Cradle Coast takes Australian International Olive Awards Best of Show
Tasmania’s Cradle Coast Olives has taken the coveted Best EVOO of Show title at the 2018 Australian International Olive Awards, earning the judges’ highest score for its “Essence of the Cradle” South Australian Verdale. Owners Carol and Tony O’Neill took home a swag of trophies for Essence of the Cradle, including Champion Mild EVOO, Best Tasmanian EVOO, Best Australian EVOO and Best Southern Hemisphere EVOO, along with the Champion Medium EVOO award for their Paragon varietal.
Joining them as major category winners were:
Gooramadda Olives - Best Table Olive of Show; Best Table Olive Southern Hemisphere – Kalamata
Kyneton Olive Oil - Best Flavoured Olive Oil of Show - Basil Agrumato
Goya en Espagna - Best EVOO Northern Hemisphere - Goya® "Unico"; Best Table Olive Northern Hemisphere - Manzanilla Stuffed with Minced Hot Pepper.
Medal winners
Don’t miss this opportunity for essential pest & disease management info
Last days to book for Queensland IPDM Field Day. Be there and protect YOUR grove.
Time is running out to book for the Queensland IPDM Field Day, the third in the national program as part of the olive levy-funded project:
An integrated pest and disease management extension program for the olive industry (OL17001). Details are:
When: Saturday, 3 November; 8:30am - 5:30pm, followed by BBQ (8pm finish)
Where: Perseverance Hall, Perseverance and Rash Valley Olives, Palm Tree, Qld.
Organized by the AOA in conjunction with Western Sydney University, the field days explore IPDM extension services, focused particularly on black scale, olive lace bug and anthracnose management. Vital information from industry experts combines with the opportunity to share issues and experiences with other grove owners, making these “must do” events for EVERY GROWER.
Can’t make this one? Events are also being held in November in Victoria and South Australia, followed by Tasmania in December and WA events in February. More information and view the
full program here.
Middle Eastern meze platter with green falafel, pita, sun dried tomatoes, pumpkin and beet hummus, olives, stuffed peppers, tabbouleh, figs. (iStockphoto/Getty Images)
You don't have to stick to just Greek and Italian food to reap the nutritional benefits of the Mediterranean diet: traditional whole food-based dishes from the Middle Eastern section of the Mediterranean basin offer just as many health kicks.
One of the main reasons cited: “Olive oil is the principle fat used, replacing other sources …”
Science (still) needs your help! More olive pomace wanted
The Solid Waste Management group at The University of Queensland is studying new techniques for the management of olive pomace, and is looking for additional samples of olive pomace to work with.
The techniques include self-sustained smouldering, a form of flameless combustion (similar to a burning cigarette) which works at very high moisture content and without constant energy input. Other advantages are the low cost of equipment, fast process and adaptability to different waste generation rates. The resulting ash may be used as fertilizer as an alternative to composting.
Smouldering has been successfully proved for waste streams such as faeces, vegetable and animal waste, and olive pomace is seen as a promising product for the process due to its high water content, energetic value and phosphorous and potassium content.
Got something to sell? Or want to buy? Go direct to your target market
If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, you can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. The online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertising your unwanted equipment, extra oil - or even your grove. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates.
Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40/month for AOA members ($100/month for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.
CSIRO startup takes aim at world’s biggest trade pest: fruit fly
New insect-monitoring technology startup RapidAIM is receiving a $1.25M boost to protect Australia from the world’s biggest biosecurity barrier to trade: the fruit fly, which costs Australia more than $300 million every year. Find out more from the video report
AIBS 2018: Aussie businesses see a bright future
Despite global uncertainty, Australian businesses remain positive about their international operations. Read more in the new Australia’s International Business Survey Report
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
The year is rapidly ticking by, with
Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) continuing to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them,
you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!
OSA 2018 AGM ... and more
Olives South Australia (OSA) members are invited to attend the OSA 2018 AGM, being held at 6pm on Tuesday, 13 November 2018 at Halifax Café, 187 Halifax Street, Adelaide. The AGM will be followed by drinks, a light meal and an opportunity to network with the Board members, and your fellow OSA members.
For catering purposes, please RSVP to Returning Officer Michelle Freeman on 0448 965 349 or
Wairarapa olive growers shine in national awards
The Best in Show trophy is presented by Esteban Santipolio (left) Head Judge from Argentina to Kate and Mark Bunny of Loopline Olives, Wairarapa. Photo supplied.
Wairarapa olive oils have taken out the main prizes in the sector's national awards, also dominating the medla tally. The New Zealand Extra Virgin Olive Awards are run by Olives New Zealand, the national organisation for olive oil growers.
More great press for New Zealand’s EVOO producers – and EVOO.
Entrepreneurial Accelerator Program portfolio company Oleolive has been awarded a $350,000 federal grant to study oleocanthal, a compound found in extra virgin olive oil, and its effects on Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
Image: Boulevard Magazine.
A year after their first successful harvest made headlines, Sheri and George Braun were left unable to fill any of their orders. Still, the couple said the project’s uncertainty is part of what makes it worth doing.
18-Oct-2018 By Tingmin Koe
Food and beverages that promote health and wellness continue to shape the Middle East food manufacturing industry, said Mark Napier, who is the exhibitions director at Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) and show director of Gulfood Manufacturing.
New legislation in Greece that was introduced back in August enables a quality mark that will distinguish Greek olive products in foreign markets. The mark is awarded by the Elgo-Dimitra organisation, a body that has been charged with promoting agricultural research and education, with the approval of the General Chemical State Laboratory of Greece.
Il Fiorello Olive Oil Company opens its doors Sunday to anyone with a small amount of olives to be milled into extra virgin olive oil. Those with harvested olives can take part in creating a special batch made from the combination of all the participants’ crops. There is a per pound price for milling and a small charge for the olive oil containers. No minimum quantity is required, but olives must arrive at the mill between 9 am and noon.
Likely the world’s oldest known bottle of olive oil will be soon exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples (MANN), where it was recently presented during a press conference given by the director of the museum, Paolo Giulierini, and the paleontologist and TV host, Alberto Angela.
17-Oct-2018 By Adi Menayang
A report by market research firm Packaged Facts revealed that online groceries more than tripled between 2013 and 2018, though it still accounted for only 2% of total grocery spending.
A new study found eating a diet plentiful in fruit, vegetables and fatty fish, such as the Mediterranean diet, can help protect from an eye disease that erodes central vision.
Defra has warned that olives sourced from France, Italy and Spain must be "considered carefully" after a finding of Xylella in Belgium on an olive imported from Spain. The new guidance leaflet comes three weeks after the Belgian discovery was reported.
3 November
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – Toowoomba, QLD
9-12 November
Australian Biological Farming Conference & Expo – Bilinga, QLD
13 November – Olives SA AGM – Adelaide, SA
15 November – Presentation dinner, 2018 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW
16 November
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – Geelong, VIC
18 November
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – Wangaratta/Shepparton, VIC
24 November
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – Roseworthy, SA
1 December
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – Launceston, TAS
15 February
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – Gin Gin, WA
17 February
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – Margaret River, WA
17-21 February - FIAL at Gulfood - Dubai, UAE
5-10 May – New York International Olive Oil Competition – New York, USA
Friday Olive Extracts is Published by:
Olivegrower Communications:
Olivegrower & Processor
September Issue
Australian and New Zealand
Olive Industry Directory