Grace Notes Email Newsletter
Our Bulletin for This Sunday

Here is the bulletin for this week's worship- please use it to help you worship if you're tuning in at home.

This Sunday, we celebrate Reformation Day- the day when Martin Luther shared his vision for change in the Roman Catholic church. Well, Luther's vision didn't just change the church- it changed the world! Wear red to worship to celebrate this special day- whether that is at home or in the parking lot. We have certainly had a year of "reformation", so perhaps we can relate to church changes more than usual!

The weather forecast isn't great for Sunday, so please do check your email Sunday morning to see if we will have outdoor worship or online. We will let you know by 7:30 a.m. if worship is cancelled. If it's not, dress warmly and bring blankets.

Wherever you worship, please know that God will meet you there. We miss being together in normal ways, but lift our hearts up in prayer that the day will come again soon. No matter what happens in this world we can always rely on God's Grace and the knowledge that God is with us always. Thank you all for your patience and understanding as we make tough decisions and sometimes disagree, but ultimately work together for the good of our neighbors. God bless you all and keep you safe!

Where & When to Find our Worship Services Online
With the weather getting colder and the Covid-19 cases popping up more and more, online worship will continue and may be the only option some weeks. Here is the plan, with where and when to find our services:
If you have questions about how this works or can't find something, please feel free to reach out to our staff. While we would rather be having church normally, we are thankful for the ways we can still communicate and worship God during the pandemic.

October 23, 2020

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