Enter to Learn. Go Forth to Serve.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Dear O’Hara families, 

In accordance with orders issued by the Governor’s office, O’Hara Catholic School will be closed from March 16 through March 31.

The schedule for the closure is below:

Mon., March 16: ​"Snow Day" / No School*

Tues., March 17 - Fri., March 20: Digital Learning Days**

Mon., March 23 - Fri., March 27: SPRING BREAK

Mon., March 30 - Tues., March 31: Digital Learning Days**

* Monday, March 16 will be counted as a “snow day”, and will not require any make-up. 

** Please read below for instructions and information for Digital Learning Days that will start on Tuesday, March 17.

Please note: there will not be a weekly bulletin sent out on Sunday. The next planned communication is Tuesday, March 17.
In an effort to continue education during this time, O’Hara has a Digital Learning Day plan in place. The Department of Catholic Schools has directed us to implement these days in order to avoid having to add additional days to our school calendar in June. Please follow the instructions below and be prepared to turn in student work as described. 

To organize and communicate student assignments, we will use 1 main document that acts as a table of contents - please bookmark this page: Digital Learning Day Directory . This document contains links to each grade and specialist that your child may receive homework from on Digital Learning Days. By 9am on March 17, all teacher updates will be complete and students can view assignments and begin their classwork. 

  • Teachers will update the assignments by 9am each day we are out of school. 
  • Depending on the grade of your student, there will be different requirements and expectations, please be sure to read through those daily. 
  • All assignments will be due at 3pm on the due date designated in the assignment.
The digital learning framework is new at O'Hara. Below are answers to some frequently asked questions. Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we all navigate this together. These FAQs will be updated as needed; the link to access the FAQs is posted on the Digital Learning Day Directory .

How will the school communicate with parents on an ongoing basis?
Email will be the primary method of communication. Administrators and teachers will be checking their email accounts during the following “office hours”: 9:00am - 10:30am and 1:30pm - 3:00pm.  

Teachers may elect to use other, additional options for communication (Google Hangouts, etc…). This information will be shared on their page in the Digital Learning Day Directory .

General update emails will be sent by the administration as needed. The Digital Learning Day Directory includes a link to an announcement page where we will keep a log of school-wide communications sent out.

Please do not call the school. O’Hara’s voicemail will not be regularly monitored during the closure.

What if a family doesn’t have access to appropriate technology (internet, device, etc.)?
On Monday, March 16, students who don't have a device at home and would like to borrow a chromebook from O'Hara for the duration of our closure are welcome to come check out a device between the hours of 10am - 12noon.

Please fill out this form if you are planning to come by school to get a device . Please fill out this form once for each student who will need a device. Please note: we have a limited supply of chromebooks available. Priority will be given to students in grades 3-5. Middle School students should plan to use their already-issued school device.

Please email Mrs. Conway if you have additional questions.

Will attendance be taken during digital learning days?
Yes. Parents must click the attendance link at the top of the homeroom teacher’s Digital Learning Day Directory page by 11:30am. Please note: attendance for each student must be submitted each day of the closure.

There are 3 attendance options:
PRESENT: My child is participating in the digital learning day today.
SICK: My child is sick and/or unable to participate in the digital learning day today.
VACATION: My child is not sick, but will not be participating in the digital learning day today. 

NOTE: if you do not check in by 11:30am, your child will be marked absent for the day.

If your child ends up getting sick mid-day, simply email the teacher and Mrs. Whitford to clarify.

Who do I contact if I need login info for my student (oharaschool.org email account, IXL account, etc…)?
Your child’s teacher.

How will work be turned in? Will it be graded?
The teacher will include specific directions in the Digital Learning Day Directory .  This may include an email summary signed (digitally) by the parent, photographs of completed work, assignments turned in digitally via Google Classroom, etc…

  • Student work will be graded and entered into the gradebook.

  • Teachers will indicate whether an activity/assignment is optional or mandatory.

  • The daily deadline for homework submission is 3pm. Please refer to each assignment to clarify the day that the homework is due.

What if my children are unable to complete their schoolwork due to alternate childcare or other factors?
Email the teacher to indicate that your child will be absent. We will deal with the absence just like we do when a student is absent on a normal school day.

We forgot a book or another item at school. Can we come by to get it?
Yes, on Monday, March 16, between the hours of 10am - 12noon. The building will otherwise be closed until Wednesday, April 1. 

At this time, to our knowledge, there are no suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our school community. Once the school closes, families should continue strict sanitizing procedures and social distancing as directed by authorities to help slow the spread of the virus in our community.

Families should continue to stay informed of the situation and most current recommendations by following news releases and updates from local, state and national authorities. The CDC , Oregon Health Authority , Lane County Public Health and Johns Hopkins are reliable resources.

The Archdiocese of Portland has also set up a webpage that includes reference and information links for our families .

Again, please note: there will not be a weekly bulletin sent out on Sunday. The next planned communication is Tuesday, March 17.

Thank you, O'Hara families, for your patience and support during these times of uncharted territory. We know that this major disruption to normal life will, without doubt, present challenges. However, we remain committed to our social responsibility to ensure the health and welfare of our community.

Please know of our continued prayers for you and your family,

Tammy Conway
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

- Joshua 24:15
O'Hara Catholic School
715 West 18th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97402