June 2020
New National Mental Health Art Gallery
During our celebration of Children's Mental Health Awareness last month, we created a national gallery on our website to display works of art that reflect wellness, recovery
and what artists feel others need to know about mental illness.
Visit the gallery to see the pieces already on display!

We invite you to submit your own original artwork - drawing, painting, writing, short video, etc. - that expresses your thoughts, feelings and experiences around the importance of mental health. Submissions should include the artists age and state of residency as well as their first name and last initial - or they can be listed anonymously.
Virtual Hill Day at Home - June 23 & 24
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we work and how we live, and the needs of people with mental health needs and addictions are more acute than ever. And so is the need to advocate for them and the organizations that serve them.
That’s why it is important that we continue to rally, moving ahead together
to bring our most important issues to Congress.
COVID-19 is Changing Hill Day
For the first time ever, the National Council will bring our most important issues to Congress and harness
our collective power in a whole
new way - virtually - for free! 
Hill Day at Home is your opportunity to urge lawmakers to invest in lifesaving funding for mental health and addiction programs – from your computer without ever leaving
the comfort of your home or office.

On June 23rd and 24th you’ll be able to log on to The National Council's free online event portal for the 2020 Virtual Policy Institute. This advocacy and learning event will include keynote speakers, the latest legislative updates, immersive breakout sessions
and all the great content we know to expect from Hill Day.
Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Our focus remains on families and our chapters. We've continued to update the COVID-19 resource sections of our website in an effort to provide needed support during the pandemic. We hope you find them helpful.
Crisis Resources
We have collected information to help families in crisis connect easily to supports and services in the following areas of need:
  • Mental Health
  • Crisis and/or Suicide Risk
  • Substance Use
  • Child Abuse or Neglect
  • Domestic/Family Violence
  • Access to Food
  • Parenting
Chapter Resources
Our dedicated COVID-19 resource page for family-run organizations includes tools to assist with sustainability and the continued support of parents and families. Find information about delivering telehealth services, essential information about relief bills, and other important topics that address organizational needs.
Parent Resources
To support parents and caregivers at home, we have:

  1. Gathered key resources and information on our dedicated COVID-19 parent resources page
  2. Compiled hundreds of ideas, activities, virtual experiences and educational resources on our Facebook page dedicated to home resources
  3. Added content to our Pinterest Boards, including new sections to specifically address the pandemic and home schooling
Legislation and Advocacy
News and Updates
Following our Legislative and Advocacy page on Facebook is the best way to get the latest news. You will also find our updates as well as tools and resources that can assist in your efforts to represent the voice of children, youth and families on our Legislative and Advocacy web pages .
Look for our next Legislative and Advocacy update to arrive soon. It will highlight important information for parents, youth, families and organizations related to the recently passed stimulus package and other notable bills and legislation. Not signed up for our Legislative and Advocacy updates yet? Click here to subscribe to the list.

Submit your state's advocacy and legislative news and updates to our
Legislative Liaison, Michelle Covington, at mcovington@ffcmh.org .
Webinars and Events
Title: Coaching and Support - Monthly Session
Date/Time: Wednesday, June 17th from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ET

Our state chapter in Mississippi, Families as Allies, offers an online monthly coaching
and support session for parents who are supporting other parents in any system.
Our state chapter in Nevada, Nevada PEP, is offering a number of webinars covering a variety of topics in June that support parents, caregivers, families and their children as well as the professionals who support them. Click the button below to view their calendar, see titles and descriptions and to register for this month's webinars.
The TA Network operates multiple Learning Communities that are open to anyone. The Learning Communities were assembled with the most pressing needs of the children's behavioral health field in mind, and are facilitated by a diverse group of content experts. Opportunities for peer examples and interactions are also provided in addition to resources and tools. Click the button below to learn more and to register
for one or more of the webinars they are offering this month.
Resources and Opportunities
From Boston University and Brigham and Women's Hospital
Young adults in the United States ages 18 to 30 are invited to participate in this research study funded by the National Science Foundation. The study involves a 30-45 minute online survey that will take place between now and October 2020. One out of every 10 participants will earn a $25 Amazon gift card. The goal of the study is to understand the physical and emotional well being of young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about the study and participating here .
From On Our Sleeves and Nationwide Children's Hospital
Your Summer Guide to Staying Mentally Fit
Summer means warmer days, sunshine, and a more relaxed way of life. This year though, your summer might be different than in the past. On Our Sleeves has created a guide to help you maintain structure and keep your kids mentally fit.
Visit the guide here .
From PsychHub
#NoteToSelfCare Page
On this PsychHub page you’ll find tips for making self-care a priority and learn how being mindful of your emotional health can support your long-term well-being and help you stay ready to support the people you care about. It includes
self-care tips, stories and resources. Find them here .