Vice President for Research
Proposal Services & Faculty Support
March 2019 (Special Release #2)

March 2019 Important Update #2

We are still accepting responses for the AAAS survey. The survey was sent to gauge interest among faculty in participating in a Communicating Science Workshop that is sponsored and conducted by facilitators from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The half day workshop, which enhances public education and outreach skills, was launched at the 2008 AAAS Annual Meeting in Boston and has since provided more than 220 workshops for over 7,000 attendees at universities, science society meetings, and government agency labs in the US and abroad. We are excited about bringing the Workshop to Auburn University for faculty in all disciplines and hope faculty will find the time to complete the short survey to help us in our planning. The original date for completing the survey is March 18th. With your support, we would look forward to receiving survey results anytime this week.

We are still looking for judges for the Student Research Symposium. The goal of the symposium is to showcase student research and creative scholarship across all disciplines to a broad audience. To this end, judges do not need to be experts in the discipline for which they serve as a judge. 

Date: April 9, 2019, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Location: Student Center Ballroom
Reserve the Corner today for collaborative meetings, proposal development or to learn more about AU research resources.
The monthly flights on the AU shuttle connect faculty to other researchers or agencies to further their research goals.
AU PI Handbook, agency guides & more to help you write a successful proposal.
Auburn University subscription based funding service that provides faculty with funding opportunities pertinent to their research areas. 
Auburn University internal competition space for limited submissions.
Proposal Services & Faculty Support