Dear Parents,

Given the increase in numbers of cases and deaths around the country and specifically Ohio we would like to urge families to take greater precautions especially concerning Thanksgiving plans.

The administration and medical advisory committee of Columbus Torah Academy have worked extensively to ensure the continuity of in-person school and the safety of staff and students.  Given the rapidly approaching Thanksgiving holiday weekend, we request that travel is limited to what is deemed essential.  Please limit out of town visitors as well.
Currently the travel policy of the school is guided by the state of Ohio.  Visitors to states on Ohio's travel advisory list will require a 14-day home observation period as per the Ohio Department of Health recommendations.  
At this time we are not imposing any other travel restrictions,  We are unsure what the next few months will bring.  In an effort not to impose travel restrictions we want to let you know that we are considering having remote learning for up to two weeks after winter break.  During this period of remote learning families will be required to be in Columbus. This will allow everyone to complete any essential travel they feel is necessary and allow us to open the school safely.
We are not planning on remote learning after Thanksgiving.  We request that everyone be vigilant over the next few weeks.  As the cases are increasing we want to make sure that we continue to remain in school.  Whether that is possible is entirely dependent on our behavior now, both as individuals and as a community. 
We realize this is a difficult time for everyone.  However, these precautions are the key to keeping our school open for in person learning while keeping the health and safety of our staff and students a priority.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Drandoff and the Medical Advisory Committee