The Portuguese-American Leadership Council of the United States
Serving our Community for 29 Years!
LUS US Newsletter                                          
01 June 2020


It is with great satisfaction that we announce the resumption of face-to-face service, by appointment only, throughout the consular network of Portugal, in the United States of America, starting next Monday, June 8, 2020.

Nevertheless, prevention and mitigation measures for Covid-19 continue to be imposed, in line with the decisions taken by US federal, state and local authorities.
Thus, customer service will be guided by the following rules:
  • Visitors must schedule an appointment in advance, except where this option is not technically available;
  • All visitors must wear a mask;
  • All visitors must strictly follow the safety instructions given by consular staff, including those related to social distancing.
Service priority will be given to appointments that had to be cancelled due to the pandemic.

The reopening of consular services to the public includes the Consulates General of New York, Boston, San Francisco and Newark, the Consulate of New Bedford, the Vice Consulate of Providence, the Consular Section of the Embassy in Washington, as well as the Honorary Consulate of Connecticut.

Regarding Florida, consular assistance will be strengthened  statewide. To that effect, the Embassy official previously working at the Honorary Consulate in Palm Coast will be alternately serving the public, both in Palm Coast and Miami. This new system will start as soon as the transfer of the State's goods and equipment, hosted at the previous premises of the Honorary Consulate, has taken place. Consular services in Miami will continue after the resumption of the Palm Coast Honorary Consulate.

The Ambassador of Portugal and the Heads of the Consular Missions take this opportunity to express their deep appreciation for the understanding, the civic-mindedness and the sense of responsibility that marked the attitude of the public, in particular the Portuguese and Portuguese-American community in general. We are sorry for the setbacks and inconveniences that the temporary suspension of regular consular services may have caused in the meantime.

For more information on your local consulate, visit their respective website and FB pages.


01 junho 2020


É com muito particular satisfação que se informa que foi decidido retomar o atendimento presencial, por marcação, em toda a rede consular de Portugal, nos Estados Unidos da América, a partir do próximo dia 8 de junho.

Continuam, no entanto, a impor-se medidas de prevenção e mitigação da Covid-19, em consonância com as decisões adotadas pelas autoridades norte-americanas federais, estaduais e locais.

Assim, o atendimento ao público obedecerá às seguintes regras:
  • apenas serão atendidos utentes com agendamento prévio (sem walk-ins), exceto onde tal se não afigure tecnicamente possível; 
  • todos os utentes e acompanhantes deverão usar máscara; 
  • os utentes deverão seguir escrupulosamente as indicações do pessoal dos postos consulares, nomeadamente as relativas ao cumprimento das regras de distanciamento social.
A prioridade no atendimento será concedida às marcações que foram canceladas, em virtude da pandemia.

A retoma do atendimento ao público abrange os Consulados-Gerais de Nova Iorque, Boston, São Francisco e Newark, o Consulado de New Bedford, o Vice-Consulado de Providence, a Secção Consular da Embaixada em Washington e, ainda, o Consulado Honorário de Connecticut.

No caso da Flórida, foi decidido reforçar a presença junto da comunidade, no conjunto do Estado, através de um regime de presenças consulares, regulares e alternadas, entre Palm Coast e Miami. O novo regime entrará em vigor logo que tenha sido possível assegurar a transferência do equipamento e acervo do Estado, presentemente nas instalações do antigo Consulado Honorário de Palm Coast.  As presenças consulares em Miami manter-se-ão, mesmo após a reativação do Consulado Honorário de Palm Coast.

O Embaixador de Portugal e os titulares dos Postos Consulares aproveitam esta oportunidade para agradecer a compreensão, civismo e sentido de responsabilidade que caraterizaram a atitude dos utentes, e da comunidade portuguesa e luso-americana, em geral, lamentando, mais uma vez, os contratempos que a suspensão temporária do atendimento a que nos vimos obrigados inevitavelmente causou.

Are you a PALCUS member yet?  
We are stronger together!

I f you agree with the work undertaken by PALCUS to build the social, cultural and political capital of our community, then please join us and become a member today!

Strong membership participation means a stronger voice in the national Portuguese-American agenda. In order to advance Portuguese language education, increase presence in the congressional caucuses, and provide economic opportunities, the collective voice of thousands is needed!  

In addition, PALCUS is a member-driven non-profit organization that depends on membership dues and fundraising events to fund its operations.  Members of the all-volunteer board of directors donate their time and personal funds for travel, lodging and tickets to attend networking events and planning sessions so our administrative costs are relatively low but nonetheless critical to doing business on a daily basis.

There are membership categories to suit every budget and level of interest.  Please click on our membership webpage and join our voice today!

 Questions? Contact Graci for more information! 

Did you enjoy this newsletter? Do you know about all the programs PALCUS offers our community? Please visit our website and become a member today! 
We can't do what we do without your support!

Newsletter Archive

Read past issues of the LUSUS Newsletter at!lusus-newsletter/cbac 

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Jobs for Portuguese Speakers
Jobs for Portuguese Speakers

If you want to put your Portuguese language skills to use in your next job, there are many opportunities out there! Visit the  Jobs for Portuguese Speakers Facebook page to see some job openings.

Contact Information

Phone: 202-466-4664

9255 Center St., Suite 404
Manassas, VA 20110
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PALCUS Mission

In order to create a singular voice to advocate  for the Portuguese-American and Luso-American communities at large, the Portuguese-American Leadership Council of the United States Inc. (PALCUS) was founded in 1991 as a non-partisan, non-profit, organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. 
The PALCUS mission is to address domestic and international concerns of the Portuguese-American Community.
The Council conducts an expanding program of educational and public affairs activities on issues of interest to the Portuguese-American community and of salience to the Luso-American Relationship.
PALCUS is committed to serving the community through increasingly active government relations efforts, the promotion of a greater awareness of ethnic accomplishments and encouraging stronger ties between Portugal and the United States. In this role PALCUS advances the community professionally, politically and culturally while working to ensure that issues directly affecting our community are addressed through our network of government and community leaders.

PALCUS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization under the IRS tax code and  incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia.  Donations are tax deductible to extent allowed by law and will be acknowledged.

PALCUS has earned the 2019 Gold GuideStarUSA Nonprofit Profile Seal of Transparency. Visit our profile HERE
Portuguese-American Leadership Council of the United States, Inc.
9255 Center Street, Ste. 404, Manassas, VA 20110
Email: [email protected]   PH: 202-466-4664   Web:
EIN: 52-1739459
Copyright © 2019, PALCUS. All Rights Reserved.