Dearest FVAMC Community,
First of all we want to check in on all of you and make sure you are all feeling healthy and safe. These are unprecedented times and we ask Allah to protect us all. We also need to help each other during this time while still practicing social distancing. Make regular wellness calls to one or two people in the at-risk groups (elderly and people with chronic conditions) who may become isolated as a result of social distancing. Remember, social distancing does not have to result in social isolation. But please heed the warnings and stay home if you can because you could be saving lives.
Additionally, we wanted to share that Sr. Humaira is leading an initiative to prepare and distribute care packages to those affected and those in need. The packages will have non-perishable food items and toiletries. We need your help in two ways: (1) donations to make the packages; and (2) individual volunteers to distribute them following CDC guidelines. We have a box outside FVAMC for people to drop off supplies any time without coming into contact with anyone. Items needed include: canned food, rice, soap, hand sanitizers.
Please text any of the people below or email FVAMC at to learn more or to help volunteer.
Humaira Salehi - 860-987-8766
Thomas Eng - 860-259-7733
Marylin Dougan - 860-801-7851
Rosalie Pion – 860-716-1973
Stay safe
and truly try to stay home as much as possible and that includes your children (no playdates!). Children could be carriers and could unintentionally infect others. Please keep that in mind and be careful when checking in on the elderly or immunocompromised as they are more vulnerable.
Also please remember we still have our Mobile Food Share every other Tuesday between 10-10:30 AM. Our next one is scheduled for Tuesday March 31, 2020 at 10 AM.