March 7, 2019
This Week in Church School
Keeping you informed of the latest news and activities from
Church School at the Church of St. Michael and St. George
Pajamas for Daylight Saving Time
Remember to spring your clocks ahead one hour this weekend. Daylight Saving Time starts Sunday, March 10. To help ease the transition, Church School students in Preschool I and II, PreKindergarten, and Kindergarten may wear their pajamas to church.
Lenten Giving Project
Fill your mite boxes and bring boxes of cereal to add to our tower in the Great Hall!

All families should have received a Lenten packet with a giving box in the mail. Use your giving box to collect money for Operation Backpack, a program that addresses childhood hunger in St. Louis and is run by Operation Food Search in St. Louis. Please encourage your child to perform extra chores during Lent to earn money to add to his or her donation. Visit Operation FoodSearch for more information about the Operation Backpack program.

In addition to collecting money, we are asking families to donate individual and full-size boxes of low-sugar cereal. We will donate the boxes to the food pantry at Trinity Episcopal Church. Please bring your boxes to the Great Hall and help us build a "cereal tower" so we may watch our collection grown during Lent.

Church School Update
Here's what is happening in Church School this Sunday, March 10, and in the weeks ahead :

Preschool I and II,
Lent has begun! Preschool students learn about the season of Lent. They also continue learning about the parables with the Parable of the Lost Coin. Have you ever lost something? How did you feel? What did you do to try to find it? Students learn how God finds those who have lost their way from Him.

PreKindergarten and Kindergarten
Students learn about the season of Lent. What are we waiting for? How long does Lent last?

First Grade
Due to last Sunday's inclement weather, the first grade class presentation of Jesus Calming the Storm was postponed. This Sunday, March 10, first grade students should arrive at Chapel at 8:45 am to prepare for their performance. There are plenty of roles - both speaking and non-speaking - so please encourage your child to share his or her talents. Parents are invited to attend the performance during the 9:15 am Chapel service. In class, first grade students will learn about the Parable of the Good Samaritan and make candy bags for young people at the detention center as an outreach project.

Second Grade
Second grade students learn about the season of Lent. They also continue learning about the Old Testament with the story of Gideon. Why do you think God chose Gideon to lead an army?

Third Grade
Third grade students continue to travel the world learning about Jesus's miracles. This week they visit an area near Bethsaida where Jesus seeks to be alone but is followed by crowds of people. How will Jesus feed the multitude with only five loaves of bread and two small fish? After Feeding the Five Thousand, Jesus sends his disciples on a boat to the other side of the Sea of Galilee while he remains behind to pray. How does Jesus join them? Jesus and his disciples take another boat ride on the Sea of Galilee when a storm erupts. What happens next? Finally, in the town of Galilee students visit the home of Jarius, whose 12-year old daughter is dying. What happens during the visit?

Fourth and Fifth Grades
Fourth and fifth grade students learn about Abraham, a rich man, and Lazarus, who suffered. Did Abraham help Lazarus? What happens to each of them?
Fifth Grade Outreach Opportunity
Each summer, the Youth Ministry at CSMSG offers a week-long, local mission opportunity for incoming sixth through ninth grade students. During the week, participants visit service project sites, providing help to various organizations in our community. Past service sites include Kingdom House, KidSmart, St. Louis Area Foodbank, and Good Shepherd Community Garden. Registration is open for CSMSG parishioners only until Monday, April 1. This event is limited to 40 participants and fills quickly every year. Parents of current fifth grade students may register here: MSMW Registration.
Register for Church School Online
Register your children for Church School for the 2018-19 school year online using the link below. Please complete the form with your child's name and parent contact information. You will need to complete the form for each child enrolling in Church School. Click ADD to register additional children.

Does Your Child Have Allergies?
Food is an important part of our Church School curriculum. Please let us know if your child has any food allergies. Children in preschool through first grade made name tags with parent contact information. You may write your child's allergies on his or her name tag so all teachers and high school assistants may readily see this information. Additionally, we will include this information in the class buckets. Please email Jane Fisher with information about your chid's food allergies.
March Calendar
The Church School calendar is now available online or as a printable document for your convenience. You may subscribe to the Church School calendar online by clicking on the RSS/iCal button in the upper lefthand corner.
Contact Us
Jane Fisher
Director of Children's Education
The Church of St. Michael and St. George
Amy Zimmerman
Assistant Director of Children's Education
The Church of St. Michael and St. George
Church School | The Church of St. Michael & St. George | 314.721.1502 |