As we move through these difficult and uncertain times in the existence of humankind, we are reminded that our survival on this planet is due to our intelligence and survivor instincts, along with our compassion for one another, and strength to endure such hard-times. And so it goes as well for our wild ones. We have stated time and time again, the reason our Nevada wild horses survive so well is due to their incredible will to survive, adaptability to environment, and compassion for their fellow herd members.
We at Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund are dedicated to making a difference for our wild horses, here in Nevada and across the country!!!! And we are so very grateful for the amazing support and encouragement we receive from each and every one of you!!! As you know, our organization is honored to have the special Nevada “Historic Virginia Range Mustangs” license plate available to the public to purchase. The amazing part of this license plate is that $20 of the annual renewal fee per vehicle goes to a fund that benefits the wild horses of the Virginia Range –the largest and most widely recognized wild horse herd in the United States.
We need to ensure this license plate will continue to move forward and become one of the top selling Nevada license plates – which means its funding can do many amazing things for wild horses in Nevada. And we can only succeed with your help!!!!!! However, the window of opportunity to ensure its success is getting short. We need to make sure that we have at least 3,000 active license plates in the hands of the public before the end of this year, 2020.
As you know, these last several months have been very difficult for many people and with the Nevada DMV offices locked down, we are behind schedule to make those numbers a reality! We hope to see all Nevada DMV offices re-opening soon and will keep you informed as we get re-opening updates.
In order to encourage more people to switch over to this beautiful license plate, we are offering the public an incentive program – and YOU ARE INVITED TO HELP!!!!
With every renewal of an existing or purchase of a new “
Historic Virginia Range Mustangs” license plate issued from May 15, 2020 through December 31, 2020, Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund will give the owner a $10.00 check! (
Please read rebate details in the next section below)
We only ask that the recipients of the $10 rebate consider spending their check on a local business or person negatively affected by this devastating and life-changing Covid-19 virus. We lovers of wild horses are a strong and willful sort, and find comfort and strength in community. Take this offer and go forth, spread the word, support your community, support the wild ones –
To help with this effort, we are giving away 12” x 18” signs (depicted above) that can attach to a gate, fence, or front porch, be set up in the lawn, or positioned in a window. We are happy to drop one off to you or you can pick one up at Foothill Feed and Mercantile at 1330 Geiger Grade Road in south Reno (the highway to Virginia City).
If you are not close to Reno, we can mail you one – write to HVWHPF, PO Box 20052, Reno NV 89515.
Additionally, if you know anyone who still has the old blue and white wild horse plate on their vehicle,
THANK THEM FOR SUPPORTING WILD HORSES and let them know to make the switch so they can start supporting the wild ones again! While it was a very successful plate, it is no longer active, so there is no “donation” being made or support given to this cause through that inactive license plate.
Your support of this "
Historic Virginia Range Mustangs" license plate is critical!! The funding derived from its sale will allow us to continue to develop fencing and other projects that will make sure our horses are safe and remain on the range. Funding already received is currently supporting the Technical Large Animal Rescue training efforts implemented by the Wild Horse Mentors TLAER unit to expand the number of trained and qualified volunteers in the field currently managing our Virginia Range mustangs. Funds also go to help purchase feed for the HVWHPF rescued herd as well as to advertise this license plate.