Friday 07 December 2018

Brought to you by  Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor
Today's Top Story
Producers beware: UAE order scam
There’s an online scam doing the rounds which is directly targeting olive producers. The AOA received a heads-up from Robert Pearse of Olive’s Olives – who was savvy enough not to get caught – to share with FOE readers.
Producers are being approached by a person purporting to be the purchasing manager of a very large company based in Dubai UAE regarding a large order (in this case approx. A$2500 of table olives). The deal involves the producer paying the freight charges to the company’s preferred carrier. 
The sender is not, however, involved with the company named and it appears the freight charge would be a payment to the scammers, with no subsequent sale occurring. 
Thanks Robert: a great reminder of need for vigilance in our new world of online business.
The Dakota Ridge Olives range includes smoking chips, olive leaf tea and smoked olives. Picture: Andy Rogers.
Launching a new farm business is fraught with hurdles at the best of times. When you need the business up and running right from scratch, especially when you have not run such a business before, it can be doubly challenging.

A great example of value-adding to increase business viability.
There are over 800 drumMUSTER collection sites available across Australia where you can bring in your empty, clean eligible agvet chemical containers to be collected, processed and recycled. Find your nearest collection site here.
And if they’re full …
The Agsafe national ChemClear service provides Australian agricultural and veterinary chemical users with a collection and disposal pathway for unwanted, inherited or unknown chemicals currently stored on agricultural properties. Illegal chemicals registered with ChemClear will not incur a penalty while in storage pending the next collection – register yours here or on 1800 008 182. More information on the service here
Athlete Candice Warner, 33 shares her day on a plate.

Whether you’re interested in her diet or not, you’ve gotta love Dr Joanna McMillan’s recommendation to consumers to “Use extra virgin olive oil for frying your chips …” – the myth-busting continues!
Got something to sell? Or want to buy? Go direct to your target market
If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, you can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. The online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertising your unwanted equipment, extra oil - or even your grove. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates. 
Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40/month for AOA members ($100/month for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.
Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at
Looking for an Italian olive industry marketer?
Giorgia Ibba is “an Italian with a special passion for olive oil” who is keen to work in the Australia olive industry in marketing, promotion and communications. Currently working in Jaen, Spain until 10 December, she has experience in similar roles in FMCG companies and both Italian and Spanish olive oil companies. She’s also worked the olive harvest, collaborated on quality standards and traceability in bottling, and attended seminars and classes about innovation and sustainability in the olive oil sector, best practices and new technologies, and oil tasting.
She’s open for opportunities – and questions. If you’re interested in knowing more, contact her at
BoM outlook for summer, on screen
The Bureau of Meteorology has produced a user-friendly video of its Climate and Water Outlook for December 2018-February 2019, providing a comprehensive overview of conditions existing and forecast for the summer quarter. View it here.
Vic Government increases drought support
The Victorian Government has announced additional technical, financial and personal support for farmers experiencing drought conditions. Among the measures included in the $5 million funding package are: 
  • $500,000 for a drought co-ordinator in Gippsland, and additional co-ordination elsewhere
  • $1 million dollars for technical and business support for financial decisions on farm
  • $1.4 million for drought infrastructure grants
  • $400,000 for the Look Over The Farm Gate Program to better support farmer mental health
  • $400,000 to increase the Rural Financial Counselling Service
More information here or call the Agriculture Victoria Information line on 136 186.
S-E Vic: help offered for future planning
The Rural Financial Counselling Service is offering farmers and owners of small rural business in south eastern Victoria free, independent and confidential assistance that will help plan for the future. Offices are located in Leongatha (Head Office), Ellinbank, Maffra and Bairnsdale. Eligibility criteria apply. To find out more, contact the Rural Financial Counselling Service 5662 2566 or
December Olivegrower on it’s way – are you featured?
The December edition of Olivegrower & Processor has been printed and will be making its way into letterboxes across Australia, New Zealand and beyond very soon. It’s packed full of industry news, R&D and practical grove information – along with results and photos of competition winners across both countries. If you haven’t renewed your subscription – or if you’re not yet a subscriber - now’s the time to act to ensure you get your copy. 
You can renew or subscribe here through our secure e-way payment system. It takes just a few minutes, with a tax invoice arriving immediately in your Inbox. 
Don’t forget your subscription also includes registration to the weekly Friday Olive Extracts e-newsletter, plus 24/7 ONLINE access to each print issue at

Renew now – the December edition’s a cracker and you don’t want to miss out!
I never understood what dry skin was before I moved to New York. I have two vivid memories of my first winter after moving from the West Coast: getting constant headaches from freezing wind icing my ears, and having lips so chapped they peeled off in chunks, regardless of how much shea butter or paw paw ointment I smeared on them.

Yes, she’s talking about olive oil, and emphasizes the importance – and value – of making sure you use the good stuff.
Domenica Fiore president Anna Wallner and production director Cesare Bianchini launched Novello di Notte extra-virgin oil that sees no light from its night-time picking until the $65-priced stainless-steel bottles are opened. Malcolm Parry/PNG.
Midnight oil: open a $65 stainless-steel bottle of Domenica Fiore Novello di Notte extra-virgin olive oil and its 500-ml contents should blink. That’s because three varieties of olives therein were harvested from an Italian hillside in the cool of night, promptly cold-pressed, and kept in the dark ever since.
If you’re anything like me, you’re probably only eating whole olives in a chopped Greek salad or on top of a cauli-crust pizza (or perhaps in the bottom of a martini). But there’s actually a pretty good argument for grabbing a jar on your next Trader Joe’s run—like the olive oil they generate, whole olives are a simple way to add a hit of nutrients and flavor to pretty much any savory meal.

A pretty convincing overview on the health benefits of eating olives.
A new machine to improve yield fits into the standard olive oil production line, demonstrating that technology has a role in the development of the sector.
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
The year is rapidly ticking by, with Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) continuing to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them,  you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!
This is one of my favorite cakes. Describing it, though, other than to say it’s made with a fruity Italian extra-virgin olive oil and has a terrific lemony kick — from both juice and zest — isn’t easy.

Another recipe, you say … but what we love is the paragraph on “light” olive oil.
A 500-ml bottle of Cretan extra virgin olive oil was sold recently for the impressive sum of €510 ($580), a price equivalent to €1,020 ($1,160) per liter. The pricey product was made from the ancient olive trees of the region of Ierapetra on the island of Crete and was put up for auction in the Netherlands.

Someone appreciates the real value of great EVOO!
What's On
1 February
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – Wangaratta region, Vic

3 February
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – Mornington Peninsula, Vic

15 February
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – New Norcia, WA

17 February
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – Margaret River, WA

17-21 February - FIAL at Gulfood - Dubai, UAE

March - dates TBC
Olives New Zealand Focus Grove Project Field Days – various regions, NZ

23 March - Olives New Zealand 2019 Annual General Meeting – Carterton

25 March 25
Closing date for entries, 2019 Olive Japan International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition – Tokyo, Japan

1 April
Closing date for entries, Oil China Competition 2019 - Beijing China

5-10 May – New York International Olive Oil Competition – New York, USA

11-14 May
1st China Training Course of Olive Oil Tasters - Shanghai China

14-16 May
Oil China Expo 2019 + Summit Forum - Shanghai China

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
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 Olivegrower Communications:
Olivegrower & Processor 
September Issue
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