings who served their people faithfully despite their own personal suffering.

Ultimately speaking, we will not be judged by what happens to us in life, but by what we do with what happens to us in life.

May we all merit to live long, fruitful and meaningful lives.

Shabbat Shalom
Thank you so much to the entire Etz Chaim community for your love and support of our team running the Jerusalem Marathon on behalf of Kol Hanearim. We were able to make a real difference in the lives of underprivileged children because of you! Tizku L'Mitzvos and thank you!

Sarah Klibanoff, Rachelli Klibanoff , Ari Wise, Isaac Wise   
Mazal Tov to Rachel & Alan Rubin on the engagement of their daughter Abigail to Avi Borgen. Mazal Tov to Avi's parents Jacqueline & Dov Borgen of Monsey, NY. 
Kiddush this week is sponsored by the Etz Chaim Community
19th Annual NJ Jewish Film Festival: Etz Chaim Sponsored Films
Double Feature ( Travelogue Tel Aviv & The Unorthodox )
Motzei Shabbat | March 30 | 9:00 pm
JCC MetroWest
Maurice Levin Theatre
760 Northfield Ave.
West Orange, NJ 07052
Sisterhood Book Club:
The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
Tuesday | April 2 | 7:30 pm
Home of Debbie Zuckerman

Men's Club: Fourth Annual "Man's Seder"
Wednesday | April 3 | 7:30 pm
Congregation Etz Chaim
1 Lafayette Drive
Livingston, NJ
Community Events
19th Annual NJ Jewish Film Festival
March 27 - April 7
JCC MetroWest
Maurice Levin Theatre
760 Northfield Ave.
West Orange, NJ 07052
Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest Presents:
CommUNITY Mitzvah Day

Sunday | April 7
Parshat Hashavua (Women)
Tuesday | 10:30 am

Talmud Shiur - Arvei Pesachim
Tuesday Evening | After Davening

Yiddish Class
Monday Evening | After Davening
Zumba at Etz Chaim
Monday | Wednesday | Thursday

Updating Cholim List
To add or remove a name from the list, please contact SHELLY PARADIS.