The Week Ahead

Monday May 25th through Sunday May 31st

Astrological Highlights for the week:  Mercury enters Cancer on Thursday.  

The cosmic showstopper this week is Mercury, the thinker and communicator that leaves Gemini and heads for sensitive and emotional Cancer on Thursday. This is an important cycle since Mercury’s retrograde (June 18 through July 12) will keep the messenger planet in Cancer until August 4 th

Cancer is a somewhat introverted water sign that keeps family, home, safety and security first and foremost in heart and mind. Considering the influence of the pandemic on the world at this time, this should be a very interesting cycle as we evaluate “Safer at Home” policies, and the multitude of contrasting ideas, opinions, and recommendations emerging from this crisis. Who is family? Is the world my home or just the brick and mortar building with all my stuff? 

While Mercury walks along the cosmic shores with the Crab we are likely to be focused on personal issues and indeed, find it very difficult to separate emotion from rational mind. Don’t expect logic to have much power while Mercury makes this long transit. Most of us will be under the spell of our feelings and emotional attachments. We might as well lower those expectations that reason, facts or figures will carry much weight! If it doesn’t touch the heart, it’s likely to slip right past the mind. 

Also notice that many of the things that capture our attention and are the focus of conversations and communications will tend to be personal, related to family and home and issues around feeling safe. We may have a hard time wrapping our minds around a bigger context of anything outside our immediate domain. Unless of course, we consider ourselves citizens of the world or universe, then perhaps our center of attention will be a bit more expansive. 

We associate Cancer inextricably with family; but this doesn’t necessarily mean blood relatives. Cancer’s family is whoever they DECIDE is family. We might spend some time considering how we draw these lines of inclusion and exclusion. Who’s inside and who isn’t?

Anytime you consider Cancer energy think about how a crab walks and covers distance. Ever notice? It moves back and forth from side to side rather than taking a direct route. With Mercury in Cancer we might find it more difficult to follow a conversation. The speaker or writer has a destination in mind but may use a circuitous route to get there. It all makes sense to the heart, but the mind is in a tizzy!

Signs and planets are neutral. It’s only our personal likes that create our preferences. There is no good or bad sign for Mercury to be traveling through, although some might be easier and some more challenging. Our focus ought to be on awareness of the natural tendencies of a planet and the sign. Know the highlights and the lowlights, the strengths and the weaknesses and prosper with the application of this knowledge. 

While Mercury is in Cancer we are more sensitive, intuitive, and tuned into our feelings and the emotional expression of others. Non-verbal communication may be more persuasive and effective than the use of words. We naturally think more about our immediate and personal concerns and may feel more defensive or protective. 

Although I don’t think we should rule out any thought provoking conversations, our tendency may be to circle the wagons and surround ourselves with familiar people who think like us and who won’t challenge our beliefs or ideas. We may feel more provoked than usual by people suggesting anything new or different. Do we disregard any message from the “other side”? Try to be aware of exaggerated emotional responses and reactions. You don’t have to do anything about them, just notice them. 

I recently became aware of a term “Cognitive immunity” – our ability to sort out truth from lies and science from science fiction. (Google it and find out for yourself. An idea much too large and maybe off topic for this column.) Being able to tell the truth from not-truth was a topic Mo Abdelbaki and I discussed on radio a few weeks ago. Although it’s an age old question, I can’t think of a time in my life when it’s been more pertinent. (Hear my discussion with Mo from the On Demand section of 12Radio here:

This long transit of Mercury through Cancer can be very enlightening and informative when we are willing to pay attention to our thoughts and ideas and how they are influenced by emotional filters we are hardly aware of. Awareness is always the key, not judging ourselves as right or wrong, but simply being observant and willing to question. 

If we want to be the directors of our lives, we need to be aware of the unconscious drivers. Willingness to question our assumptions and our paths will lead to greater satisfaction and joy in the process. Want more control in your life? Start with paying attention to your thoughts and feelings. Although in the next couple of months they will be inseparable!

Stay INFORMED; Stay SAFE; and Spread HOPE.

Until next week, let go and wear loose clothes.

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May 25
Moon in Cancer
Memorial Day
We are under the influence of a nurturing and sensitive Cancer Moon today. Although the lunar connections with planets are mostly easy and accommodating, we may still find ourselves at a crossroads; do we indulge ourselves or see to the needs and desires of someone else? Every mother or person who has taken on the role of caretaker certainly knows this dilemma. As the airlines instruct, “put on your own mask first before attempting to assist a child or someone else.” 

The Moon’s square to Chiron in Aries, may touch off an old wound or at least remind us to not spend all our emotional capital on making everyone else feel good when we could use some self-love. As the Moon connects with unpredictable Uranus in Taurus and then with Mars in Pisces, in quick succession, we may be inspired to break out of our usual routine and find novel ways be good to ourselves while we are being nurturing and protective of others. If you feel like you need some extra TLC, give yourself permission to indulge in some feel good activities or non-activities, whatever the case may be. Create the balance between self nurturing and caretaking that feels healthy and right to you. 

Daily Muse: If I meet God, I hope she's female. I'm touched by the power of women. I'm married to a feminist. And I'm troubled by the fact that women in our culture are congratulated most for losing weight. (Leonard Nimoy – Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto in Cancer)

Today on A Course in Miracles we’ll listen to excerpts of a workshop by esteemed ACIM teacher, Ken Wapnick, “The Experience of A Course In Miracles”. This is a commentary on the Section “Development of Trust” in the ACIM Manual for Teachers. This is Part Four in our series. You can find previous shows in the On Demand section of Please join me today on at 11 am Pacific – 2 Eastern.

May 26
Moon in Cancer/Leo
Moon goes Void of Course 6:06pm enters Cancer at 11:33pm
Repeat after me, “I am not a victim.” There is nothing dastardly happening today, but nevertheless when the Moon in sensitive Cancer moves towards oppositions with both Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn we might indeed feel like crawling back into our shells. An early morning lunar alliance with Neptune may have set us up. It doesn’t have to be that way; in fact these sweet dreams and visions can be more real than the more incongruent and confusing things we perceive as “reality.” Who is to say what’s real and what’s not? It’s like when someone returning from vacation says “Back to the real world.” Who says vacation isn’t the real world? 

It also doesn’t help that Mercury in Gemini crashes unceremoniously into an awkward inconjunct aspect with Jupiter this morning. Fortunately for us, Mercury in his home sign is agile and quick and if we can draw upon his cleverness, we can side step or at least downgrade any heavy hits. Mercury is trying to live up to his Gemini archetype of being youthful, bright, adaptable, and social; Jupiter is bringing in all those “real world” clichés about being responsible and disciplined. It’s hard for us mere mortals to figure out how to reconcile these two energies fairly. Maybe there is not a way and we just have to settle for a sensible compromise.

In late afternoon and evening when the Moon opposes both Pluto and Jupiter, once again a balance is required, not a surrender. Thinking “family first” or attending to domestic tasks is the expected and responsible thing to do, but finding a way to assert our independence or doing it with our own unique flair is important too. It’s not necessarily disloyal or unloving to disagree or to think or act differently than others. Allow for some individual preferences and self-expression and the kitchen and laundry will still get done, and with less drama. 

Just before midnight (Pacific Time) the emotional mood will lighten up considerably as the Moon sails into Leo. If you are not a night owl, you will have to wait until tomorrow to totally appreciate the playfulness of this Moon.  

Daily Muse: We all require and want respect, man or woman, black or white. It's our basic human right. ( Aretha Franklin Moon in Cancer)

Today on Simpletales we’ll look at the Mercury in Cancer cycle. Please join us on at 9 am Pacific – Noon Eastern. 

May 27
Moon in Leo
We are definitely ready to try something new today. Whether we have just had our fill of the news or generally bored, we are looking for an escape route. The Moon in good-natured Leo is ready to lighten things up with a bit of mischief, humor or clowning around. Maybe it’s that serious lunar opposition with Saturn early this morning that pushed us over the edge. We are not abandoning all sense of responsibility but are feeling the need to escape the dour landscape, at least for a few hours, maybe more. 

As the Sun in Gemini makes a cheerful connection to the Moon mid-day, the twins are on board with shaking things up. It could be fun to keep people guessing which way we will jump next. When the Moon squares revolutionary Uranus this afternoon, we are spontaneous and maybe even outrageous. Let’s break some rules! We are feeling impulsive, inventive, and creative. Forget the sensible; let’s go for the unusual. In early evening the Moon also makes an awkward and discordant connection with Mars in Pisces. We are ready to forfeit some approval ratings in exchange for just being able to be our authentic selves with no excuses. It’s the “lockdown” of our spirits we are rebelling against today. Leo just wants to have some fun. 

 Daily Muse: If you're funny, if there's something that makes you laugh, then every day's going to be okay. (Tom Hanks - Moon in Leo)

May 28
Moon in Leo
Mercury enters Cancer 11:09am
Moon goes Void of Course 6:30am enters Virgo Friday at 4:40am
The Leo Moon brings out the child in all of us today and with it being void of course from 6:30 am (Pacific Time) until early tomorrow morning, let’s give ourselves an emotional break. We astrologers like to think of the VOC Moon as a time to not initiate or start anything new. We say this is a time when our actions probably won’t lead to any rebound effects or require additional sequences or actions. I remember iconic astrologer Steven Forrest giving this example. If you are paying your taxes and want the situation to be a “done deal” with no audit or other follow-up, finalize them during a VOC Moon. Maybe it’s the equivalent of “What happens in a VOC Moon, stays in a Voc Moon!”

Early in the day we are off to a pleasant start as the Moon connects with Venus. But the blue skies may be short-lived as the Moon moves into a bumpy ride with dreamy Neptune, powerful Pluto, and expansive Jupiter through the afternoon and evening. Fortunately, with the Moon VOC we can at least hope that any transient emotional confusion or fears are also short-lived and we can take them in stride.

The showstopper today really ought to be Mercury the thinker and communicator that leaves Gemini and heads for sensitive and emotional Cancer. This is an important cycle, since Mercury’s retrograde (June 18 through July 12) will keep the messenger planet in Cancer until August 4 th . Cancer is a somewhat introverted water sign and while Mercury walks along the shores of the Crab we are likely to be focused on issues close to our hearts. Family, home, safety, and security are foremost in our hearts and in our minds. 

With Mercury in Cancer be aware that it’s really hard to separate what we think from what we feel. Strong feelings and emotional attachments will carry more weight than facts and figures. Pay attention to the ways we filter our thinking through our feelings. If you want to be persuasive or motivating during this time, your best bet is invoking the heart not the head. Understand where people are coming from emotionally and you will have a head start (pun intended)! Fortunately Mercury in Cancer is naturally empathetic, intuitive and psychic. All forms of non-verbal communication flourish under this transit.  

May 29
Moon in Leo/Virgo
Void of Course enters Virgo at 4:40am
In the early morning hours the Moon puts on her apron – kitchen, machine shop, or possibly the one for the potting wheel – and gets to work. Yes, the Moon is in tidy and industrious Virgo. With a favorable link to Mercury now in domestic Cancer, it might be tasks related to home or family that are first on the agenda. But don’t ignore work or professional e-mails or projects that need your attention. With the Moon also making a challenging aspect to Saturn the disciplinarian and patron saint of work, we need to take care of business – personal and professional. Letting something slip through the cracks now will probably be regreted later. 

This is a great day to work with a mentor, make progress on the on-line course you signed up for, or learn something new on YouTube. Practice makes perfect whether you are teaching yourself or working with an expert. We are in a student frame of mind and with the Virgo wind at our backs we have the dedication and perseverance to follow through. 

Even though Virgo tends to be on the traditional and conservative side, something unexpected draws our attention this evening as the Moon links with rebellious Uranus. Later, the lunar cycle moves into the second quarter when the Moon in Virgo squares the Sun in Gemini. Both are ruled by Mercury so they are not without common ground. There is a resolute firmness to this energy. (I know they are both flexible and adaptable signs, but I’m feeling determination regardless!) If you are in a clutter clearing state of mind, late night efforts to separate the useful from the not, will be very productive. Thinking through commitments, obligations, and responsibilities we might make some radical changes going forward. Follow through on the ideas that resonate strongly with you. 

Daily Muse: The true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good. (Ann Landers – Sun, Mercury and Pluto in Cancer)

May 30
Moon in Virgo
The Virgo Moon swings between her desire for being of service in the world and her unrequited need for privacy and quality alone time. Today, if we can focus on the latter, we will feel more satisfied. With the Moon opposing Mars and Neptune in Pisces, and squaring Venus in Gemini may feel annoyed by interacting with others which in effect erases any good will we may feel through service or interactions.  

When the Moon is in Virgo we need to be on the alert for our natural tendency to find fault and criticize. Although our judgments may be directed at other people, consciously or unconsciously we save a good measure for ourselves. Today we may be acutely aware of our own perceived downfalls and imperfections. Instead of focusing on what we think we don’t do right, make it a point to be grateful for your strengths. Focusing on the good in ourselves helps us be more empathetic towards others. The reverse is true too – find it in your heart to be generous and forgiving with someone else, and it might help you see your own issues in a gentler and kinder light. 

When it comes to other people, life is messy. They rarely conform to our standards. Try to be aware of the tradeoffs. Even in really great relationships, we all need some personal space and time. What about today? 

Tonight when the Moon makes a harmonizing link with Pluto in fellow earth sign Capricorn we find greater perspective when we focus on the big picture rather than on minor irritations or complaints. 

Daily Muse: The more I traveled the more I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends. (Shirley MacLaine – Moon and Neptune in Virgo)

May 31
Moon in Virgo/Libra
Moon Goes Void of Course 2:17am Enters Libra 7:38am
The Moon eases into egalitarian Libra in early morning. Generally the aspects are positive with the Moon finding amiable companionship in Saturn in fellow air sign Aquarius in late morning. Even with some pretty heavy emotional baggage hanging over us, getting out doors and into the sunshine can help lift our spirits and have a normalizing effect on our lives. Just as the Sun is the center of our solar system, having a spiritual practice or connection with the divine can serve as a centering device for our lives. What is the Sun or center of your universe? How do you connect?

We may feel less inclusive and more protective in late afternoon as the Moon forms a challenging square to Mercury in Cancer. Before you divide the world into friends and enemies take a deep breath and ask yourself what you are afraid of. This evening the answer to that question might have to do with losing individuality, freedom, or autonomy. The Moon in Libra is partnership-minded but her awkward connection to Uranus may remind us of all the perceived sacrifices we think we need to make in order to be in a relationship, family, group, organization or community. Before making any harsh judgments or decisions, be sure to get off your high horse. 

Daily Muse: I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints; the sinners are much more fun. (Billy Joel – Moon, Neptune, and South Node of the Moon in Libra)

Understanding Astrology is one of the most powerful tools you can add to the repertoire of your life. I want to use these classes to lay out easy to understand foundations that are deep and compelling and that on their own will change your perspective. ~Mark

When I was in college I lived in an apartment that was hemmed in between the Mississippi River and a busy railroad track. When a train went by, my apartment shook a little, but the blaring of the engine’s horns were intense. Just over the levee, on the Mississippi River, there were sirens, loud warnings from Tug Boats, and fog piercing horns from cargo ships. This went on day and night and in the beginning it drove me to distraction, but there was more. Above me lived two former Green Berets who’d seen a lot of action in Vietnam and seemed to have as much action upstairs, including the occasional gunshot or two. Next door lived a couple who fought every single day and then made up just as energetically as they’d battled. All of this made trying to sleep a challenge, as well as studying or watching the tube. In the beginning, these distractions were a source of constant agitation, at least for a while.

After a few weeks, I began to get used to my unique and lively surroundings. One day a friend was over, studying. Frustrated, he asked me how in the world I could stand it. I had no idea to what he was referring. Of course, we was alluding to the noise that had become a part of my life, something I rarely gave a second thought to anymore. I’ve never forgotten that lesson.

Like my loud apartment, we’ve been bombarded by pandemic noise. Some of that has been in the form of a 24 hour news cycle and the constant information, and misinformation, running rampant on social media. It can make us numb to it all, leaving us open to the dangers of not taking the situation seriously. Even if we’re used to hearing about the virus, it’s still a major part of our world. We can’t afford to ignore the situation. To do so is to become a part of the problem and not the solution.

Memorial Day is upon us and the unofficial beginning of summer has arrived. Many of the restrictions that were placed upon us in previous months have been lifted. The overall health risk is still overt and in many places quite dangerous. Yet, I have seen people without masks, standing much too closely to each other, as if there were absolutely nothing to be concerned about.

There is a waterway known as Boulder Creek which opens up every year as the snow runoff begins. It’s a haven for kayakers and inner tubers. It can be a rough ride, but hearty souls wait all year to get into those chilly waters and challenge the Creek. It opened this year under strict guidelines for social distancing and masks. All the rules were broken, as people amassed the banks and river. Authorities had to close the creek. This is not unique. Many establishments have gone against the rules and paid dearly.

I fully understand that the economy has to be revived. People are going without income, fear of the virus being replaced by the possibility of homelessness and poverty. Something has to change, that is obvious, but it must be done with consciousness and an abiding respect for the power of Nature. This virus is real, dangerous, unpredictable and remarkably virulent. We know that life must go on, but by being as aware as possible and putting caution before bravado.

Those who refuse to wear masks are showing their disrespect for others. If they think it makes them look weak, they are only proving their own callousness and lack of consideration for the good of the masses. When leaders do it, it’s an act of unforgivable arrogance. The more of us who fail to take this reality seriously, the longer we’ll be in the struggle. Anger must be replaced by resolve and fear must make way for confidence in right action. There is no doubt that progress has been made and that a vaccine is on the way, but we are still in the middle of this mess, and any attempt to venture without caution is perilous.

We will undoubtedly see flagrant transgressions of safety rules and regulations all around us, but we must not be fooled, or pushed, into dropping our guard. Stay conscious. Help put an end to this strange time so we can usher in our new, fresh futures. 

Please take care of yourselves and those you care for.

Until next week, I wish you all peace and love.

Take a look at our manifesto. Click picture to enlarge!
The Wonder of Detachment

When we are attached to anything, we limit it and ourselves. When we think we know what is best for ourselves or someone else or when we want something to happen in a certain way, we are attached to an outcome and that attachment freezes our intention in place. It is like holding a lid on a pot, nothing can be put in and nothing can be taken out. 

Spirit is Infinite but our human minds are limited and what we think is perfect does not come anywhere near the perfection that the Universe will demonstrate on our behalf if we get out of Its way. We do that through detachment.

Attachment constricts and binds, detachment creates space for energy to move. Think of a time when you were trying to remember something and it just would not come to you until you let it go, and a few minutes later there it was – that is the wonder of detachment. Letting go is how we allow Spirit to move on our behalf. 

Detachment does not mean that we give up on our intention. The Infinite Self knows what we need before we do so when we turn our intention over to It, we can trust that it will be done in the perfect way at the perfect time, not necessarily our way or our time. So, while we wait, we just keep turning it over, letting it go, setting it free and trusting. Keeping in mind that the Infinite Self does not just see the big picture, It IS the big picture. 
Have a very blessed week

This will be the last Empowerment Meditation until Fall
Vedic Astrological Report:
Venus R Taurus
Jupiter R Capricorn
Saturn R Capricorn
Pluto R Sagittarius

Even   North Node R Gemini!

Looking at all this planetary action, I recall thinking the famous line from Jaws, 
"I think we need a bigger boat!"

Except in this case, we need a bigger candle. Or crystal. Or glass of wine!

To put things into perspective, a fellow friend has been going through a lot of adversity in her relationship (Venus). 

The boundaries are not clear (Saturn) and not much expansion in their relationship (Jupiter).
She knows that something needs to change and be looked at (Pluto) but not exactly sure what. 
She really craves and desires a great relationship (Gemini North Node), but there are things that need to be "tweaked".

Whether it's your partner, relationship or even personal goals/ambitions, this theme is interchangeable. 

The ball got rolling with Venus Retrograde, but has now spun out into 3 additional planets "backing her up".

Hopefully, we all came into contact with the areas of our lives that needed the most improvement within the past 2 weeks. 
Moving forward, we can gracefully tweak any necessary areas!

Retrogrades: Go back to God
The best line I ever read about retrogrades was:  they are us going home to God, our soul and our divine purpose. 
The zodiac wheel is normally shooting forward, clockwise, to produce a physical evolution.

Retrogrades are the opposite of this forward moving masculine energy. 
It is a decent into our feminine mystical side that produces magickal results.

So with all these retrogrades at hand, how do we navigate the waters?

We dip deep into our Magickal Compass:  our feelings and intuition. 
This is absolutely the strongest force in the Universe. 

Don't be fooled; water cuts through rock stronger than any other element! 
Feelings and intuition move the spirit realm, producing immediate effects in the physical world.

This is all a set up for success. We have been shown so much through this Quarantine and will continue to be moved in the right direction. 
Regardless of outside influence, we need to dig deep into our self and release any baggage of the past.

I recently suggested trauma work to a friend and she snipped, "I've already done that before!" 
But the truth is, we never stop. 

We never stop getting to know ourselves and our wounds. 

We never stop healing. 
We never stop and rest on our laurels, or else we risk being reactors rather than creators.

And all of this work should be done, with compassion and gentleness.
Being alive is a masters course. And we are all doing immensely well! 

This deep dive the Planets are offering is that masters course- the evolution of everything we have been working so hard for.
This Soul Evolution will expedite our physical experience beyond what seems probable or possible. 
It's a shift; a new chapter. The kind that changes our entire lives and our future!

Don't be afraid to feel during this time or to embrace what you are going through.
If you do, you will get true answers. And your whole life will change for the better!   


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The Power Peek is brought to you by: Mark Husson